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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:11 PM   #77881
manchambo manchambo is offline
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Originally Posted by New World Order View Post
No one will read this because no one cares.

We’re on our way to superbowls you guys are…doing whatever Denver does which is lose.
Assuming Mahomes eventually starts playing better than Mo Pix.

He probably will, but still, kind of concerning.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:11 PM   #77882
brdempsey69 brdempsey69 is offline
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Originally Posted by DonkeyDuff View Post

First bedempsey, I gotta see a list of names of all the these "added players" you're claiming ... we fielded very similar, even lesser rosters in 97 and 98 that we did the 2 or 3 years before, offense was ALL the same. In two years added just Darrien Gordon and Neil Smith on defense. So I'll be interested to see your long list...
Okay, numbtwat, here it is:

Howard Griffith (disproving your claim that the Donks Offense was ALL the same)
Willie Green
Harry Swayne
Tony Jones (via trade for 2nd round pick but once again disproving your claim that the Donks Offense was ALL the same)
Neil Smith
Keith Traylor (disproving your claim of "added just Darrien Gordon and Neil Smith on defense")
Darrien Gordon
Dedrick Dodge
Tim McKyer
Flipper Anderson
Bubby Brister

What was that you were saying about being a moron -- you MORON ?! And who is "we" -- do you got a turd in your back pocket?
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:14 PM   #77883
RunKC RunKC is offline
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Originally Posted by BroncoBuff View Post
The Chiefs did NOT get to where they are now by "drafting well," ... �� You're in the middle of one of the greatest two or three dynasties since the merger because of one guy, and one guy only (by the way, there's no shame in that).
if you’re referencing Mahomes as the one guy then I have bad news for you about how the Chiefs got Mahomes on their team

Broncos fans have no idea what it’s like to draft a successful QB though
Mike Greenberg@Espngreeny
I can’t fathom what it must be like to be a fan of the #Chiefs.

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Old 10-25-2024, 05:20 PM   #77884
BlackOp BlackOp is offline
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Originally Posted by New World Order View Post
No one will read this because no one cares.

We’re on our way to legitimate superbowls you guys are…doing whatever Denver does which is lose.
They'll be gone soon...oh and fixed your post for accuracy.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:20 PM   #77885
manchambo manchambo is offline
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Originally Posted by brdempsey69 View Post
Okay, numbtwat, here it is:

Howard Griffith (disproving your claim that the Donks Offense was ALL the same)
Willie Green
Harry Swayne
Tony Jones (via trade for 2nd round pick but once again disproving your claim that the Donks Offense was ALL the same)
Neil Smith
Keith Traylor (disproving your claim of "added just Darrien Gordon and Neil Smith on defense")
Darrien Gordon
Dedrick Dodge
Tim McKyer
Flipper Anderson
Bubby Brister

What was that you were saying about being a moron -- you MORON ?! And who is "we" -- do you got a turd in your back pocket?
I’m pretty sure he was referring to good/impact players.

Your claim, after all, is not that Denver literally added MORE players—pretty sure we didn’t exceed the roster limit.

On that list, I’d characterize Jones, Gordon, Traylor, and Griffith as pretty good.

Flipper Anderson, on the other hand, appeared in four games and recorded no stats.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:25 PM   #77886
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Just the fact they would even think of greasing their jerseys... let alone actually do it in a post-season game...speaks volumes about the amount of integrity that FO had.

It's completely in-line, consistent behavior with a franchise that is simultaneously covertly cheating the cap. They were going to get Horseface the trophy he couldn't win on an even playing field.

Only people who refuse to see it are Donktards...

Last edited by BlackOp; 10-25-2024 at 06:12 PM..
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:25 PM   #77887
brdempsey69 brdempsey69 is offline
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Originally Posted by manchambo View Post
I’m pretty sure he was referring to good/impact players.

Your claim, after all, is not that Denver literally added MORE players—pretty sure we didn’t exceed the roster limit.

