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Old 04-27-2017, 07:19 PM  
Dante84 Dante84 is offline
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*****The Patrick Mahomes Thread*****



Because of all the interest in this thread, I've place all of the video content of Patrick Mahomes II's college career, and draft day goodness into a single post that can be found here. Enjoy!

Last edited by Dante84; 05-17-2017 at 09:40 AM..
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Old 06-05-2018, 10:55 PM   #11746
BossChief BossChief is online now
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Mahomes LITERALLY has every single tool you would ever hope a QB has to be the face of a franchise.

It’s like he has absolutely no flaws, as a prospect in his situation.
Dreams do come true...

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Old 06-06-2018, 06:18 AM   #11747
Coogs Coogs is offline
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There is an article in the Star this morning that says the Vegas over/under on TD passes thrown by Mahomes this season is 21.5.
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Old 06-06-2018, 07:25 AM   #11748
Red Dawg Red Dawg is offline
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Originally Posted by Coogs View Post
There is an article in the Star this morning that says the Vegas over/under on TD passes thrown by Mahomes this season is 21.5.
Bet the over. He's going over 30 I bet.
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Old 06-06-2018, 07:36 AM   #11749
staylor26 staylor26 is offline
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Originally Posted by Coogs View Post
There is an article in the Star this morning that says the Vegas over/under on TD passes thrown by Mahomes this season is 21.5.
Should be easy money if he plays all 16 games.
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Old 06-06-2018, 08:56 AM   #11750
milkman milkman is offline
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Originally Posted by beach tribe View Post

Farvre catches a lot of shit from fans, and he did make some terrible decisions over the years, but he was undoubtedly one of the top 5 QBs of all time.

Also, the comparisons that should be made should be based on Talent and ability alone.
Mahommes is a humble young man.
Farve is a guy who's explanation for why he attempted throws was: "because I can"

People will see the same kind of plays being made by Mahommes in college and determine that he plays with same mind set, but Mahommes played that way because it was the only way his team had any shot to win, on account of his defense allowing points on nearly every possession.

I think we will still see this kind of thing resurface early in his career but he will not be arrogant about it and will work to clean it up.

I think he has the tools, intelligence and character to be one of the best of all time, but there are so many variables that only time will tell.
Top 5


Though I can't even begin to imagine what Unitas and Marino would do in the modern NFL.
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Old 06-06-2018, 09:32 AM   #11751
BleedingRed BleedingRed is offline

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Originally Posted by Best22 View Post
Mahomes is outwardly humble, but I think he has the same confidence or "swagger" as Favre

Difference is when Favre first came into the league, he was a huge partier who weighed 250, while Mahomes was a "sponge" who wanted to learn everything he could
Mahome definitely has the "Farve" element of "Because I can", the difference between the two is that I think Ried is going to be able to influence Mahomes from the start........

People need to understand WHY Mahomes has been compared to Farve. It's because of throws like this....

Let me break down why this throw is "Special"
- He is running to his LEFT
- He throws ACROSS his body
- He throws it OFF his back foot and unbalanced (didn't step into it)
- He throws it from the (44) yard line to about (7) yard deep into the end zone....... THAT IS A 51 YARD ****ING THROW

He literally threw this ball "BECAUSE HE COULD"
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Old 06-06-2018, 09:56 AM   #11752
bowener bowener is offline
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Originally Posted by Warrick View Post
Carr is GAF with that eyeliner, he has obviously dropped the soap too many times on purpose after games.
IDGAF about Carr, and think he is currently overrated, but he isn't wearing makeup. I'm not sure if you are being serious or not, though. He just has a crazy stupid amount of eyelashes. His brother does too, but he has less creepy looking eyes.
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Old 06-06-2018, 09:58 AM   #11753
RedRaider56 RedRaider56 is offline

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Originally Posted by BleedingRed View Post
Mahome definitely has the "Farve" element of "Because I can", the difference between the two is that I think Ried is going to be able to influence Mahomes from the start........

People need to understand WHY Mahomes has been compared to Farve. It's because of throws like this....

