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Old 10-20-2006, 10:38 PM  
ChiefsFan4Life ChiefsFan4Life is offline
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Dexter (Showtime)

Anyone watch this show?

I was bored and watched all three episodes that have been aired so far on OnDemand. I actually think the show is pretty damn good so far, I like the character a lot.
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Old 01-08-2022, 09:01 AM   #826
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Originally Posted by Bump View Post
Here's what I hope happens:

No thanks.
Mind you own damn business
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Old 01-08-2022, 02:16 PM   #827
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Old 01-08-2022, 04:49 PM   #828
KC_Connection KC_Connection is offline
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Old 01-08-2022, 08:49 PM   #829
kevrunner kevrunner is offline
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Harrison did realize something that never crossed my mind for the entirety of the series, not only was Dexter killing people that deserved to be killed, Dexter was also saving lives, potential future victims that would have been killed. I never thought about all the future murders that Dexter was preventing. He’s a hero, should be getting medals. I feel pretty dumb.
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Old 01-09-2022, 12:28 AM   #830
KC_Connection KC_Connection is offline
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Originally Posted by kevrunner View Post
Harrison did realize something that never crossed my mind for the entirety of the series, not only was Dexter killing people that deserved to be killed, Dexter was also saving lives, potential future victims that would have been killed. I never thought about all the future murders that Dexter was preventing. He’s a hero, should be getting medals. I feel pretty dumb.
That isn’t Dexter’s primary motivation for doing what he does, though, which should have been obvious to Harrison in watching how much Dexter enjoyed his kill last week.
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Old 01-09-2022, 09:25 AM   #831
BigRock BigRock is offline
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I didn't hate it because overall I always liked the series. But this whole thing has been varying degrees of absurd. I mean, it's all based on the premise that, after a decade of blending in, Dexter suddenly just had to kill some random fratbro. It was weak from the jump.

Remember when Dexter had to lead the dead guy's scent away from his place because dogs were being brought in? So he dug back down to where he hid the body (with his son asleep right inside) and he took the guy's clothes and went back out to the crime scene and danced all around to spread the scent from there back to the road? And all this after they'd established there were cameras all around in the woods? But they just never mentioned the cameras ever again so it didn't matter?

And then Dexter had to dig the guy's body back up (again with his son asleep right inside but hearing nothing) and took it to a giant incinerator that had never been mentioned before, which apparently you can just drive right up to and throw things in, but somehow he didn't just do that in the first place?

Remember a couple episodes ago when Dexter got shot? LOL

Dexter needs a drug to do his usual ritual, but he acknowledges he doesn't have access to the stuff he used before. So he gets some ketamine from the vet. Then his girlfriend googles ketamine + Miami murders and the top result is the Bay Harbor Butcher, with the text on the screen literally saying the victims were injected with ketamine, even though the show already acknowledged that's not the drug Dexter used back then. Seriously, how did this fall through the cracks?

I could keep going, including with stuff from the finale but I won't get into any spoilers. But really, 10 years after one of the most hated/mocked series endings of all time and they get a chance to redeem it and this was the effort they put out. Kinda sad.
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Old 01-09-2022, 11:44 AM   #832
Molitoth Molitoth is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRock View Post
I didn't hate it because overall I always liked the series. But this whole thing has been varying degrees of absurd. I mean, it's all based on the premise that, after a decade of blending in, Dexter suddenly just had to kill some random fratbro. It was weak from the jump.

Remember when Dexter had to lead the dead guy's scent away from his place because dogs were being brought in? So he dug back down to where he hid the body (with his son asleep right inside) and he took the guy's clothes and went back out to the crime scene and danced all around to spread the scent from there back to the road? And all this after they'd established there were cameras all around in the woods? But they just never mentioned the cameras ever again so it didn't matter?

And then Dexter had to dig the guy's body back up (again with his son asleep right inside but hearing nothing) and took it to a giant incinerator that had never been mentioned before, which apparently you can just drive right up to and throw things in, but somehow he didn't just do that in the first place?

Remember a couple episodes ago when Dexter got shot? LOL

Dexter needs a drug to do his usual ritual, but he acknowledges he doesn't have access to the stuff he used before. So he gets some ketamine from the vet. Then his girlfriend googles ketamine + Miami murders and the top result is the Bay Harbor Butcher, with the text on the screen literally saying the victims were injected with ketamine, even though the show already acknowledged that's not the drug Dexter used back then. Seriously, how did this fall through the cracks?

I could keep going, including with stuff from the finale but I won't get into any spoilers. But really, 10 years after one of the most hated/mocked series endings of all time and they get a chance to redeem it and this was the effort they put out. Kinda sad.
Yeah, these things are very "meh" and the show def suffers from the details that made a show like Breaking Bad pretty amazing, but I still enjoy it for the unique plot.
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Old 01-09-2022, 06:44 PM   #833
Bump Bump is offline
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that ending sucked
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Old 01-09-2022, 07:59 PM   #834
kevrunner kevrunner is offline
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Originally Posted by Bump View Post
that ending sucked
What a letdown, that was a very disappointing ending.
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Old 01-10-2022, 05:28 AM   #835
KC_Connection KC_Connection is offline
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Originally Posted by KC_Connection View Post
Exactly what I expected. They sort of telegraphed it in last week’s episode. I don’t think this season quite pulled together all the pieces in the end, but at least it entertained and had a better finale than the first time around.
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Old 01-10-2022, 05:30 AM   #836
KC_Connection KC_Connection is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRock View Post
Remember a couple episodes ago when Dexter got shot? LOL
Yeah that was a pretty glaring example of that. It kind of made me wonder if the writers of the next few episodes just completely forgot that.
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Old 01-10-2022, 09:02 AM   #837
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Old 01-10-2022, 05:41 PM   #838
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I was at least excited that we’d get a scene reuniting Angel Batista and Dexter, what a tease and then not get it, that made the ending worse for me, I thought sure it was happening.
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Old 01-10-2022, 05:46 PM   #839
KC_Connection KC_Connection is offline
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Originally Posted by kevrunner View Post
I was at least excited that we’d get a scene reuniting Angel Batista and Dexter, what a tease and then not get it, that made the ending worse for me, I thought sure it was happening.
Yeah, there was no point in even having his scene in the finale if it didn't lead to anything. Is there a cut scene that didn't make the episode?

Odd for sure.
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Old 01-11-2022, 02:00 AM   #840
Bump Bump is offline
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Originally Posted by kevrunner View Post
I was at least excited that we’d get a scene reuniting Angel Batista and Dexter, what a tease and then not get it, that made the ending worse for me, I thought sure it was happening.
ya that was pretty whack that it didn't happen.

what a let down. They should have went with my prison idea.
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