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Old 06-28-2013, 11:34 PM  
tooge tooge is offline
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So, got in a brawl tonight

Ok, so I'm an asst coCh of a 10u baseball team. Had a game tonight. I sorta sit off to the side and watch. I'm more of a practice coach.

Anyhow, I notice a dad bitching at the head coach and cussing at an asst coach in front of the boys. He called a coach "shit for brains".

Sooo, guy takes his kid and leaves the game in the 2nd inning. Calls coach a deuche? And I say " if you'd called me that, I'd be punchin your teeth in (. Building up biz). So guy comes back, gets in my face, I out him in a choke hold, and he gives. Takes his boy home. Sad deal. Soooo, I sent an email to aPologize for the whole thing , and the guy says he
Ll believe I'm sincere if I send it to all the Parents. Reeally?
What would y'all do?
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Old 06-30-2013, 09:50 AM   #196
Fish Fish is offline
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Did you guys hear about tooge stabbing that guy? That's what I heard.
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Old 06-30-2013, 10:06 AM   #197
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins View Post
It's not just baseball. Parents want to live vicariously through their children. It's desperate and pathetic. I've helped out with a few junior golf tournaments, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth over a few ****ed up golf shots by 12 year olds is appalling.
It's sad, but true.
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Old 06-30-2013, 11:56 AM   #198
Buehler445 Buehler445 is offline
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Did you guys hear about tooge stabbing that guy? That's what I heard.
Really? I'm here for the titties.
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Old 06-30-2013, 12:18 PM
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Old 06-30-2013, 12:39 PM   #199
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Smoke View Post
Those sneaky Ninjas! They pop out nowhere with those crazy ninja fighting skills.
That was an excellent form tackle on the ump. Great follow through and really drove him into the ground we need to sign this guy
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Old 06-30-2013, 01:14 PM   #200
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It's a problem that parents expect to see their kid playing time whereas the kid is not committed to the cause or wanting to get better, yet the kid complains to his parents and the parent goes against the coach, and complain about the lack of playing time.

I know that I coach, but even if I was not a coach, if my kid complained about lack of playing time, I would ask my kid instead of the coach "Well, what are you doing to fix it? Are you hitting baseballs on your free time? Or are you running/jogging to build up your stamina? etc. etc." The coaches are only having your kid for almost 2-3 hours a day on a certain sport, and 8 hours for school. It's UP to the parents to find a way to HELP their kid get better, not bitch at the coach.
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Old 06-30-2013, 01:34 PM   #201
allen_kcCard allen_kcCard is offline

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Originally Posted by tooge View Post
Ok, so I'm an asst coCh of a 10u baseball team. Had a game tonight. I sorta sit off to the side and watch. I'm more of a practice coach.

Anyhow, I notice a dad bitching at the head coach and cussing at an asst coach in front of the boys. He called a coach "shit for brains".

Sooo, guy takes his kid and leaves the game in the 2nd inning. Calls coach a deuche? And I say " if you'd called me that, I'd be punchin your teeth in (. Building up biz). So guy comes back, gets in my face, I out him in a choke hold, and he gives. Takes his boy home. Sad deal. Soooo, I sent an email to aPologize for the whole thing , and the guy says he
Ll believe I'm sincere if I send it to all the Parents. Reeally?
What would y'all do?

I would tell him nevermind, you weren't really sincere anyhow because he deserved it, and he should be thanking you that he still has his teeth, as you started he would forfeit. You didn't come get in his face, you just got him out of yours. He could claim battery I guess, be he assaulted you first with his threatening actions.
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allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.allen_kcCard would the whole thing.
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Old 06-30-2013, 01:57 PM   #202
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The last brawl I was in was some years back and this brought up all those memories. Outside a bar in Wichita. Wrong place, wrong time. Nine against two. Things were said and shortly escalated with no way out except to fight. After a lengthy and brutal, bloody, fight we were victorious.

