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Old 04-26-2012, 08:54 AM  
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Must Watch Series

All this talk about series, how network TV Sucks, and how hard it is to find quality shows, and some excellent shows that fly under the radar, I need a comprehensive review of all the series I need to see.

For good entertainment, I would be willing to buy DVD sets. But I've recently picked up HBOGO by kiping it from my parents, and recently got Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Here is a listing of shows that I currently own or have seen all the episodes of. If it isn't on the list, just assume I haven't seen it.


Here is a listing of shows that I'm currently watching

Here is a listing of shows on my list to watch (mostly due to this thread)

I work a ****ton, so it is hard for me catch a series while it is on to get it on the DVR, but I recognize the entertainment value and am willing to go after the Must See shows. Accordingly, I'm not necessarily looking for anything that is still running. I'm up for watching stuff that has run its course.

So what say you, Planet? Which shows should I see?

UPDATED for the shows I've seen recently.

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Old 01-25-2022, 12:39 PM   #1471
Jenson71 Jenson71 is offline
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Originally Posted by Simply Red View Post
I just started a Mike Flanagan series called The Haunting of Bly Manor.
I liked it. The consensus seemed to be that it paled in comparison to Haunting Hill, but I loved the rural English setting and side-characters.
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Old 01-25-2022, 01:49 PM   #1472
unlurking unlurking is offline
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Resident Alien season 2 starts tomorrow. I really enjoyed the first season. First 5 minutes of S02E01...


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Old 01-25-2022, 04:02 PM   #1473
Pepe Silvia Pepe Silvia is offline
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Originally Posted by PackerinMo View Post
Looooved last nights episode.

That’s because he took my ass off the market.
After rewatching the episode the ambulance scene with Keife chest bumping to *crickets* made me spit out my rum and coke.

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Old 01-25-2022, 07:53 PM   #1474
rocknrolla rocknrolla is offline
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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
This COULD actually be brilliant, first premise is Arnett is an investigator who always gets assigned celebrities as sidekicks who are 'doing research' for a role, . . . second premise is, the celebrities go into the scene with no direction except be yourself and go with it. Could be a trainwreck, could be a masterpiece.

It's an adaption of a popular show Murder in Successville on BBC, you can track down so clips of it to get a flavor of what's the what.

Anything with Connan unscripted is great. Cant wait.
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Old 01-25-2022, 08:11 PM   #1475
rocknrolla rocknrolla is offline
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Originally Posted by PackerinMo View Post
You know what? Edie Patterson's voice ain't too bad.
She is perfect in this roll.
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Old 01-25-2022, 09:31 PM   #1476
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Martin Freeman gone full crackin' Scouse. Opt for closed captions.

Fairly run-of-the-mill narrative with a modern update, worth it for performances and dialogue.

EDIT - after binging, it's . . . different from run-of-the-mill, at least different from what you expect at the outset. Kind of hard to encapsulate without spoiling . . . Curious what the take of others will be.

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Old 01-27-2022, 07:07 PM   #1477
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by unlurking View Post
Resident Alien season 2 starts tomorrow. I really enjoyed the first season. First 5 minutes of S02E01...

Lots of laughs in the season premiere.

Max's parents
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Old 01-27-2022, 11:49 PM   #1478
Fish Fish is offline
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Originally Posted by unlurking View Post
Resident Alien season 2 starts tomorrow. I really enjoyed the first season. First 5 minutes of S02E01...

The first season was a real unexpected surprise. It seemed like a dumb idea when I first started watching it, but the humor is actually really well done.

Just started the first episode, thanks!
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Old 01-27-2022, 11:57 PM   #1479
Fish Fish is offline
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So, I stumbled upon this on Netflix, and immediately burned through the whole first season. It's not perfect, but it's one of the better trippy thrillers I've seen on Netflix in a while. The suspense is pretty intense in many parts. It's complex. There's a thousand different ways they could take the next season and most of them would be pretty cool.

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Old 01-28-2022, 12:07 AM   #1480
Simply Red Simply Red is offline
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that Resident Alien apparently has quite a little following.
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Old 01-28-2022, 12:08 AM   #1481
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
So, I stumbled upon this on Netflix, and immediately burned through the whole first season. It's not perfect, but it's one of the better trippy thrillers I've seen on Netflix in a while. The suspense is pretty intense in many parts. It's complex. There's a thousand different ways they could take the next season and most of them would be pretty cool.

hell yeah - i'll get an episode knocked out tonight, TYVM, the struggle has been real lately, finding stuff.
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Old 01-28-2022, 01:31 AM   #1482
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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If you liked Knives Out and Only Murders in the Building, up your alley.

It's basically Agatha Christie Rashomon, format as old as televised murder mystery, but lots of good improv talent and a fairly entertaining pace.

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Old 01-28-2022, 06:52 AM   #1483
Cheater5 Cheater5 is offline
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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
This COULD actually be brilliant, first premise is Arnett is an investigator who always gets assigned celebrities as sidekicks who are 'doing research' for a role, . . . second premise is, the celebrities go into the scene with no direction except be yourself and go with it. Could be a trainwreck, could be a masterpiece.

It's an adaption of a popular show Murder in Successville on BBC, you can track down so clips of it to get a flavor of what's the what.

Thoroughly enjoy watching Will Arnett, but it seems as though he can't catch on with anything substantive since...Arrested Development? Not sure if I'm overlooking something besides his voice-overs for Reece's Peanut Butter Cups. I know he has done a lot of animated kid's movies-- but I don't watch those. Undoubtedly someone will come along and lambaste me, pointing out the 50 projects he's produced or starred in over the past five years. But to me, he's either Gob Bluth or Stranz Van Waldenberg.
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Old 01-28-2022, 09:13 AM   #1484
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by Cheater5 View Post
Thoroughly enjoy watching Will Arnett, but it seems as though he can't catch on with anything substantive since...Arrested Development? Not sure if I'm overlooking something besides his voice-overs for Reece's Peanut Butter Cups. I know he has done a lot of animated kid's movies-- but I don't watch those. Undoubtedly someone will come along and lambaste me, pointing out the 50 projects he's produced or starred in over the past five years. But to me, he's either Gob Bluth or Stranz Van Waldenberg.
It's animation VO, but if you haven't seen Bojack Horseman, you owe yourself.

You might watch the whole thing without thinking of Arnett once, even though he's the lead voice, but it's truly a seminal work.

Don't be off-put by the idea of animation, it's philosophical and wistful and even mind-numbingly sad at points, and also gut-bustingly hilarious most of the time.

Also, if it seems trifling at first, stick with it. It has an endgame, . . . boy, does it have an endgame.

There's an existing conversation in this thread, starting here


EDIT - remove the trailer since it's in the link to the prior convo above.^^
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Old 01-28-2022, 09:25 AM   #1485
htismaqe htismaqe is online now
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Two of my favorite genres are historical dramas and comedies.

I'm really enjoying The Great on Hulu. Fun series, hilariously vulgar.
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