On that list, I’d characterize Jones, Gordon, Traylor, and Griffith as pretty good.

Flipper Anderson, on the other hand, appeared in four games and recorded no stats.
That doesn't change the fact that those players were on the Donkeys payroll and that they violated the salary cap adding all those players. Nobody ever said anything about exceeding roster limits -- you just pulled that one out of your arse.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:28 PM   #77888
manchambo manchambo is offline
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Originally Posted by brdempsey69 View Post
That doesn't change the fact that those players were on the Donkeys payroll and that they violated the salary cap adding all those players. Nobody ever said anything about exceeding roster limits -- you just pulled that one out of your arse.
You are too stupid to insult.

But how does listing a bunch of mediocre-bad players support your claim? Every team had enough money then to field a full roster.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:30 PM   #77889
jjchieffan jjchieffan is offline
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Originally Posted by BroncoBuff View Post
Nope, manchambo's right and I'm right.

Thanks to all of you for letting me know real quick how to post images ... I tried the [ img ] code, tried attachments, url code, nothing. Got a few "red light" things, but no images. Yours is a really really old vBulletin version (that thank you was sarcastic)

First bedempsey, I gotta see a list of names of all the these "added players" you're claiming ... we fielded very similar, even lesser rosters in 97 and 98 that we did the 2 or 3 years before, offense was ALL the same. In two years added just Darrien Gordon and Neil Smith on defense. So I'll be interested to see your long list...

bedempsey: "provably false," ... and you think Elway "chased after Manning so hard?" sheesh, if there was some kinda world record for getting things wrong, you'd definitely be in the running: Manning explained at length why he chose Denver, and one of the main reasons was they didn't call him every day and ask "where are we on your list now?" He said John told him they wanted him, explained what they had to offer, told him what he would and wouldn't do, shook his hand and that was that.

Damn, you really ARE a moron. Again, NO! The Chiefs did NOT get to where they are now by "drafting well," ... �� You're in the middle of one of the greatest two or three dynasties since the merger because of one guy, and one guy only (by the way, there's no shame in that).

And Pasta Little Bitty, I'ma have to see "many" links to your "Many Elite League evaluators have (Broncos) with 0 total titles," otherwise yer just a liar ... this oughta be good.......

TEX made several moron remarks too, only got time for one: "Two proven illegitimate titles. And they still don't have as many as the Chiefs!" ... say, Tex? That there is a "non-sentence" right there pard'ner. Read it six or eight more times, you'll see what I mean.....

So,, the Chiefs built a dynasty without drafting well?? I've heard some pretty dumb statements on this site, but that one is one of the dumbest. First of all, the Chief DRAFTED PATRICK MAHOMES!! I mean, trading up from 27 to ten alone was pretty good drafting. This team has very few free agent or trade acquisitions. It was primarily built through the draft. Yes, Mahomes was the biggest piece. But he doesn't play defense, yet the defense was top 5 and a very big part of the Superbowl run last year. Best center in the league. Creed Humphrey. Drafted. Best TE in the league, Kelce. Drafted. Best DT in the league. Jones. Drafted. Sneed, McDuffie, Smith, Hill, Rice, Worthy, you get the idea. Drafted. Mahomes can't do it by himself. If you put him in the Cheating Donks shit roster, he isn't winning any Superbowls. Football is a team sport. Brett Veach has built a dynasty team around Mahomes while ElFraud and Gomer Paton have built a disaster. Those are the facts. You can choose to believe them or you can keep drinking the Donks Kool aid
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Following the historical accounts and the genealogy from that point on, the age of the Earth is approximately 6000-7000 years old. The Big Bullshit Theory is a lie. It and the evolution theory go against real science. Satan has used our public school system to brainwash everyone into believing these lies. Be not decieved.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:31 PM   #77890
manchambo manchambo is offline
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Originally Posted by BroncoBuff View Post
Okay guys, I'm ready willing and able to post proof how manchambo and I are correct.....


