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View Poll Results: Who is your Favorite "Superfan"?
Arrowman 23 18.40%
First Down Elvis 52 41.60%
X Factor 8 6.40%
Weirdwolf 40 32.00%
Red Xtreme 2 1.60%
Voters: 125. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-20-2005, 01:39 AM  
greg63 greg63 is offline
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Who's your favorite KC Superfan?

You see them on TV, in person and cheering the loudest, not to mention their charity involvement. Now here's your chance to vote for your favorite "Superfan"


Last edited by greg63; 10-20-2005 at 02:14 AM..
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greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.greg63 Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.
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Old 10-21-2005, 09:55 AM   #106
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Originally Posted by xfactor
Thanks BRC-
Always clearing a path for the Superfans to gain yardage in the community!!1
Most people contribute their time or money to charity because it makes them feel good about theirself. Not an unreasonable motive.

There is no way these guys do their charity work just for publicity.

I'll always have the SuperFans back.
Mahomes is not a game manager. Release the Kraken.
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Old 10-21-2005, 10:17 AM   #107
WilliamTheIrish WilliamTheIrish is offline
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Originally Posted by greg63
Check out their web site.

It was a joke.. One more time..


Nevah heard of 'em.....
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Old 10-21-2005, 12:21 PM   #108
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Dang, I wish I would of seen this from the beginning. Now its almost old news but I'll pipe in any way.

I for one am in this for only ME. I could care less if the Chiefs win or if a kid learns how to read or swim or learns to tie his shoes. If I don't get face time I cry like Dick Vermeil who I don't like either. Heres how I spell team I-I-I-I. This was a great thread and finally brings the truth to light. It produced over 100 hits to our website which is how I found out it was here in the first place which means 100 of you got to see ME ME ME... Gosh I'm pretty. I'm going to go back to our site just so I can see me some more. By the way, the other guys in the group don't know it but I am secretly planning on replacing all of them with clones of myself. Weirdwolf's everywhere!!!! In fact, I think we should rename the team after ME. The Kansas City WEIRDWOLVES. Phobia, stop defending us you weiney!! (gratuitous Phobia slam on every Weirdwolf post) Ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.................


Now where is my day glo yellow paint.....this red just doesn't attract the cameras the way it used too......oh if it were only me in the stadium it would all be perfect.


Matriculate it down the field, boys!!

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WEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutWEIRDWOLF is the dumbass Milkman is always talking about
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Old 10-21-2005, 12:36 PM   #109
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Originally Posted by WEIRDWOLF
Dang, I wish I would of seen this from the beginning. Now its almost old news but I'll pipe in any way.

I for one am in this for only ME. I could care less if the Chiefs win or if a kid learns how to read or swim or learns to tie his shoes. If I don't get face time I cry like Dick Vermeil who I don't like either. Heres how I spell team I-I-I-I. This was a great thread and finally brings the truth to light. It produced over 100 hits to our website which is how I found out it was here in the first place which means 100 of you got to see ME ME ME... Gosh I'm pretty. I'm going to go back to our site just so I can see me some more. By the way, the other guys in the group don't know it but I am secretly planning on replacing all of them with clones of myself. Weirdwolf's everywhere!!!! In fact, I think we should rename the team after ME. The Kansas City WEIRDWOLVES. Phobia, stop defending us you weiney!! (gratuitous Phobia slam on every Weirdwolf post) Ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.................


Now where is my day glo yellow paint.....this red just doesn't attract the cameras the way it used too......oh if it were only me in the stadium it would all be perfect.

Mahomes is not a game manager. Release the Kraken.
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Old 10-21-2005, 01:27 PM   #110
RedXtreme RedXtreme is offline

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I for one was driving 3 hrs each way to help events here in KC .I am sorry some of you feel like you do... But we are all Superfans of the Chiefs. We in no way want to take away from you ..So I will get of this thread and let you Glott for more time yourself Sorry to take from youre time that you so much want from the other board members.To the ones that know us and help us . Thank You all. I hope to work with all of YOU sometime.
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Old 10-21-2005, 01:46 PM   #111
Rausch Rausch is offline
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Some of you people need a fiber pill and a 10W30 enema.

Do people dress up at games to get attention?

HELL YEAH! They're fans who try and be in-the-seats cheerleaders that help pump up the crowd.


Now, go back to buying your kids some Halloween costumes.