Let me break down why this throw is "Special"
- He is running to his LEFT
- He throws ACROSS his body
- He throws it OFF his back foot and unbalanced (didn't step into it)
- He throws it from the (44) yard line to about (7) yard deep into the end zone....... THAT IS A 51 YARD ****ING THROW

He literally threw this ball "BECAUSE HE COULD"
During Gruden's one-on-one with Mahomes prior to the draft, Gruden showed this play multiple times to Mahomes and basically said: This throw is one of the best I've ever seen. You were showing off a little when you did this, weren't you? c'mon be honest, you were showing off a little

Mahomes him & hawed for a couple of minutes and said : Yes, sir.
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Old 06-06-2018, 11:23 AM   #11754
Shaid Shaid is offline
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Originally Posted by BleedingRed View Post
Mahome definitely has the "Farve" element of "Because I can", the difference between the two is that I think Ried is going to be able to influence Mahomes from the start........

People need to understand WHY Mahomes has been compared to Farve. It's because of throws like this....

Let me break down why this throw is "Special"
- He is running to his LEFT
- He throws ACROSS his body
- He throws it OFF his back foot and unbalanced (didn't step into it)
- He throws it from the (44) yard line to about (7) yard deep into the end zone....... THAT IS A 51 YARD ****ING THROW

He literally threw this ball "BECAUSE HE COULD"
Now I agree with this completely. It's the type of throws he CAN make that is why we see the Favre comparisons. He adlibs and pulls some crazy throws out of his ass and it works.
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Old 06-06-2018, 11:34 AM   #11755
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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Originally Posted by milkman View Post
Top 5


Though I can't even begin to imagine what Unitas and Marino would do in the modern NFL.
Among your five, I would say...

Montana is #1. Agreed.
Marino is #2. We're pretty close.
Unitas is #3. We're sympatico.
Steve Young is #4.
Tom Brady is #5, even though there's been significant cheating there.

Peyton Manning is close, but he was a Bronco at the end.

I currently list Elway as #293 all time.
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Old 06-06-2018, 11:50 AM   #11756
KChiefs1 KChiefs1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Coogs View Post
There is an article in the Star this morning that says the Vegas over/under on TD passes thrown by Mahomes this season is 21.5.

OMG. Where's my bookie!
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Old 06-06-2018, 11:52 AM   #11757
KChiefs1 KChiefs1 is offline
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Originally Posted by BleedingRed View Post
I thought this would be fun to Catalog what Patrick Mahomes gets to work with in with Stats/Video (Have time to kill at work before meeting)I apologize for videos "Music Choice".................

Travis Kelce

Sammy Watkins

Tyreek Hill

Kareem Hunt

So for those who are keeping count...........

(Whole Group Together)

Receiving Yards = 9,183

Touch Downs = 77

Average Yard Per Catch = 12.57

Yards Per Game = 298.9


Pro-Bowls = 6

1st Team All-Pro = 2

2nd Team All-Pro = 1

PFWA All-Rookie Team = 2

NFL Rushing Champ = 1

Please keep in mind this whole groups average age is 24.5

And they only have 11 Seasons in the NFL if you add them all together!

Super Excited to see this young core together for as long as possible!

Awesome stuff.
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Old 06-06-2018, 11:54 AM   #11758
KChiefs1 KChiefs1 is offline
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Originally Posted by BleedingRed View Post
Mahome definitely has the "Farve" element of "Because I can", the difference between the two is that I think Ried is going to be able to influence Mahomes from the start........

People need to understand WHY Mahomes has been compared to Farve. It's because of throws like this....

Let me break down why this throw is "Special"
- He is running to his LEFT
- He throws ACROSS his body
- He throws it OFF his back foot and unbalanced (didn't step into it)
- He throws it from the (44) yard line to about (7) yard deep into the end zone....... THAT IS A 51 YARD ****ING THROW

He literally threw this ball "BECAUSE HE COULD"

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Old 06-06-2018, 12:20 PM   #11759
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You're smoking crack if you think Favre weighed 250 coming out of college.


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Old 06-06-2018, 12:28 PM   #11760
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Originally Posted by Kiimosabi View Post
You're smoking crack if you think Favre weighed 250 coming out of college.


He said himself, he got fat one summer

(Granted, he did have serious surgery due to car accident which led to weight gain)
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