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Old 07-01-2024, 06:57 PM  
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is online now
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Old 01-13-2025, 03:58 PM   #91
JohnnyV13 JohnnyV13 is offline
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I wonder if any superfan has edited out the stuff jackson added to the hobbit movies to puff it out into 3 movies.

I suspect the result could have made one really good movie.
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Old 01-14-2025, 12:39 PM   #92
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I see I'm in the minority. But I went in with low expectations and thought it was pretty good. It'll never live up to the original but it kept moving and had plenty of excitement. By todays standards I thought it was good.
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Old 01-14-2025, 08:29 PM   #93
dlphg9 dlphg9 is offline
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Originally Posted by KC_Connection View Post
Sounds like mild disagreement to me at best.

In any case, the comparison is still apt regardless of how good you think the Hobbit or Gladiator 2 are (and they're both quite bad). Two Best Picture winning films (or series of films) that the same directors followed with unnecessary "sequels" decades later that paled in comparison.
There are several things that make the comparison flimsy.

The Hobbit was a prequel and Gladiator 2 was a sequel.

The Hobbit wasn't "unnecessary" it was just too many movies. It would have been decent if Jackson would have focused on making a good movie instead of trying to squeeze out as much money as possible. Gladiator 2 was probably unnecessary.

The Hobbit trilogy really ****ing sucked and Gladiator 2 wasn't a bad movie at all.
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Old 02-24-2025, 10:49 AM   #94
KCUnited KCUnited is online now
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I'm probably in the minority here but I thought Denzel laid a turd in this thing

He played that role like he was a Philadelphia cop who time traveled back to 300 AD. Zero range or believability

The movie itself was pretty meh and long in the tooth but average enough
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Old 02-24-2025, 07:51 PM   #95
tredadda tredadda is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post

The entire book takes less time to read than the movies take to watch.

Making a 9 hour trilogy out of a 300 page book is just friggen loony tunes and it's apparent every step of the way in those movies. They just stretched everything out so much.

Meanwhile the LOTR trilogy had to omit some really interesting characters and key parts of the mythology of existing characters in order to make it work. The LOTR could've been 5 movies and still been good.

The Hobbit would've been decent as 1. Maybe.

As it stands, however, it's complete shite.
I am so glad to see others who feel the same way about the Hobbit Trilogy. It had so much fluff in it that you have to try and find the parts that are actually from the book and what Jackson “made up”.

As much as I want to pin all blame on Jackson, I can’t. I will say that he should not have agreed to making a trilogy, but money talks and a significant portion of the people who watched it knew little about the lore as demonstrated on the IMDB reviews of it.

What that trilogy reminds me of in some ways is Game of Thrones when they ran out of source material and just of “winged it” and told the story that they wanted.
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Old 02-26-2025, 03:49 PM   #96
BWillie BWillie is online now
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Originally Posted by KCUnited View Post
I'm probably in the minority here but I thought Denzel laid a turd in this thing

He played that role like he was a Philadelphia cop who time traveled back to 300 AD. Zero range or believability

The movie itself was pretty meh and long in the tooth but average enough
I agree. I thoroughly enjoyed his New York accent in the days of the Roman Empire. I mean make an effort.
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Old 02-26-2025, 04:58 PM   #97
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The more I read from everyone here, the more I'm not even sure I wanna rent this

Sharks in the Colosseum
Denzel dumping a loaf
Ehh its ok, maybe?

It will be a desperately boring sunday before I ever even think about it
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Old 02-26-2025, 05:34 PM   #98
Fish Fish is offline
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This movie was absurd in every way. I typically don't have problems staying immersed when it gets a little goofy. But this felt like it was written by a 13 year old. Denzel seemed to be playing his Training Day character in a toga. Nobody really stood out.

Completely forgettable.
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Old 02-26-2025, 05:49 PM   #99
KCUnited KCUnited is online now
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I actually liked the sharks in the colosseum but I was high as **** and it kicked off Austin Powers vibes so a different nostalgia I guess, but I'm glad I'm not alone on Denzel

I'm pretty indifferent on him, think he gets way too much love but also recognize he's killed many o role but this was some lazy ass shit

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