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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Old 06-06-2022, 10:10 PM   #43636
MagicHef MagicHef is offline
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Originally Posted by Detoxing View Post
I'm saying your stats don't mean shit. Talent isn't gauged by stats.
Wow, I want to savor this. A Chiefs fan is arguing that QB stats don’t matter. I didn’t think this day would come for another 5-10 years.
With a sack in 61% of his games, SB MVP Von Miller is the most consistent pass rusher in NFL history.
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Old 06-06-2022, 10:39 PM   #43637
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is offline
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Originally Posted by MagicHef View Post
Since Russ didn’t play every game, it makes more sense to use TD% and INT%, as a percentage of throws. Russ wins every one.
Actually, it makes a lot more sense to use per game averages, and he’s behind in everything. Way behind in many.

TD% is basically useless. The goal isn’t to score a TD in as few throws as possible. The goal is just to score. Sometimes the strategy is even to intentionally run more plays than needed. Mahomes threw more TDs per game.

Here’s another stat for you. Points per drive. KC led the league and was on a historic pace for awhile. Even with a slew of turnovers in the first half of the year. Seattle was bottom third. Mahomes consistently led his team on scoring drives, in what we all know is a pass-happy offense.

You also don’t take into account garbage time numbers vs prevent defenses. A situation that Seattle was in far more often than KC.

This sounds like an Alex Smith apologist trying to make a case that he was actually better than Mahomes.

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Old 06-06-2022, 10:44 PM   #43638
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is offline
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Originally Posted by MagicHef View Post
Nope. Take a look at Coochie Liquor’s link. Mahomes was a little unlucky with INTs, but not nearly as unlucky as Tannehill, Garrapolo, Allen, Jackson, Mayfield or Darnold.
I don’t know the criteria they used, but I was specifically talking about accurate throws that were bobbled straight into the hands of a DB. Not 50/50 balls or tipped passes. That scenario is very uncommon but it happened probably 7 times last year.
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Old 06-07-2022, 02:38 AM   #43639
Best22 Best22 is offline
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Originally Posted by MagicHef View Post
Wow, I want to savor this. A Chiefs fan is arguing that QB stats don’t matter. I didn’t think this day would come for another 5-10 years.
Not impressed. Pretty much every time Russ played a good team last year he got shutdown

Seahawks had a cake schedule. Rams were one of the least impressive SB winners in the past 10 years. Blew a 27-3 lead to a gimpy Buccaneer team. Cardinals are a front running fraud. In 5 games against the Rams, Packers, and 49ers he managed to throw for 200+ yards once (against the 49ers who have been so abused by Russ and Pete over the years they probably gave him too much respect and space to throw out of sheer fear from years of defeats). And Russ wasn’t throwing to scrubs either.
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Old 06-07-2022, 07:55 AM   #43640
Chris Meck Chris Meck is offline
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Originally Posted by MagicHef View Post
Wow, I want to savor this. A Chiefs fan is arguing that QB stats don’t matter. I didn’t think this day would come for another 5-10 years.
Only an delusional fool would try to argue that Russell Wilson is better than Mahomes.
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Old 06-07-2022, 08:07 AM   #43641
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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The only thing I've seen him arguing is Wilson had a better 2021 season statistically than Mahomes. Which, well, he did.
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Old 06-07-2022, 08:08 AM   #43642
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Originally Posted by Chris Meck View Post
Only an delusional fool would try to argue that Russell Wilson is better than Mahomes.
Exactly. Consider the source...
Hey Andy Reid / Matt Nagy...Patrick Mahomes is NOT Alex Smith
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Old 06-07-2022, 08:14 AM   #43643
Coochie liquor Coochie liquor is offline
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Dungver fans seem to be feeling like this is another Manning situation. It’s far from that. First off, you had to give up lots of picks and players to get Russack. Secondly you don’t have the resources to load up on tons of FA like last time. And finally.... the division is far from the cakewalk Dungver had when Manning came to town. There’s actually 3 quarterbacks who are better than WilsINT in the division, with much better rosters, and coaches. This feels more like Goff going to Detroit, than Manning going to Dungver. Enjoy that last place finish again Dungkey fans. We’ll enjoy the salty yummy tears.
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Old 06-07-2022, 08:46 AM   #43644
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is offline
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Originally Posted by Superturtle View Post
The only thing I've seen him arguing is Wilson had a better 2021 season statistically than Mahomes. Which, well, he did.
Because he had a slight edge in a few of the most meaningless stats, like QB rating? While getting destroyed in virtually everything else?

You clowns are funny.

Btw, Wilson was the 19th-best QB statistically per PFF. That doesn't seem to support your take.

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Old 06-07-2022, 09:05 AM   #43645
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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This is the shitshow that happens in the dead time…
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Old 06-07-2022, 09:28 AM   #43646
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
This is the shitshow that happens in the dead time…
More so this off season than recent one's, because you guys think you have something and are acting like we should be scared or something.
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Old 06-07-2022, 09:31 AM   #43647
MagicHef MagicHef is offline
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Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar View Post
I don’t know the criteria they used, but I was specifically talking about accurate throws that were bobbled straight into the hands of a DB. Not 50/50 balls or tipped passes. That scenario is very uncommon but it happened probably 7 times last year.
That's exactly what his link is looking at. It looks at each throw and determines its probability of being intercepted, compiles that throughout the season, and compares that to how many throws actually were intercepted.

Either Chiefs fans are overestimating how many good throws Mahomes made that ended up being intercepted, or Mahomes also made a lot of bad throws that were not intercepted.
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Old 06-07-2022, 09:32 AM   #43648
MagicHef MagicHef is offline
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Originally Posted by Chris Meck View Post
Only an delusional fool would try to argue that Russell Wilson is better than Mahomes.
Good thing I'm not arguing that!
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Old 06-07-2022, 09:53 AM   #43649
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Rumor has it Wilson's agent wants him paid this year...and this was the main reason for Seattle cutting him loose...well that and his declining production.

Sounds like they dumped him at the right time...didn't want to pay him. Found some sadsack organization trying to boost their asking price to a new owner.

His agent is worried if he doesn't produce this season like in the past, it'll hinder his ability for a 5/250 contract at 35.

They have the Donks over a barrel...would he actually be this arrogant to hold out before ever playing a snap.. without an extended contract? I can see his angle/injury concerns...why risk costing yourself millions. He's as good as he's ever going to be at this point. The odds of them struggling in the competitive AFCW is higher than being a contender...new QB, OC/DC, poor OL.

Seahawk fans say "Russ plays for team green"...Donk brass have positioned themselves to have zero leverage in this negotiation. That is the market price for a starting QB.

Man...I hope they hitch their wagon to a fully guaranteed contract until he's 39. If he falls off a cliff...they are stuck with his ass.

There was a reason Wilson was available...and Rodgers wasn't. Franchise QBs dont hit the market without spine issues...or unrealistic contract demands.

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Old 06-07-2022, 09:57 AM   #43650
staylor26 staylor26 is offline
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Originally Posted by Superturtle View Post
The only thing I've seen him arguing is Wilson had a better 2021 season statistically than Mahomes. Which, well, he did.
Sure, if you want to ignore the fact that it was a tale of 2 halves of a season for Wilson, and Mahomes led his team to the SB.
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