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View Poll Results: What Lever You Flippin??
Yes 16 14.16%
No 16 14.16%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote Yes 59 52.21%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote No 22 19.47%
Voters: 113. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-28-2024, 08:28 AM  
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Stadium Watch 2024 -Jackson County Residents: How Are You Voting?

Vote in this poll if you actually live in Jackson county.

We've all shared our opinions in the other thread. But who gives a shit what somebody in Platte County or Johnson County or Phoenix or NYC thinks. We're all just noise.
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Old 04-04-2024, 07:18 PM   #1186
Titty Meat Titty Meat is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr. Plow View Post
You think they'll stay at Arrowhead?
I do. I think they split from the Royals, shop around come back with a price tag and get back on the ballot.
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Old 04-04-2024, 07:28 PM   #1187
WhawhaWhat WhawhaWhat is offline

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Originally Posted by Titty Meat View Post
I do. I think they split from the Royals, shop around come back with a price tag and get back on the ballot.
Hopefully they have a better campaign than "Give us a ton of money or we're leaving" like the last one.
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Old 04-04-2024, 08:03 PM   #1188
IowaHawkeyeChief IowaHawkeyeChief is offline
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Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat View Post
Hopefully they have a better campaign than "Give us a ton of money or we're leaving" like the last one.
Don't kid yourself, the Chiefs gained a ton of leverage with the NO vote.
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Old 04-04-2024, 09:10 PM   #1189
Titty Meat Titty Meat is offline
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"Don't believe the noise. We are committed to retention of our teams with vastly lower expenses--think needed infrastructure build out--than even an intra-metro move. Both teams will be in KCMO in 2040 and long after" - Mayor Q

Not sure what needed infrastructure build out means. Is he talking about a streetcar going to the TSC? That idea has been floated for the world cup. Id say the clock is ticking on that
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Old 04-05-2024, 09:45 AM   #1190
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Originally Posted by loochy View Post


Absolutely not

Of course


And the answers to all of them are very obvious
Well, we don't know that for sure but there is a good reason why I mentioned all of those things. I suspect they may want to do some or all of these things.

If that's the case then they will just price out fans like myself, unfortunately.
Conversation would be vastly improved by the constant use of four simple words:

I do not know.
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Old 04-05-2024, 12:00 PM   #1191
-King- -King- is offline
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Chiefs go on the ballot without the royals and have a roof over the stadium and it passes 75:25
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Old 04-05-2024, 12:06 PM   #1192
jettio jettio is offline

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Originally Posted by Titty Meat View Post
Here's a sampling of projects they've opposed that have had major delays or cancellations because of their opposition:

Lux Riverfront
Freighthouse Village
Katz Redevelopment (Main & Westport)
Wonderland (19th & Broadway)
City Harvest (5th & Main)
Mac Developemtn (Armour & Main)
ATT HQ Residential Conversion (8th & Locust)
KCATA High-Rise (10th & Main)
KC Royals Ballpark (East Village)
Ascend at River Market (Fmr. Defeo Tower (Oak & Third))
KC Current Village
The Midland Lofts (1221 Baltimore)
Parker Square Apartments
Old KCPS Headquarters
4711 Belleview
74 Broadway - Waldo Proposal (47th & Broadway)
Bravo Hotel

They also have over a million dollar in liquid assests. Haven't built a single house.


Where did you get the information of the list of projects and did the source for the list of projects say more about what happened with each proposal?

Not sure why you want to complain how they spend the money they raise as as a 501c3.

Their donors should know they are an advocacy group. They can advocate for this and that. You want to piss and moan that they have not spent a million dollars to increase housing inventory? That's pretty weak. You might have some real arguments to state, but nonsense criticism about KC Tenants not building shit on their own might discredit a valid argument you make on a different point because it comes from somebody that talks nonsense.

On a new Royals stadium, I think KC Tenants needs to acknowledge that some of the total costs will be paid wages and margins for local companies that are included because there would be MBE/WBE.
Where Ignorance is Bliss, 'Tis Folly to be Wise.


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Old 04-05-2024, 05:37 PM   #1193
Chris Meck Chris Meck is offline
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Originally Posted by comochiefsfan View Post
This dude has been incredibly naive on this subject the entire time.

A No vote was always going to mean the end of the Chiefs in Missouri unfortunately.
Jeezus Christmas, this is ridiculous.

No it wasn't, no it isn't, no they won't.

This vote was about Sherman and his completely shitty plan.