Afterwards we decided that those two dudes were the toughest we had ever seen...
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Old 06-30-2013, 02:03 PM   #203
RNR RNR is offline
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Originally Posted by Brock View Post
Is there no end to your experienced wisdom?
BRC is the biggest phony on this site~
The Trump campaign and Black Lives Matter movement are perfect for each other. Both sides filled with easily led and angry nitwits convinced they are victims~
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Old 06-30-2013, 02:13 PM   #204
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Originally Posted by LoneWolf View Post

Then after the beat down you remove the T-tops from your TransAm and blast Whitesnake from the stereo as you drive away. That way the kids still think you're cool.
Tooge seems like a good guy to me...that said this is laugh out loud funny smack~
The Trump campaign and Black Lives Matter movement are perfect for each other. Both sides filled with easily led and angry nitwits convinced they are victims~
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Old 06-30-2013, 02:38 PM   #205
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Tooge, you don't need to apologize to any of the parents because my guess is you did what they really wanted to do as well for a long time. Next time though use your words more 'piercingly to the heart' that is far more effective than curse words or actual physical contact. Example, "I can't imagine what it's like behind closed doors for your son and your family now knowing that you can act this way embarrassing them and especially your son in public like this." Where's the positive dad/husband role model leadership here ?

At that point, he either tells you to 'f' off and walk away thus thinking about what you said, OR he physically assaults you first then you can justify your 'choke hold'

Soft spoken sober words turn away wrath and demand an honest self-assessment of personal character or lack thereof, most of the time.

But I get it, Tooge, watching 'bullies' get away with it time and time again with no repercussion and embarrassing all involved and those around watching gets very old.

If there is any apology to be given, it might be to his son and family who saw you do this in front of them. That's hard to see and I realize you didn't mean to make him look small in front of them. Just a thought.
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but I'll really need to think before speaking
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Old 06-30-2013, 08:09 PM   #206
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Solid advice. As I stated, I'd do it differently if it happened again.
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Old 06-30-2013, 09:25 PM   #207
RaiderH8r RaiderH8r is offline
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Originally Posted by tooge View Post
Solid advice. As I stated, I'd do it differently if it happened again.
There ya go.

/end thread
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Old 06-30-2013, 09:31 PM   #208
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You should have punched his teeth in like you threatened. Then you should have apologized and offered to fix them free of charge. Once he was under snap some photos of your dick in his mouth and post them to his Facebook timeline. That's much better than a tap out via rear naked choke.
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Old 06-30-2013, 09:33 PM   #209
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Here's what I don't get:
1) You said the dad took his boy and left, but then comes back-- back where? Did it happen in the parking lot, or at the field? Either way, it seems like it would've happened in front of a kid (his son) or a number of kids (the players).
2) You said he kept saying "hit me", and you wouldn't, so you put him in a choke hold. If you were having a face-to-face altercation with no physical interchange, how did you manage to get behind him?
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Old 07-01-2013, 01:51 PM   #210
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Originally Posted by frazod View Post
Ever wonder why there are so many people who act like this in public? Whether they're screaming at a coach, or cutting in line, or shoving their way through a crowd, or doing a hundred other shitty things? Because nobody ever calls them on it. Let the loudmouth asshole bully and bluster, because standing up to him is wrong - there's a great lesson to teach your kids.

The only thing tooge did wrong was to apologize to the one who sucks the penis later. He didn't hit him, he didn't hurt him. What he did was teach the prick a lesson about not acting like a douche in public. Good for him.

Seems like a lot of the ladies here got offended by that. Maybe you should all run out and get yourselves a new skirt.
Not this. Not this at all.

Originally Posted by KC native View Post
says the fatass who compensates for being a pussy by buying more guns.

Fighting at a little league game under any circumstances is bullshit.

The ****ing guy was leaving and the tantrum was over. An appropriate response would be to let the guy know that, while his son is welcome to play out the rest of the season, he has lost the privilege of attending games as he cannot conduct himself properly in public. Then the coaches could explain to the rest of the children after the game that behavior like that is ann embarrassment, is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated.

As it stands, Tooge and the other guy should both be banned from future games for their behavior. Frazod should also be banned for having such a stupid opinion and being a poor example of acceptable body composition for these young, aspiring athletes.
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