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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:34 AM   #23626
Quesadilla Joe Quesadilla Joe is offline
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Originally Posted by Bewbies View Post
Knowmo is the biggest homer here. 2nd place isn’t even close.
I can be, but to be fair, I was right from 2012-2015.
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:34 AM   #23627
COchief COchief is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
You're gonna have to help me out there... assuming that is about Josh? I'm totally not connecting the dots here on this abomination that I apparently laid upon you during the Tebow years.

Let me ask you this - during the end of last season and all this offseason, have I not been positive in my comments about the Chiefs - specifically Mahommes and his upside? I know that someone got upset that I said he 'looked solid' rather than saying he looked like the next great QB.
You, as you already admitted, can be and were a condescending prick to everyone during the lean Tebow/McD years. The entire narrative of this exchange is Donk winning = decent MHM, Donk losing = condescending angry prick. You didn't throw anything my way. I have an exceptional memory and was taken aback by the "friendly foe" who suddenly became a huge asshole once they weren't dominating us.

Mahomes gives you no choice but to a least give him a "solid", your all pro CB couldn't stop himself from gushing about him after he schooled your ass in your house. Don't act like you're mother Teresa for stating the obvious.
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:40 AM   #23628
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
Yeah, I should listen to a bunch of delusional Chiefs homers who think Sorensen, Ford, and Morse are ≥ Simmons, Shaq Barrett, and Paradis.
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:42 AM   #23629
Quesadilla Joe Quesadilla Joe is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I can be, but to be fair, I was right from 2012-2015.
And I really haven't been that homerific since Manning retired. I'm not out here hoping for Super Bowl appearances anymore or anything.
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:45 AM   #23630
Chiefs=Champions Chiefs=Champions is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Maybe you can just put me on ignore?
No, i like to watch you be a condescending arsehole. Its the greatest validation of the chiefs current standing, and my ability to debate . And as you said, you're up for it. Dont get all pouty now
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:46 AM   #23631
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I can be, but to be fair, I was right from 2012-2015.
Bullshit. You should have been gone from the board FOR A YEAR for being wrong. Nothing can top that. Welching trash.

BTW...Manning was done, but nobody thought he would actually result to stem cells and illegal performance enhancements.
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:46 AM   #23632
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
And I really haven't been that homerific since Manning retired. I'm not out here hoping for Super Bowl appearances anymore or anything.
This is pretty funny stuff dude. You have a small case of narcissism.
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:48 AM   #23633
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is online now
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Originally Posted by Pasta Giant Meatball View Post
Bullshit. You should have been gone from the board FOR A YEAR for being wrong. Nothing can top that. Welching trash.

BTW...Manning was done, but nobody thought he would actually result to stem cells and illegal performance enhancements.
Forgot about that.
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Old 03-22-2018, 10:04 AM   #23634
COchief COchief is offline
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Originally Posted by Chiefs=Good View Post
No, i like to watch you be a condescending arsehole. Its the greatest validation of the chiefs current standing, and my ability to debate . And as you said, you're up for it. Dont get all pouty now
This man has MHM experience, I am going to enjoy his imminent meltdown this time around.
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Old 03-22-2018, 10:06 AM   #23635
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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Old 03-22-2018, 10:33 AM   #23636
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Denver has a horrid offensive line and no running or passing game

How can they even be compared to what might be the best offense in the NFL followed by what should be a pretty solid defense.


Barrett=Ford when Ford is healthy









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Old 03-22-2018, 10:54 AM   #23637
Quesadilla Joe Quesadilla Joe is offline
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Denver is set at LT, LG, and C. Keenum was the 7th highest rated passer in the league last year, and DT, Sanders, and CJ Anderson are good players.

Denver isn't anywhere near as bad as CP portrays them. We have no glaring holes on defense and we have a bunch of high picks to spend on the offense if we want to. Don't forget, we get Jake Butt and Carlos Henderson back this year so the offense already has some help on the way.
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Old 03-22-2018, 10:57 AM   #23638
Quesadilla Joe Quesadilla Joe is offline
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Denver could use another coverage LB after Corey Nelson left, but that's why they're trying to trade for Sua Cravens.
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Old 03-22-2018, 11:01 AM   #23639
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
Denver is set at LT, LG, and C. Keenum was the 7th highest rated passer in the league last year, and DT, Sanders, and CJ Anderson are good players.

Denver isn't anywhere near as bad as CP portrays them. We have no glaring holes on defense and we have a bunch of high picks to spend on the offense if we want to. Don't forget, we get Jake Butt and Carlos Henderson back this year so the offense already has some help on the way.

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Old 03-22-2018, 11:07 AM   #23640
Quesadilla Joe Quesadilla Joe is offline
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Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Quesadilla Joe has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.
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