The Chiefs tried to give him cover to get the Royals out of their way, and even the Chiefs couldn't save him.

The Chiefs could put their renovations on the ballot alone and it would pass in a landslide.
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Old 04-05-2024, 05:56 PM   #1194
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Originally Posted by Chris Meck View Post
Jeezus Christmas, this is ridiculous.

No it wasn't, no it isn't, no they won't.

This vote was about Sherman and his completely shitty plan.

The Chiefs tried to give him cover to get the Royals out of their way, and even the Chiefs couldn't save him.

The Chiefs could put their renovations on the ballot alone and it would pass in a landslide.
The Royals plan was better than the Chiefs plan though. Those stadium renovations were bullshit and did nothing to help the vote pass. If anything they hurt it.
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Old 04-05-2024, 06:42 PM   #1195
IowaHawkeyeChief IowaHawkeyeChief is offline
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Originally Posted by jettio View Post
Where did you get the information of the list of projects and did the source for the list of projects say more about what happened with each proposal?

Not sure why you want to complain how they spend the money they raise as as a 501c3.

Their donors should know they are an advocacy group. They can advocate for this and that. You want to piss and moan that they have not spent a million dollars to increase housing inventory? That's pretty weak. You might have some real arguments to state, but nonsense criticism about KC Tenants not building shit on their own might discredit a valid argument you make on a different point because it comes from somebody that talks nonsense.

On a new Royals stadium, I think KC Tenants needs to acknowledge that some of the total costs will be paid wages and margins for local companies that are included because there would be MBE/WBE.
because they are clueless and peddle bad information to many people who would benefit for these projects.
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Old 04-05-2024, 08:11 PM   #1196
Arch Stanton Arch Stanton is offline

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After alla the whining, blaming and otherwise c*** behavior on the air, I've decided that Fescoe tears are more delicious than Billdo tears, although not at this point as refreshing as bungle tears.

Subject ta update.
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Old 04-05-2024, 08:15 PM   #1197
Mr. Plow Mr. Plow is offline
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Originally Posted by Chris Meck View Post
Jeezus Christmas, this is ridiculous.

No it wasn't, no it isn't, no they won't.

This vote was about Sherman and his completely shitty plan.

The Chiefs tried to give him cover to get the Royals out of their way, and even the Chiefs couldn't save him.

The Chiefs could put their renovations on the ballot alone and it would pass in a landslide.
You think the renovations they put out would pass on their own?

I'm not a Jackson county person and can't vote, but they were really underwhelming to me.
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Old 04-06-2024, 12:46 AM   #1198
Titty Meat Titty Meat is offline
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Originally Posted by jettio View Post
Where did you get the information of the list of projects and did the source for the list of projects say more about what happened with each proposal?

Not sure why you want to complain how they spend the money they raise as as a 501c3.

Their donors should know they are an advocacy group. They can advocate for this and that. You want to piss and moan that they have not spent a million dollars to increase housing inventory? That's pretty weak. You might have some real arguments to state, but nonsense criticism about KC Tenants not building shit on their own might discredit a valid argument you make on a different point because it comes from somebody that talks nonsense.

On a new Royals stadium, I think KC Tenants needs to acknowledge that some of the total costs will be paid wages and margins for local companies that are included because there would be MBE/WBE.
I had compiled it for months from news articles, KC Tennants public statements, and various hearings at City Hall. If you're asking for public sources I can link several of you'd like

Sure I will you don't see the irony in a group that talks about housing for the poor that has over 1 million in liquid assets and has spent $0 on housing? They've also killed projects that would provide hundreds if not thousands of "affordable" units. The housing crisis is driven by the supply not meeting demand. How do you expect prices to go down without more housing? If anything you could easily argue they've made it harder for developers and renters to operate in this city. We know that because we can point to the number of projects currently going on which is maybe a handful. What would stop a developer or landlord from saying **** this and setting up shop?
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Old 04-06-2024, 10:52 AM   #1199
Titty Meat Titty Meat is offline
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Details of the Negotiations Between the Royals and Clay County. Up to mid January 2024 when the Royals put it on hold. Some fascinating stuff in here including details of the tax expected up north and where those funds are going


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Old 04-06-2024, 10:58 AM   #1200
BWillie BWillie is offline
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Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry View Post
And the grift with them continue....
Why don't they just consider

1. Moving to a cheaper place to live. You don't deserve to live in Two Light for $1200.
2. Learn how to make money
3. That life isnt fair.
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