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Old 05-20-2013, 03:00 PM  
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is online now
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The list of 85 by Roastmaster Saul Good. And hey, it's actually saul good.

As a spinoff to the successful NFL Network's version of this and from the drama thread, it has come to fruition that this thread must be created.

Each day Hootie will reveal a member starting with 101 and working his way in order to number 1. I will update the OP as I see the names revealed.

*Warning this thread may cause a severe case of butthurt*

Let it begin!!

Hootie's List

Saul Good - A little about Roaster #2 (by frazod)

85 BigRedChief

84. StevieRay

83. Rustshack

82. KCnative

81. Notorious

80. Braincase

79. big nasty kcnut

78. crazycoffey

77. Phobia


76 Dave Lane


75 KnowMo roasted by PGM

74 Luv roasted by Mr. Flopnuts

Last edited by Mr. Flopnuts; 06-25-2013 at 07:16 PM..
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Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.Pasta Little Brioni is obviously part of the inner Circle.
Old 06-20-2013, 01:41 PM   #8266
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Originally Posted by patteeu View Post
If that's really all it was, it's a perfect example of how that rule is just a fig leaf for Phobia (or any other mod) to hide behind when they punish a poster they have a bias against. Lame.
it was

Clay PM'd me and I remembered the post. I hate .gif posting so hopefully Phil made a new rule about .gifs and that's why he was banned from the thread.

If that's the case, kudos kPhobia.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:41 PM   #8267
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Originally Posted by frazod View Post
He would if he had two big guys to hide behind.
I tihnk fighting is ridiculous. This isn't 1960. It's 2013. Go ahead, fight me. Have fun in court.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:41 PM   #8268
BigCatDaddy BigCatDaddy is offline
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Originally Posted by loochy View Post
Wow that surprises me. I didn't know that...that's cool. You are a waiter, right?
Pizza delivery driver.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:42 PM   #8269
loochy loochy is offline
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Originally Posted by unnecessary drama View Post
Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy View Post
Pizza delivery driver.

I'm so confused.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:42 PM   #8270
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Originally Posted by loochy View Post
I'm so confused.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:43 PM   #8271

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Originally Posted by unnecessary drama View Post
it was

Clay PM'd me and I remembered the post. I hate .gif posting so hopefully Phil made a new rule about .gifs and that's why he was banned from the thread.

If that's the case, kudos kPhobia.
Clay PM'd you? How did that go? "Phil is picking on me again. Please help." You two are pathetic peas in a pod. I'm out for a while. Enjoy "your" thread, Hootie.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:43 PM   #8272
patteeu patteeu is offline
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Originally Posted by Marcellus View Post
There is nothing macho about it. Its called crossing a line of respect.

I am also certain that you personally wouldn't continually call someone a pussy to their face if you knew they had the power to blast you because you know you would deserve whats coming.

People that continually heckle and challenge certain mods are going to get blasted on occasion.

You don't think Clay was trying to push Phil's buttons? Why should anyone have to put up with that if they don't have to?
The moderators on this board participate as members here too and many of them frequently get involved in the same disrespectful exchanges most of the rest of the board does. There's nothing wrong with that. But why should they have a shield to hide behind when no one else does?

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Old 06-20-2013, 01:44 PM   #8273
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Originally Posted by loochy View Post

It doesn't matter what you have NOW. It matters what you will have when you eventually want to stop working (or you can no longer work). I'm not scolding you, I'm just saying that it would be a really good idea if you took some of that disposable income and built yourself a nice little retirement account. I know a lot of people that get cash income don't.

Most young people have no idea how their personal/financial world can change in just the blink of an eye. It all seems so cozy and nice and in one split second any event can change that.

I know people who, 20 years ago, described themselves just like Hootie is doing. And in one fell swoop their whole world/financial strait changed.

Enjoy it now, but never think that you have it made. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:44 PM   #8274
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Originally Posted by Phobia View Post
Clay PM'd you? How did that go? "Phil is picking on me again. Please help." You two are pathetic peas in a pod. I'm out for a while. Enjoy "your" thread, Hootie.
I didn't PM him back. This is what it said:


I got removed from the thread due to abuse for posting this:


That was it.

It went well.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:44 PM   #8275
Frazod Frazod is offline
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Originally Posted by |Zach| View Post
Because "most liked" was what I have been going for around here.

You are the one who is here every waking moment. This is your world that you find important. I am just mocking you in it.
It was? Damn, I guess that hasn't really worked out for you, has it? Yeah, I made some good friends here and like to interact with them. Crazy, I know.

You seem really angry today, Zachipoo. Did your hand tell you that it wants to see other people?
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:44 PM   #8276
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Hey Loochy, I'm hoooome!
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:45 PM   #8277
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post

Most young people have no idea how their personal/financial world can change in just the blink of an eye. It all seems so cozy and nice and in one split second any event can change that.

I know people who, 20 years ago, described themselves just like Hootie is doing. And in one fell swoop their whole world/financial strait changed.

Enjoy it now, but never think that you have it made. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
thank you for handing down that life lesson
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:46 PM   #8278
Frazod Frazod is offline
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Originally Posted by unnecessary drama View Post
I tihnk fighting is ridiculous. This isn't 1960. It's 2013. Go ahead, fight me. Have fun in court.
Is everybody in college this much of a pussy? Is this the norm?
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:46 PM   #8279
|Zach| |Zach| is offline
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Originally Posted by frazod View Post
It was? Damn, I guess that hasn't really worked out for you, has it? Yeah, I made some good friends here and like to interact with them. Crazy, I know.

You seem really angry today, Zachipoo. Did your hand tell you that it wants to see other people?
It helps when you don't have to actually be around you in person that much at all I am sure.

But hey...85k. Damn. Life is made of decisions I suppose.
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Old 06-20-2013, 01:46 PM   #8280
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Here is my thought on bannings:

It's simple...ready?

DaneMcCloud called someone that has a special needs child a 'reerun breeder'.

He was not banned.

Therefore, bannings should not exist on this site.

The end.
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