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Old 01-04-2014, 11:09 AM  
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*The NEW Movies Thread*

Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -

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Old 12-16-2020, 11:00 PM   #3496
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Just watched Her for the first time. Dang. Super cool movie.
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Old 12-22-2020, 02:29 AM   #3497
kevrunner kevrunner is offline
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For BMX fans, I just watched “The Ride” on Amazon, based on a true story.
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Old 12-22-2020, 11:59 AM   #3498
sully1983 sully1983 is offline
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Sound of Metal was depressing as hell

Mank is great . Can't really go wrong with Gary Oldman or David Fincher.
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Old 12-22-2020, 12:53 PM   #3499
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is online now
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Old 12-22-2020, 03:41 PM   #3500
Cheater5 Cheater5 is offline
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Have to admit that I’ve never seen Coming to America, only some funny clips. Maybe I’ll check it out but sometimes i feel like 80s movies that everyone loves aren’t all that hilarious in retrospect.

I likely need to take another Wellbutrin or something.
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Old 12-22-2020, 03:45 PM   #3501
Easy 6 Easy 6 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cheater5 View Post
Have to admit that I’ve never seen Coming to America, only some funny clips. Maybe I’ll check it out but sometimes i feel like 80s movies that everyone loves aren’t all that hilarious in retrospect.

I likely need to take another Wellbutrin or something.
Its a beloved classic for good reason, you owe it to yourself to see it... one hilarious scene after another
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Old 12-22-2020, 03:50 PM   #3502
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Take it from a person who wouldn't watch a Tyler Perry movie if you paid him.

Coming to America transcends color. It's that ****ing funny.
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Old 12-22-2020, 04:25 PM   #3503
Buehler445 Buehler445 is offline
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I watched Ava recently. I expected it to suck, so that may skew my perception a bit.

I really enjoyed it. A lot. You know how it goes with women going hand to hand with dudes. They block punches and do the same moves as the dudes and well, its stupid. The action was good. You could tell they were cognizant of her size and how it would actually go.

I'm a bit of a sucker for Jessica Chastain, and she was good it. Most notably, how she handled her mental trauma, how she dealt with her ex, her family dynamic, all of it was actually pretty compelling. And like I said, the action is good.

John Malkovich was awesome as John Malkovich typically is.

Colin Ferrell was a little bit over the top, but that's probably the writing.

Seeing Geena Davis be old, made me feel old. ****. She really killed it. Especially when she flipped the switch.

Overall, I'd recommend it. Good watch, IMO.
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Old 12-22-2020, 04:57 PM   #3504
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
Take it from a person who wouldn't watch a Tyler Perry movie if you paid him.

Coming to America transcends color. It's that ****ing funny.
Someone should [heck someone probably has], in today's woke tokenistic entertainment landscape, write an article on how much more effective Eddie's take on the matter was. There for a good while until he started making kid-friendly movies, he was just point of fact making movies with black characters that lived in American culture without being bound by stigmas associated with black culture. Coming to America, Boomerang, Harlem Nights. They were black and they were American, but they weren't held back by anything. They were smart and wealthy and successful and they were protagonists. And they even poke fun at foibles and PC subjects without being mean or hurtful.
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Old 12-22-2020, 06:20 PM   #3505
PunkinDrublic PunkinDrublic is offline
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
Take it from a person who wouldn't watch a Tyler Perry movie if you paid him.

Coming to America transcends color. It's that ****ing funny.
The whole time I’m watching it I’m thinking “For the love of God don’t put Kevin Hart in this movie”.
Disappointing my parents since 1976
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Old 12-22-2020, 06:57 PM   #3506
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
Someone should [heck someone probably has], in today's woke tokenistic entertainment landscape, write an article on how much more effective Eddie's take on the matter was. There for a good while until he started making kid-friendly movies, he was just point of fact making movies with black characters that lived in American culture without being bound by stigmas associated with black culture. Coming to America, Boomerang, Harlem Nights. They were black and they were American, but they weren't held back by anything. They were smart and wealthy and successful and they were protagonists. And they even poke fun at foibles and PC subjects without being mean or hurtful.
I tried to force my girlfriend to watch Boomerang a few weeks ago and noted that to her. It's refreshing.
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Old 12-22-2020, 08:58 PM   #3507
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is online now
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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
Someone should [heck someone probably has], in today's woke tokenistic entertainment landscape, write an article on how much more effective Eddie's take on the matter was. There for a good while until he started making kid-friendly movies, he was just point of fact making movies with black characters that lived in American culture without being bound by stigmas associated with black culture. Coming to America, Boomerang, Harlem Nights. They were black and they were American, but they weren't held back by anything. They were smart and wealthy and successful and they were protagonists. And they even poke fun at foibles and PC subjects without being mean or hurtful.
I don't know when the change came, but at some point black people in entertainment started trying to be as IN YOUR FACE with their blackness as they possible could, for god knows what reason.

I grew up with Eddie Murphy, Bill Cosby, Chris Rock, Avery Brooks, Billy Dee Williams, Levar Burton and Carl Weathers in leading or high-profile supporting roles and nothing seemed off.

At some point there was a shift and black people started using their platforms to beat white people over the head with bludgeons of shame.

And I actually liked GET OUT, but enough is enough.

I'm looking forward to the pundits declaring C2A something that has "set back black culture in America by 50 years."

Uncle Eddie!
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Old 12-22-2020, 09:28 PM   #3508
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
I don't know when the change came, but at some point black people in entertainment started trying to be as IN YOUR FACE with their blackness as they possible could, for god knows what reason.

I grew up with Eddie Murphy, Bill Cosby, Chris Rock, Avery Brooks, Billy Dee Williams, Levar Burton and Carl Weathers in leading or high-profile supporting roles and nothing seemed off.

At some point there was a shift and black people started using their platforms to beat white people over the head with bludgeons of shame.

And I actually liked GET OUT, but enough is enough.

I'm looking forward to the pundits declaring C2A something that has "set back black culture in America by 50 years."

Uncle Eddie!
It's not just black entertainment, there seems to be a rejection of nuance.

Nothing can just exist and let you figure the 'lesson' out.

You can't have a gay character who just exists in the narrative. You have to have a GAY CHARACTER whose gay angst is central to the narrative.

You can't have a female action star [cough, Beatrix Kiddo], you have to have 'GIRLS GET IT DONE!!' montage in your Avengers.

Everything has to check a box, then tell the audience they checked the box, then celebrate the checking of the box.

I blame Bennetton.
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Old 12-22-2020, 09:30 PM   #3509
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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
It's not just black entertainment, there seems to be a rejection of nuance.

Nothing can just exist and let you figure the 'lesson' out.

You can't have a gay character who just exists in the narrative. You have to have a GAY CHARACTER whose gay angest is central to the narrative.

You can't have a female action star [cough, Beatrix Kiddo], you have to have 'GIRLS GET IT DONE!!' montage in your Avengers.

I blame Bennetton.
Nothing can be interpreted anymore.

There is ONE interpretation and it is OUR INTERPRETATION!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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Old 12-22-2020, 09:54 PM   #3510
Pepe Silvia Pepe Silvia is online now
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
I tried to force my girlfriend to watch Boomerang a few weeks ago and noted that to her. It's refreshing.
Great movie, saw that in theaters actually.
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