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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Broncos news megathread

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Old 11-04-2024, 08:40 AM   #78406
RunKC RunKC is offline
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They’re right where we want them. Good enough to beat bad teams but not good enough to beat good teams.

They’re still on track for 8 or 9 wins and a draft pick outside the top 10. They’ll beat the Raiders again and the god awful Browns.

Keep buying Bo Nix! He’s so great Bronco fans
Mike Greenberg@Espngreeny
I can’t fathom what it must be like to be a fan of the #Chiefs.

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Old 11-04-2024, 08:44 AM   #78407
smithandrew051 smithandrew051 is online now
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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
They’re right where we want them. Good enough to beat bad teams but not good enough to beat good teams.

They’re still on track for 8 or 9 wins and a draft pick outside the top 10. They’ll beat the Raiders again and the god awful Browns.

Keep buying Bo Nix! He’s so great Bronco fans

This ^^^^ except no chance of winning the Division.
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Old 11-04-2024, 08:45 AM   #78408
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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Payton’s little system does just that. 1 title with Brees is criminal
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Old 11-04-2024, 08:51 AM   #78409
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Originally Posted by jjchieffan View Post
Where did the Donk Buffoon come from? I don't remember him posting here before last month. I think that maybe he's a mult of one of the morons who used to post here in the past. Maybe Kramzitinhisrectum or TombstonegivesBJ? His annoying full of himself style reminds me of those 2. At least knowshit was entertaining. This guy is just annoying. I mean, the guy comes to a rival thread in the middle of the night to accuse Chiefs of being dumb because they rounded 31 to 30 and said first thing in the morning. Then, the moron goes on to call us obsessive. . What a moron.
Don't think he's a mult. He's the reason Taco John shut down OrangeMange.
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Old 11-04-2024, 09:01 AM   #78410
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by Coochie liquor View Post
Bronco Fluffer creeps into the thread in the dead of night, like I used to do when sneaking out of the house as a teen. Hoping nobody catches him in the act. Biggest blowout loss, since the last one which wasn’t that long go tbh. Don’t worry, Daddy will take you to the glue factory next week, and then like a fart in the wind, you’ll disappear. Pretty impressive, you actually made it to Bo-vember this season.
Nailed it!
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Old 11-04-2024, 09:03 AM   #78411
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Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch View Post
Don't think he's a mult. He's the reason Taco John shut down OrangeMange.
Yep. He went full reerun DonkTARD at the end of the Mange. Doing all kinds of stupid shit, etc., that brought unwanted attention. He's special...
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Old 11-04-2024, 09:06 AM   #78412
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is offline
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Originally Posted by BroncoBuff View Post
Evenin', Tex.

That'd be 31 there, pard'nuh. Subtraction, huh? Addiction's tricky pal.

That was 'round 9:30 Tex, 10:30 before we drop the Clocks back an hour. Thats hardly "first thing."

What's that? You forgot about the clocks?

Well, mebbe ya oughtta . . . WHOA THERE! Come back down those stairs right this minute. You CANNOT blame your mother for that!

Yur hearin' from me now, Tex. The reason you hadn't heard from me before now IS .... I'm not obsessed with none of yuh' like y'all are with the Broncos.

Admittedly I was reaching for a couple of those not-so-funny wisecracks, but the underlying wisdom is rock solid. You guys exhibit all the signs of an unhealthy - or at least grossly exaggerated for the given circumstances - obsession with the Broncos. Funny part (and probably further evidence supporting it) is that not a single one of you seem to get it. Closest was I think RaidersCellar who compared the OM/OH thread "The Chiefs Suck!" with this one. Well that thread does have the most posts over there, but right now it's actually on Page THREE of the Main Discussion room:

Click here

There's also a palpable difference in tone. Here, no matter what is mentioned, "BRONCOS SUCK BRONCOS SUCK! THEY CHEATED THEY CHEATED!" There's nothing like a "discussion" of anything, while over there you'll find lucid intervals of football discussion mixed in.

You guys might consider what I've concluded in here, that y'all are a "damaged lot." Maybe not walking the ledge damaged, but damaged nonetheless. Most in need is that rcdempsey - I can't figure out if he's a real tough guy, just a bully, or just an internet tough guy. But whichever it is, The absolute terms he speaks in, "proven beyond a doubt," "absolutely without question," "cannot be argued with," the absolute nature of such comments argues for the exact opposite of their literal meaning. That is, these kinds of comments spring from insecure positions.
Yep, the "Chiefs Suck" thread slid off the first page. Apparently we should just forget that it has twice as many replies as any other thread on the board.

Know why it slid off the first page? Because none of the "obsessed" KC fans cared to bump it, as you and others are doing here.

There's no way Broncos regulars would let this thread die.
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Old 11-04-2024, 09:12 AM   #78413
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by BroncoBuff View Post
Evenin', Tex.

