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Old 11-22-2024, 09:14 AM  
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Seth Keysor sees what we see...


I don't typically re-post his stuff because I think you want to support guys trying to freelance like he does. But I think this contributes to conversation enough to be worthwhile.


It's what many of us have been saying - those folks that are killing the OT play just aren't paying that much attention. Yes, it's been bad at times. No, it's not the primary problem for a great deal many of these games.

On Sunday the issues were overwhelmingly Trey Smith and Patrick Mahomes. The pass protection issues have extended well beyond the OT play. And Patrick Mahomes is the single biggest culprit to the misfiring offense (at least he was in Buffalo and that was just a continuation of what we've seen this season, IMO)
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:18 AM   #2
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is online now
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We've played 10 games so far this season. 3 of those games the LT play has nearly singlehandedly wrecked the game. I'm honestly baffled why folks are so determined to hand wave the OT play away as anything other than substandard at best.
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:23 AM   #3
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch View Post
We've played 10 games so far this season. 3 of those games the LT play has nearly singlehandedly wrecked the game. I'm honestly baffled why folks are so determined to hand wave the OT play away as anything other than substandard at best.
It's because folks like you want to say "The OTs are why the offense sucks!" and move along.

Put Orlando Pace at LT on Sunday and the offense would've still been bad. And that's been the case several times this season.

Nobody is arguing that the LT play has been elite or even good. More often than not this season I think it's been slightly below average.

What I've been saying at least is that many folks (you loudly among them) are making this issue FAR simpler than it is. There's a lot going wrong with this offense and despite a pretty solid day from Morris last weekend (and Nagy dialing up many plays that SHOULD'VE worked), the offense was as bad as it's been all year.

CPs favorite whipping boys are maybe 1/3 of the problem right now.
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:26 AM   #4
Chitownchiefsfan Chitownchiefsfan is online now

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Is it possible that both are true? Mahomes doesn't trust the oline which is causing him to rush things and leave the pocket before he needs to?
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:28 AM   #5
Dunerdr Dunerdr is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
It's because folks like you want to say "The OTs are why the offense sucks!" and move along.

CPs favorite whipping boys are maybe 1/3 of the problem right now.
Uchieffybutthole is 1/3 of the problem?
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:29 AM   #6
ChiTown ChiTown is offline
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It's been obvious to anyone paying attention that PMII isn't on his game. The question is why? What's changed? Some of those answers are obvious (trust in receivers and lack of OL protection/trust in OL protection), but the other factors aren't that obvious. Maybe it's just a combo of those two items that are creating a lot of head trash for Pat and making him into a more average NFL QB. I don't know...
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:30 AM   #7
htismaqe htismaqe is offline
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More than anything, this just shows how astute CP members are when it comes to football. 🤘
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:30 AM   #8
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by Chitownchiefsfan View Post
Is it possible that both are true? Mahomes doesn't trust the oline which is causing him to rush things and leave the pocket before he needs to?
Did you watch how many times Wilson stood in last night and took a SHOT to get the ball downfield?

I'm ****ing done with "Mahomes doesn't trust the OL"

You're an NFL quarterback. You're gonna get hit. Put your big boy pants on and play the position.

Besides, as was noted in the article, his indecision is GETTING him blasted about half the time. Throw the damn ball on time and you can avoid a bunch of these shots you're taking.
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:31 AM   #9
BWillie BWillie is offline
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It's just snowballed. Mahomes is playing scared because he doesn't trust his blind side (or in last games case the middle of the line even). And when the protection actually is there and he bails early it looks bad
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:32 AM   #10
BigRedChief BigRedChief is online now
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post

I don't typically re-post his stuff because I think you want to support guys trying to freelance like he does. But I think this contributes to conversation enough to be worthwhile.
He kills it. Worth the $5 a month.
Mahomes is not a game manager. Release the Kraken.
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:32 AM   #11
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by htismaqe View Post
More than anything, this just shows how astute CP members are when it comes to football. 🤘
Just about everything he said in that article was said almost point for point at various points Monday and Tuesday. And we didn't sit there and re-chart all his snaps to get there.

