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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Old 08-28-2016, 08:04 AM   #7141
jjchieffan jjchieffan is offline
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I'm going to love it when the games are real and the shitty Donk quarterbacks are getting demolished behind that shit line. Then these fluff articles and the Homer tweets will stop and best if all, KnowShit will disappear.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Following the historical accounts and the genealogy from that point on, the age of the Earth is approximately 6000-7000 years old. The Big Bullshit Theory is a lie. It and the evolution theory go against real science. Satan has used our public school system to brainwash everyone into believing these lies. Be not decieved.
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Old 08-28-2016, 08:26 AM   #7142
Skyy God Skyy God is offline
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Originally Posted by staylor26 View Post
Lynch 6 of 13 for 57 yards.

Under 60% again tonight? Maybe under 50%?
Math is hard
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Old 08-28-2016, 09:01 AM   #7143
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by jjchieffan View Post
I'm going to love it when the games are real and the shitty Donk quarterbacks are getting demolished behind that shit line. Then these fluff articles and the Homer tweets will stop and best if all, KnowShit will disappear.
Yeah, there's always that...
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Old 08-28-2016, 09:22 AM   #7144
BossChief BossChief is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Surely they are releasing Sanchez this week.
I saw on Facebook that they didn't even put him in the teams yearbook that was finalized a week or so ago.

Poor Sanchez and such a dick move by Denver.

Reminds me of when Gunther found out on ESPN that he was getting fired.
Dreams do come true...

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Old 08-28-2016, 09:25 AM   #7145
staylor26 staylor26 is online now
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Originally Posted by Cave Johnson View Post
Math is hard
Game wasn't over dumbass.
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Old 08-28-2016, 10:53 AM   #7146
Quesadilla Joe Quesadilla Joe is offline
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Originally Posted by BossChief View Post
I saw on Facebook that they didn't even put him in the teams yearbook that was finalized a week or so ago.

Poor Sanchez and such a dick move by Denver.

Reminds me of when Gunther found out on ESPN that he was getting fired.
It was an error.

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c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A photo posted by Mark Sanchez (@mark_sanchez) on

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Old 08-28-2016, 10:34 PM   #7147
BlackOp BlackOp is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
The veteran guy didn't cut it, no worries.
Yeah..no worries at all...besides wasting a SB defense due to front office incompetence and cap mismanagement.

Brock looked pretty good today....he looked great compared to the trash Denver trotted out last night.

Maybe Eltwat learned a valuable lesson...that being an entitled, prick QB doesn't translate well to the GM position and disrespecting your own players will come back to haunt you.

When the QB you drafted and groomed for 4 years..refuses to even return your calls....it means he hates your guts. Even if he didn't want to play in Denver...replying to a message is a show of respect and appreiciation.

Last edited by BlackOp; 08-28-2016 at 10:44 PM..
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Old 08-28-2016, 10:54 PM   #7148
vailpass vailpass is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
Yeah..no worries at all...besides wasting a SB defense due to front office incompetence and cap mismanagement.

Brock looked pretty good today....he looked great compared to the trash Denver trotted out last night.

Maybe Eltwat learned a valuable lesson...that being an entitled, prick QB doesn't translate well to the GM position and disrespecting your own players will come back to haunt you.

When the QB you drafted and groomed for 4 years..refuses to even return your calls....it means he hates your guts. Even if he didn't want to play in Denver...replying to a message is a show of respect and appreiciation.
you are hilarious you psycho bastard. Pure gold.
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Old 08-28-2016, 11:09 PM   #7149
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Originally Posted by vailpass View Post
you are hilarious you psycho bastard. Pure gold.
*Pats head of desperate Donko fan..grabbing for the past straws of his glory years*...hey, at least you'll have week-ends to spend with the kids. Think of all the free time you have now...you've been liberated.

I AM assuming you've actually had kids that lived...

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Old 08-29-2016, 12:08 AM   #7150
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Maybe ElFraud lives to juke another cap...teammates are talking about disrupting the locker-room on some trivial scripted, politically incorrect, flag-burning diatribe. Kaep gets his 11 million guarantee...and Eltwat lands his disgruntled/shamed placeholder for pennies.

Smith VS. Kaep..round 2. NFL loves fake shit....it's their bread-n-butter.


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Old 08-29-2016, 12:17 AM   #7151
RodInCanton RodInCanton is offline

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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
Maybe ElFraud lives to juke another cap...teammates are talking about disrupting the locker-room on some scripted, politically incorrect, flag-burning diatribe. Kaep gets his 11 million guarantee...and Eltwat lands his placeholder for pennies.

You make less and less sense with each post. I'm still not convinced you and knowmo aren't the same person playing two extremely ignorant super fans just to generate discussion.
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Old 08-29-2016, 12:27 AM   #7152
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Originally Posted by RodInCanton View Post
You make less and less sense with each post. I'm still not convinced you and knowmo aren't the same person playing two extremely ignorant super fans just to generate discussion.
and I'm convinced I dont give a flying **** about what you "think"...go back and read up on articles...then try to pass it off as your own thoughts.

You offer nothing...but cliched "superfan" insults. I imagine I wont be hearing back until you have an article or a pundit to mimic.

Face it...your team sucks this year..and no amount of Donko PR spin can save you....

Last edited by BlackOp; 08-29-2016 at 12:34 AM..
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Old 08-29-2016, 12:39 AM   #7153
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
and I'm convinced I dont give a flying **** about what you "think"...go back and read up on articles...then try to pass it off as your own thoughts.

You offer nothing...but cliched "superfan" insults. I imagine I wont be hearing back until you have an article or a pundit to mimic.
That's all I offer to you because that is all you are. A simple thinking super fan. I come here to read some great football comments about a team that is in the same division as my favorite team. Those comments don't come from you.
Your joke of a brain is like the comic pages in the newspaper. I read the important news first and then laugh at the jokes! Good job - you are the beetle Bailey of chiefsplanet! Have a good night. I look forward to what ridiculousness you come up w next!!!
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Old 08-29-2016, 12:43 AM   #7154
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Originally Posted by RodInCanton View Post
That's all I offer to you because that is all you are. A simple thinking super fan. I come here to read some great football comments about a team that is in the same division as my favorite team. Those comments don't come from you.
Your joke of a brain is like the comic pages in the newspaper. I read the important news first and then laugh at the jokes! Good job - you are the beetle Bailey of chiefsplanet! Have a good night. I look forward to what ridiculousness you come up w next!!!
Meh..enjoy 7-9.

Shouldnt you be jerking off like minded zombies at the Mane? Seems like your natural aptitude....

"Important" news...yeah. I'd say we have a different opinion on what is "important"...

Last edited by BlackOp; 08-29-2016 at 12:48 AM..
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Old 08-29-2016, 01:17 AM   #7155
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Originally Posted by RodInCanton View Post
That's all I offer to you because that is all you are. A simple thinking super fan. I come here to read some great football comments about a team that is in the same division as my favorite team. Those comments don't come from you.
Your joke of a brain is like the comic pages in the newspaper. I read the important news first and then laugh at the jokes! Good job - you are the beetle Bailey of chiefsplanet! Have a good night. I look forward to what ridiculousness you come up w next!!!
wow, for a newb, you sure did jump right in

im not game enough to attack the posters i plan to communicate with for a while.

maybe i am just getting old at the forum 'drama' part of it

hope you enjoy your stay...

i have so far.
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