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Old 01-24-2015, 04:51 PM  
Lonewolf Ed Lonewolf Ed is offline
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Good news [Lonewolf Ed]

I thought I'd start a new thread for updates on my cancer treatments and whatever else is going on, since the bad news thread title is misleading now.

My last treatment went better than the previous two and my chest wound is still closed up, which is a good thing. My arm is getting slightly stronger and I hope to resume lifting dumbbells next week. I need to build up my strength again, because I am going back to Denmark in May and I am extremely pumped about that! I'd like to be able to schlepp my own checked bag and not have someone else lifting it for me.

It's going to be a fabulous trip, 6 weeks and a couple of days for me. My brother is going along as well as my friends Chipp and Rod. Chipp is staying close to 3 weeks and has not gone with me over there since 2006 so he is also very pumped to be going. It will be Rod's first trip and he will be there for 2 weeks. I will get to be a tour guide. Also, I am throwing a party in my favorite pub of all, the wonderful, ever-magnificent Irish House in Aalborg on May 7th. The owner and I are friends and he will give me a little discount. We'll have Irish stew and brews in the cellar and I hope to have around 25 family and friends there. I might bill it as the "Fu** Cancer Party." A few months back, I was not sure I'd ever be able to go over to Denmark again or if I'd even be alive, but the cancer hasn't gotten me yet. I'm doing a number on it, instead.

Some other cool things I plan to do when I am back in my ancestral lands include a wine tasting in a castle, touring another castle and the northernmost manor home in the country, and visiting Skagen, the top of Denmark, where you can stand on a little patch of beach and have one foot in one sea and one in another. They also have a brewpub up there I am wanting to check out. I will start and end my trip in Aalborg and spend 5 weeks in an apartment I rent that is very close to the beach. I can hardly wait for May 4th to roll around!
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Old 09-22-2015, 08:21 PM   #796
Lonewolf Ed Lonewolf Ed is offline
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Originally Posted by srvy View Post
Good idea best to find out these things. Big Ed can't be flopping and twitching. Like the Big Stein episode of Seinfeld.
The eye muscles are still a bit twitchy. I am home, ate Chinese food, didn't need a raaalf bucket, and no need for immodium yet, either. I am slightly dizzy, though. I am sipping on a pint of cold water and have to get used to drinking 2 to 3 quarts of liquids (no beer, dammit) for the duration of this new treatment. On the plus side, my new treatments have not made my salivary glands go berserk when I bite into some food, like they did when I was on oxaliplatin. That was quite a shock when my mouth would react like I had the sourest lemon in there and whatever I had bitten into tasted normal.
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Old 09-22-2015, 08:30 PM   #797
wazu wazu is offline
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Hey, Ed. Just letting you know I'm still following this and cheering for you. Keep grinding, man. Hope this round is as tolerable as possible. (And gets the job done.)
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Old 09-22-2015, 08:35 PM   #798
Lonewolf Ed Lonewolf Ed is offline
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Originally Posted by wazu View Post
Hey, Ed. Just letting you know I'm still following this and cheering for you. Keep grinding, man. Hope this round is as tolerable as possible. (And gets the job done.)
Thanks, I do appreciate it greatly!
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Old 09-22-2015, 08:47 PM   #799
Buehler445 Buehler445 is offline
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Keep that inner Viking hacking away at that shit, Ed.
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Old 09-23-2015, 02:00 AM   #800
Lonewolf Ed Lonewolf Ed is offline
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Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave View Post
Yuck. What are they giving you?

First round of Avastin for me tomorrow.
Best of luck to you with that. I hope it goes smoother than mine did and I didn't suffer with it.
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Old 09-23-2015, 06:26 AM   #801
BigMeatballDave BigMeatballDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed View Post
Best of luck to you with that. I hope it goes smoother than mine did and I didn't suffer with it.
Thank you, and good.
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Old 09-23-2015, 06:29 AM   #802
BigMeatballDave BigMeatballDave is offline
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Still cannot believe there are 3 of us here fighting this shit. It is good to have others around to discuss, though.

The 3 Cancerteers.

Oh, wow. That was really cheesy. Sorry. LOL
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Old 09-23-2015, 10:43 AM   #803
Lonewolf Ed Lonewolf Ed is offline
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They should trot us onto the field at halftime, shouldn't they?
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Old 09-23-2015, 02:55 PM   #804
Lonewolf Ed Lonewolf Ed is offline
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Despite taking anti-nausea meds this time, sadly this morning, 16 hours after I last ate anything, my streak of not throwing up since May of 2008 came to a sudden, lengthy end. 6 or 7 raaalfs later, I sat down with some more meds, took them, waited a bit, and ate breakfast. So far so good except for hiccups. I am tired, too.
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Old 09-23-2015, 02:59 PM   #805
temper11 temper11 is offline
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Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave View Post
Still cannot believe there are 3 of us here fighting this shit. It is good to have others around to discuss, though.

The 3 Cancerteers.

Oh, wow. That was really cheesy. Sorry. LOL
Good luck guys... and keep fighting. Hope all three of you beat it.
**disclaimer. Nothing in this post was meant to offend, or in any way slander the good people of Kansas City or the obviously passionate fans of the KC Chiefs.
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Old 09-23-2015, 03:56 PM   #806
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Originally Posted by wazu View Post
Hey, Ed. Just letting you know I'm still following this and cheering for you. Keep grinding, man. Hope this round is as tolerable as possible. (And gets the job done.)

Sending good vibes to you dude.
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Old 09-23-2015, 05:35 PM   #807
GloryDayz GloryDayz is offline
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Old 09-23-2015, 06:03 PM   #808
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My friend Angela dropped by to help me wash my hair in the sink and I almost hurled on her. 3 seconds after I hugged her, I had my trash can in hand and let loose. Dammit. I hate puking.
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Old 09-23-2015, 07:14 PM   #809
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Man, this is hitting me hard. I just threw up a lot, for the third time today, and it really burned. I wonder if I should ring the doc?
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Old 09-23-2015, 07:19 PM   #810
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Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed View Post
Man, this is hitting me hard. I just threw up a lot, for the third time today, and it really burned. I wonder if I should ring the doc?
I would. Certainly time to adjust something.
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