"Man, Trey Smith was awful and did you see Pat completely vapor lock that first interception by not ripping it up the rail to Gray right after the fake?" was an IMMEDIATE reaction on Sunday night 'round here.

Yeah, we have some smart dudes on this board.
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:36 AM   #12
Gary Cooper Gary Cooper is online now
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
Did you watch how many times Wilson stood in last night and took a SHOT to get the ball downfield?

I'm ****ing done with "Mahomes doesn't trust the OL"

You're an NFL quarterback. You're gonna get hit. Put your big boy pants on and play the position.

Besides, as was noted in the article, his indecision is GETTING him blasted about half the time. Throw the damn ball on time and you can avoid a bunch of these shots you're taking.
Mahomes is so great at escaping and making highlight reel throws on the run (or runs with his legs) that he frequently abandons mechanics and also leaves the pocket. He believes he can make a play with his legs. As opposed to say a prime Brady or Manning who didn't have the physical tools of Mahomes but in the situation you explained above, they would stay in the pocket and take those shots.
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:36 AM   #13
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by ChiTown View Post
It's been obvious to anyone paying attention that PMII isn't on his game. The question is why? What's changed? Some of those answers are obvious (trust in receivers and lack of OL protection/trust in OL protection), but the other factors aren't that obvious. Maybe it's just a combo of those two items that are creating a lot of head trash for Pat and making him into a more average NFL QB. I don't know...
I think he's stretched thin. These guys are human.

Between off-the field obligations (sponsorships, celebrity status, team friggen ownership) and being a parent, guy has a LOT going on.

It's probably just a little harder to stay completely locked in during the season than it used to be.

Doesn't mean he can't dial it back in for the post-season, but if he gets into the habit of feeling phantom pressure, that's gonna be harder to break.
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:36 AM   #14
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is online now
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
It's because folks like you want to say "The OTs are why the offense sucks!" and move along.

Put Orlando Pace at LT on Sunday and the offense would've still been bad. And that's been the case several times this season.

Nobody is arguing that the LT play has been elite or even good. More often than not this season I think it's been slightly below average.

What I've been saying at least is that many folks (you loudly among them) are making this issue FAR simpler than it is. There's a lot going wrong with this offense and despite a pretty solid day from Morris last weekend (and Nagy dialing up many plays that SHOULD'VE worked), the offense was as bad as it's been all year.

CPs favorite whipping boys are maybe 1/3 of the problem right now.
When in the **** have I ever said the LT position is the only problem? There's plenty of other reasons why this offense and Mahomes aren't anywhere near where they should be.

Obviously, injuries are chief amongst them, but even taking that into account the on field personnel rotations are ****ing shitty right now. Guys like Watson and Steele shouldn't be taking nearly the amount of snaps they have been.

Mahomes deserves a pretty fair amount of criticism as well. Plenty of other QBs function just fine in this situation, and he's got enough support that he shouldn't be devolving into a complete pumpkin for large stretches at a time.

But again, these issues do largely correlate to bad OL play. Offense looked just fine against the Ravens. Get to the Bengals game, Suamataia absolutely shits himself, and Mahomes regressed to an absolutely horrible standard of play for literal weeks. Even before Rice got hurt, this offense looked ****ing horrible against the Bengals, Falcons, and Chargers, and Mahomes was out there making some of the worst throws of his career, which has unfortunately became a bit of a trend this season.
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Old 11-22-2024, 09:37 AM   #15
RedinTexas RedinTexas is online now
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
Did you watch how many times Wilson stood in last night and took a SHOT to get the ball downfield?

I'm ****ing done with "Mahomes doesn't trust the OL"

You're an NFL quarterback. You're gonna get hit. Put your big boy pants on and play the position.

Besides, as was noted in the article, his indecision is GETTING him blasted about half the time. Throw the damn ball on time and you can avoid a bunch of these shots you're taking.
I mostly agree with you except for one thing. Mahomes has been highly effective in situations where the play is breaking down. I'm not suggesting that it's not a problem, but defenses often make big mistakes when Mahomes moves out of the pocket.
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