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Old 03-20-2012, 07:05 PM  
Buck Buck is offline
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Science Fiction and Fantasy Books Only Thread

There is a great thread in the lounge about Books in general, but to be honest, all I really want to read is Sci-Fi (including post-apocalyptic), and Fantasy.

In this OP I will compile every poster's top 3 Fantasy/SciFi suggestions if they give me them. I will try to keep the posters in alphabetical order in case you want to find someone's suggestions easier.


Baby Lee
1. Fritz Lieber's Swords Against series.
2. George R.R. Martin's SoIaF series [no brainer that will probably make tons of other lists]
3. Umberto Eco, Foucalt's Pendulum [a little more obscure/forgotten to make up for GRRM]

1.Raymond Feist - Riftwar Saga
2.Terry Brooks - Shannara series (starting with the Knight of the Word books)
3.Tad Williams - Memory, Sorrow and Thorn

(1) Dune - Frank Herbert
(2) The Stand - Stephen King (1000+ page unabridged)
(3) Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein (checkout the song by Yes, too. lots of great bass)

1. "Book of the Long Sun" by Gene Wolfe
2. "Paradise War" by Stephen R Lawhead
3. "The Dragonbone Chair" by Tad Williams

1. Edgar Rice Burroughs, any series
2. Robert Heinlein, everything he has written in chronological order (but read Starship Troopers first)
3. Doc Smith's Lensman series

1. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume 1, 2A & 2B books are a gold mine for sampling the evolution of sci-fi. (below)
2.The Nebula Awards and Hugo Awards (selected yearly, pick a year)
3. Years Best SF Annual publication, pick any volume from 1 to the current volume 17
See Post 142

Last edited by Buck; 03-25-2012 at 12:56 PM..
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Old Yesterday, 01:34 PM   #946
mnchiefsguy mnchiefsguy is offline
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The Sun Eater Series--one of the best sci-fi/space opera series ever. Final book comes out in November, so the series will be complete.



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Old Yesterday, 07:05 PM   #947
crayzkirk crayzkirk is offline

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Currently enjoying the Dumb Luck and Dead Heroes series from Skyler Ramirez. It's pretty light reading and an enjoyable escape.
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Old Yesterday, 10:35 PM   #948
Fishpicker Fishpicker is offline
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Originally Posted by HC_Chief View Post
I'm on book 27 or 28 (of 50+): Black Library - The Horus Heresy
There are multiple series other than The Horus Heresy. It is a massive universe, with hundreds of books. Sci-fi/war

Warhammer 40k universe. Henry Cavill is developing a 40k series for Netflix... looks promising (he is a huge fan, and supposedly has full creative license). If done right, it will be amazing.

As an example see:

could you recommend a standalone book or short saga in the WH40k uni?

a decade or so ago I bought a box of games workshop paperbacks. I had maybe 30 books from the 90's. GW wasn't as established then and had just gone into publishing fiction. most of those books were bad. they were very hack. there was one short series set in Warhammer that I enjoyed. the titles were Konrad, Shadowbreed, and Warblade

they probably arent accurate to the lore but they were short fun reads
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