Still have that excellent history lesson I promised, to help you understand your obsession with Bronco hatred in here.

BUT I NEED step by step explanation how to post these images, that shouldn't be too difficult.
You’re doing fine, BB, but you have to learn how to talk to these people.

If you don’t use crude insults they can’t pay attention. And the insults have to be very simple. I told BRD he was all hat no cattle and it didn’t register. You just have to call them dumb so they can understand they’re being insulted.
By Allah behave yourself. I will give you a taste of my shoe.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:36 PM   #77891
manchambo manchambo is offline
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Originally Posted by jjchieffan View Post
So,, the Chiefs built a dynasty without drafting well?? I've heard some pretty dumb statements on this site, but that one is one of the dumbest. First of all, the Chief DRAFTED PATRICK MAHOMES!! I mean, trading up from 27 to ten alone was pretty good drafting. This team has very few free agent or trade acquisitions. It was primarily built through the draft. Yes, Mahomes was the biggest piece. But he doesn't play defense, yet the defense was top 5 and a very big part of the Superbowl run last year. Best center in the league. Creed Humphrey. Drafted. Best TE in the league, Kelce. Drafted. Best DT in the league. Jones. Drafted. Sneed, McDuffie, Smith, Hill, Rice, Worthy, you get the idea. Drafted. Mahomes can't do it by himself. If you put him in the Cheating Donks shit roster, he isn't winning any Superbowls. Football is a team sport. Brett Veach has built a dynasty team around Mahomes while ElFraud and Gomer Paton have built a disaster. Those are the facts. You can choose to believe them or you can keep drinking the Donks Kool aid
It’s kind of an interesting question. I actually think the Chieves have drafted pretty well, apart from Mahomes.

But I also think it doesn’t matter very much. Mahomes is so good that you could build a championship around him regardless. Last year, for example, the receivers were really pretty bad. But it didn’t really matter. Aside from Mahomes and Kelce, that wasn’t a frightening offense. But aside from Mahomes is like asking Ms. Lincoln about how she liked the play otherwise.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:40 PM   #77892
brdempsey69 brdempsey69 is offline
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Originally Posted by manchambo View Post
You are too stupid to insult.

But how does listing a bunch of mediocre-bad players support your claim? Every team had enough money then to field a full roster.
The stupidity is clearly on your side. They weren't all "mediocre-bad players" as you falsely claim. Five (5) of those guys were instant starters & Swayne became a 6th starter the next season.

Gee, you're dumber than a bag of rocks to not realize that every team did field a full roster at that time, but it was only the Donks that violated & cheated the salary cap.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:41 PM   #77893
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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So we all agree? 0 legitimate titles for Denver
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:43 PM   #77894
manchambo manchambo is offline
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Originally Posted by brdempsey69 View Post
The stupidity is clearly on your side. They weren't all "mediocre-bad players" as you falsely claim. Five (5) of those guys were instant starters & Swayne became a 6th starter the next season.

Gee, you're dumber than a bag of rocks to not realize that every team did field a full roster at that time, but it was only the Donks that violated & cheated the salary cap.
All the starters for Denver were good players? I didn’t know you thought so highly of our roster.

Appreciate the compliment.

Meanwhile, people who actually know that team realize that it got so good due to great players found very late in the draft or worse—Terrell Davis, Rod Smith, Shannon Sharpe, Tom Nalen—two hall of fame and two pro bowl players taken sixth round or later.
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Old 10-25-2024, 05:46 PM   #77895
brdempsey69 brdempsey69 is offline
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Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brioni View Post
So we all agree? 0 legitimate titles for Denver
Indeed -- 0 wins, 5 losses, and 3 given to them as going-away presents (two to Elway and one to Manning).

Those are the cold, hard facts that Donktards can't get around no matter how hard they may try.
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