If the lil' bastards were worth a damn they'd be helping grandma' do the laundry instead of begging for candy. Attention whores...
"He had no teeth, and he was slobbering all over himself. I'm thinking, 'You can have your money back, just get me out of here. Let me go be an accountant." I can't tell you how badly I wanted out of there."
Denver rookie QB John Elway, on Jack Lambert, after Lambert and the Steelers knocked Elway out of his first game as a pro (1983).
Originally Posted by rico
I wish I always ended up at gay bars.
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Old 10-21-2005, 02:12 PM   #112
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Originally Posted by RedXtreme
I for one was driving 3 hrs each way to help events here in KC .I am sorry some of you feel like you do... But we are all Superfans of the Chiefs. We in no way want to take away from you ..So I will get of this thread and let you Glott for more time yourself Sorry to take from youre time that you so much want from the other board members.To the ones that know us and help us . Thank You all. I hope to work with all of YOU sometime.
Hey Red don't sweat it. It's just a small minority. you can't please everyone.
Mahomes is not a game manager. Release the Kraken.
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BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigRedChief is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 10-21-2005, 02:13 PM   #113
Iowanian Iowanian is offline
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I think someone needs a blowjob they're not paying for.....

I've "met" weirdwolf a few times, and seen him with kids, and grant the requests of OTHER FANS who want thier pic taken..never seen him approach them. He's never been anything but friendly. He wouldn't know me on the street, but he's been the "same guy" the several times I've met him.

I've met 2 of the others once or twice at tailgates...and though "I" wouldn't wear tights,they seemed sincere.

I DID know FDE before "FDE" was "born". He was as nice a guy as I've met,(then), and cheered like a wildman, and took a L as hard as any fan.

Anyone who has met, or knows steve and questions his motives has a serious case of Penis envy and can suk Iowanian's baows.
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Old 10-21-2005, 03:39 PM   #114
RedXtreme RedXtreme is offline

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BRC I wil not let it bother me I am big enough to know the ones that want others to notice them in a different way. They need to understand that when players come to us out of costum and ask for us to help them We are NOT the wrong ones in thes pic.
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Old 10-21-2005, 03:48 PM   #115
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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I'm a superfan, but since I watch the game at home I'm not really well-known. Well, that and my wife got mad about the red paint on the couch so I can't dress up any more.
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Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 10-22-2005, 12:31 AM   #116
greg63 greg63 is offline
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Mods please kill this thread.

To all the Superfans, please accept my sincere apologies for starting this thread. It was not in any way meant to become something that would question your character. As I stated in a previous post I simply thought it would be fun, and maybe a way to direct traffic to your web site. I am asking the mods to kill the thread so it doesn’t continue to morph into a Superfan debate.

Last edited by greg63; 10-22-2005 at 01:14 AM..
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Old 10-22-2005, 06:06 AM   #117

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Originally Posted by RedXtreme
BRC I wil not let it bother me I am big enough to know the ones that want others to notice them in a different way. They need to understand that when players come to us out of costum and ask for us to help them We are NOT the wrong ones in thes pic.
Bah - you're just mad because you only fetched 1 vote on this thread. You need to do something really over the top to gain some popularity. I recommend turning your entire face into an Arrowhead tattoo complete with plastic surgery and sharpening each tooth into a tiny Arrowhead.

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Old 10-22-2005, 06:07 AM   #118

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Originally Posted by greg63
I am asking the mods to kill the thread so it doesn’t
continue to morph into a Superfan debate.
We simply don't delete active threads on ChiefsPlanet. It's something the community decided against years ago.
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Old 10-22-2005, 06:14 AM   #119

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Originally Posted by WEIRDWOLF
Phobia, stop defending us you weiney!! (gratuitous Phobia slam on every Weirdwolf post) Ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.................
I'm sure you don't remember, but I met you at a game when you had first started dressing up 7-8 years ago. I snagged you after the game to flip you some shit (as I am prone to do) because I thought your costume was goofy. During the 2 minutes we spoke I changed my mind because you had a great sense of humor about it and were legitimately cool. I think you guys do a helluva lot of good work in the community. As you know, that's just fine with me.

I also know that a lot of fans have changed their attitudes toward you guys over the years. I think that's pretty cool. Remind me to tell you a story sometime.
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Old 10-22-2005, 06:15 AM   #120
Rausch Rausch is offline
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Originally Posted by Phobia
Bah - you're just mad because you only fetched 1 vote on this thread. You need to do something really over the top to gain some popularity. I recommend turning your entire face into an Arrowhead tattoo complete with plastic surgery and sharpening each tooth into a tiny Arrowhead.

I voted for 1st D Elvis, but I kinda had to.

He's married to a horribly ugly woman with no kids and no real talent to speak of.

Poor b@st-tward...

OTOH I can see RedXtreme reminding me how much of a puzzy I am for not putting down my 78th beer by sunday.

And then there's Xfactor, who makes me think Red Rausch (with red n yeller' lederhosen) might not be that off of center after all...

"He had no teeth, and he was slobbering all over himself. I'm thinking, 'You can have your money back, just get me out of here. Let me go be an accountant." I can't tell you how badly I wanted out of there."
Denver rookie QB John Elway, on Jack Lambert, after Lambert and the Steelers knocked Elway out of his first game as a pro (1983).
Originally Posted by rico
I wish I always ended up at gay bars.
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