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Old 04-27-2017, 07:19 PM  
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*****The Patrick Mahomes Thread*****



Because of all the interest in this thread, I've place all of the video content of Patrick Mahomes II's college career, and draft day goodness into a single post that can be found here. Enjoy!

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Old 07-14-2018, 01:27 PM   #12346
pugsnotdrugs19 pugsnotdrugs19 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bowser View Post
Am I wrong in not being impressed with Bortles? He's not bad, but he's not great. I know he was a fantasy darling a couple of seasons ago, but he just doesn't seem to be that upper tier QB type of guy. He's Alex plus.

Now, if you would have said "Jaguars defense" instead of Bortles.....
My comment was sarcastic, I don’t believe in Bortles whatsoever
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Old 07-14-2018, 01:33 PM   #12347
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Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19 View Post
My comment was sarcastic, I don’t believe in Bortles whatsoever
I love it when I swing and miss when someone is being sarcastic lol
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Old 07-14-2018, 01:50 PM   #12348
RealSNR RealSNR is offline
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Originally Posted by Bowser View Post
I love it when I swing and miss when someone is being sarcastic lol
Are you serious? You actually love it when you don't detect sarcasm? What the hell is wrong with you?
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I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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Old 07-14-2018, 02:05 PM   #12349
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Originally Posted by RealSNR View Post
Are you serious? You actually love it when you don't detect sarcasm? What the hell is wrong with you?
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Old 07-14-2018, 02:19 PM   #12350
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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
I think Luck is gonna bounce back. Ballard has done a good job of building their OL.

Oh and Luck is absolutely jacked now.

Holy shit! yeah I'd say he is back... you cant lift like that if your shoulders all gimped up

Originally Posted by Bowser View Post
Am I wrong in not being impressed with Bortles? He's not bad, but he's not great. I know he was a fantasy darling a couple of seasons ago, but he just doesn't seem to be that upper tier QB type of guy. He's Alex plus.

Now, if you would have said "Jaguars defense" instead of Bortles.....
'Alex plus'... never thought of him that way, but damned if it doesnt fit nicely

He is a scaled up model of Smith in many ways, however I was impressed with his transformation in the playoffs... thought he showed tremendous growth
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Old 07-14-2018, 03:10 PM   #12351
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
I think Luck is gonna bounce back. Ballard has done a good job of building their OL.

Oh and Luck is absolutely jacked now.

When did he last play? Sometime in the 1990s, right?
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Old 07-14-2018, 03:19 PM   #12352
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Originally Posted by RealSNR View Post
He has everything to do with it.

If they're both really good QBs, guess which one they're going to talk about far more often.

The guy in the larger market. The guy with the biggest national presence of anybody headed into that 2017 draft class. The guy people have ingrained in their brains by national media as a "winner."

You don't get it. I don't want second fiddle. I want attention. I want the spotlight. I want the Chiefs to rip the microphone away from the Steelers, Cowboys, and every other team who has been hogging it for the past 20 years, and I want the Chiefs to dominate it for a good several years, this time with OUR star QB.

"I don't care. Just win and I'm happy."

Good for ****ing you. I'm glad simple things make you happy. As for me, if I can get it, I want the full fan experience. I want daily fan blowjobs on NFL Network. I want other fans to bitch and moan like we did about Peyton Manning coverage during his entire NFL career, only 10 times worse. I want a ****ing children's Saturday morning cartoon show that takes the country by storm called "The Adventures of Super Patrick and His Enormous Shlong," starring Morgan Freeman in full frog voice and featuring occasional guest appearances by Andy Reid as Walrus Man.

And I want destruction in our wake. Not just at the expense of our AFC West rivals, but of the entire NFL. And that includes the innocents like Deshaun Watson. He didn't do anything wrong, but he soaked up a ton of draft day coverage of 1st round QBs that should have been devoted 100% to Patrick Mahomes.

And for that, he must die.
I understand the way the world works now. I want to imagine truth and justice and a meritocracy, but the truth is that having a top-tier media darling at quarterback will win games and championships whether they're deserved or not. Officials will make questionable calls in their favor consistently, the league will give them favorable coverage, and everyone will fawn over them.

It's going to happen to some team. That's the way the world works. So let it happen to our team. I don't care if we get sleazy calls in our favor to knock out teams that are outplaying us. I've seen that a hundred times going against us, so it's time to even the score.

So come on down, NFL. Give us all the help we need to make Patrick Mahomes II a household name.
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Old 07-14-2018, 03:36 PM   #12353
Bewbies Bewbies is offline
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Originally Posted by RealSNR View Post
We all remember the night Mahomes was drafted. We know where we were. We remember how excited we were. We remember watching our wives clean jizz stains off the walls for the next two weeks. It was pretty much a perfect night, and it stands out as a top 5 moment in my life as a sports fan in terms of how happy I was.

I wanted that to keep going the next day. I watched every sports show I could get my hands on to see what they said. And I was (somewhat) disappointed. It was good, but it wasn't perfect. Because Watson was the #1 topic of conversation.

And that sticks out as wrong in my mind. Not morally, but factually. I saw that night. I saw the tweets in which coaches/GMs from the Giants, Saints, Cardinals, and Texans all became sullen and dismayed that Kansas City beat them all to the punch and grabbed Mahomes. I saw the live look-in to the war room in Kansas City, with fist pounding, celebration, smiles, and applause. Then I saw Houston's. Straight faces. Stunned faces. Half smiles. They all looked relieved that they didn't miss out on a QB more than they were excited and pumped for the selection they just made. THAT'S what I remember.
Watching the Cubs win the World Series is the only thing I'd personally place above that night.

When I get to see KC win a Super Bowl I will move the Cubbies to slot #2.
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Old 07-14-2018, 03:40 PM   #12354
RunKC RunKC is offline
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Originally Posted by RealSNR View Post
We all remember the night Mahomes was drafted. We know where we were. We remember how excited we were. We remember watching our wives clean jizz stains off the walls for the next two weeks. It was pretty much a perfect night, and it stands out as a top 5 moment in my life as a sports fan in terms of how happy I was.

I wanted that to keep going the next day. I watched every sports show I could get my hands on to see what they said. And I was (somewhat) disappointed. It was good, but it wasn't perfect. Because Watson was the #1 topic of conversation.

And that sticks out as wrong in my mind. Not morally, but factually. I saw that night. I saw the tweets in which coaches/GMs from the Giants, Saints, Cardinals, and Texans all became sullen and dismayed that Kansas City beat them all to the punch and grabbed Mahomes. I saw the live look-in to the war room in Kansas City, with fist pounding, celebration, smiles, and applause. Then I saw Houston's. Straight faces. Stunned faces. Half smiles. They all looked relieved that they didn't miss out on a QB more than they were excited and pumped for the selection they just made. THAT'S what I remember.
People love Watson more than ever bc of what he did last year. If/when Mahomes lights it up, the Chiefs will be huge everywhere.

Just wait until you start seeing Mahomes on commercials every Sunday.
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Old 07-14-2018, 03:45 PM   #12355
KChiefs1 KChiefs1 is offline
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Originally Posted by KChiefs1 View Post

You’re welcome.

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Old 07-14-2018, 04:24 PM   #12356
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Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
When did he last play? Sometime in the 1990s, right?
Captain Luck has a Civil War to fight.
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Old 07-14-2018, 04:28 PM   #12357
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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Originally Posted by Bowser View Post
If it's "Higher Love", I'm going to have preconceived notions.

That said, you hit way more often with your ids than you miss. So, do what you do, even if it's Steve Winwood.
Don't worry. It's 60s Steve Winwood, not cuck 80s Steve Winwood.
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Old 07-14-2018, 10:00 PM   #12358
NJChiefsFan NJChiefsFan is offline
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Originally Posted by -King- View Post
Yeah being in a small market has really hurt Aaron Rodgers. They rarely ever talk about him.

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Come on. I'm not really invested in this argument either way, but calling GB a small market in NFL terms is pretty disingenuous. GB takes a back seat to few, if any teams, when they are winning and we all know it.
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Old 07-14-2018, 10:02 PM   #12359
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
Got a hot ****ing 2018 trailer for you guys. Too bad you have to wait for preseason footage for it to be released.

Finished the intro last night though. It starts with an all-time classic Jerry Goldsmith tune and segues flawlessly into one of Steve Winwood’s greatest hits.

It also has Nick Wright and Stephen A. Smith in it...oh and Mark Davis and Jon Gruden.
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Old 07-14-2018, 10:16 PM   #12360
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Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla View Post
Mr. Fantasy?
acoustic guitar?
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