That'd be 31 there, pard'nuh. Subtraction, huh? Addiction's tricky pal.

That was 'round 9:30 Tex, 10:30 before we drop the Clocks back an hour. Thats hardly "first thing."

What's that? You forgot about the clocks?

Well, mebbe ya oughtta . . . WHOA THERE! Come back down those stairs right this minute. You CANNOT blame your mother for that!

Yur hearin' from me now, Tex. The reason you hadn't heard from me before now IS .... I'm not obsessed with none of yuh' like y'all are with the Broncos.

Admittedly I was reaching for a couple of those not-so-funny wisecracks, but the underlying wisdom is rock solid. You guys exhibit all the signs of an unhealthy - or at least grossly exaggerated for the given circumstances - obsession with the Broncos. Funny part (and probably further evidence supporting it) is that not a single one of you seem to get it. Closest was I think RaidersCellar who compared the OM/OH thread "The Chiefs Suck!" with this one. Well that thread does have the most posts over there, but right now it's actually on Page THREE of the Main Discussion room:

Click here

There's also a palpable difference in tone. Here, no matter what is mentioned, "BRONCOS SUCK BRONCOS SUCK! THEY CHEATED THEY CHEATED!" There's nothing like a "discussion" of anything, while over there you'll find lucid intervals of football discussion mixed in.

You guys might consider what I've concluded in here, that y'all are a "damaged lot." Maybe not walking the ledge damaged, but damaged nonetheless. Most in need is that rcdempsey - I can't figure out if he's a real tough guy, just a bully, or just an internet tough guy. But whichever it is, The absolute terms he speaks in, "proven beyond a doubt," "absolutely without question," "cannot be argued with," the absolute nature of such comments argues for the exact opposite of their literal meaning. That is, these kinds of comments spring from insecure positions.

You actually took the time for this???
Issues man, issues...

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Old 11-04-2024, 09:30 AM   #78414
TomBarndtsTwin TomBarndtsTwin is offline
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Buff shows up between Midnight and 1am, drive by shit posts, and then exits stage left.

Yeah, way to 'show up' after that ass whooping. :clown:
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Old 11-04-2024, 09:35 AM   #78415
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Originally Posted by TomBarndtsTwin View Post
Buff shows up between Midnight and 1am, drive by shit posts, and then exits stage left.

Yeah, way to 'show up' after that ass whooping. :clown:
Exactly! Buffy, the after hours Sniper!
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Old 11-04-2024, 10:16 AM   #78416
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is offline
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Originally Posted by BroncoBuff View Post
Hmmm.... so you guys think Romo's obviously over-complimentary Broncos impressions were unusual?

You should make a point of watching more NFL telecasts, you'll recognize the same such hype-ing of whatever teams are featured in that moment.

You're probably thinking right about now "not as much as the donks are hyped!" Don't listen to those thoughts. They're just your obsessive hatred of the Broncos horning in on your good-faith reaching after rational thought.
Tell us again all about how there's clearly an agenda to rig games for KC because a few correctly-called penalties took place late in a few games, and how you've never seen anything like it before. And don't forget to mention that fans of other teams KC has dominated agree with you completely!

Also, tell us more about how the first 20 games in the head to head series (in which your record was 1-19) and the first four Super Bowls don't count. Maybe the NFL and every other football fan counts them, but not Mr Not Obsessed. No way!
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Old 11-04-2024, 10:27 AM   #78417
BlackOp BlackOp is offline
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Donks went up against the 32nd ranked pass defense and mustered one TD...which was thrown TO the QB.

Nix overthrew 2 potential TDs...his long ball sucks. Wilson likely hits those.

I fail to see where Nix is an improvement...other than possibly his ability to run. Doink fans think they've "found their future QB"...yeah if your future involves being a perpetual 15th ranked team.

Next they will move on to the "we need better weapons" phase....better weapons wouldnt have caught those errant passes. (Carr landing Davante Adams achieved nothing)

Drafting Nix didnt move the needle for this franchise...pretty a much status quo move. Will they draft Bolles' replacement in the 1st...another break even play.

Pretty happy about the future of the Donks...the Cinderella phase with Nix will fade soon...right now, they can rationalize his short-comings.

Last edited by BlackOp; 11-04-2024 at 10:58 AM..
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Old 11-04-2024, 10:28 AM   #78418
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Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar View Post
Tell us again all about how there's clearly an agenda to rig games for KC because a few correctly-called penalties took place late in a few games, and how you've never seen anything like it before. And don't forget to mention that fans of other teams KC has dominated agree with you completely!

Also, tell us more about how the first 20 games in the head to head series (in which your record was 1-19) and the first four Super Bowls don't count. Maybe the NFL and every other football fan counts them, but not Mr Not Obsessed. No way!
Then, be sure to tell us that Super Bowls should count for teams that VIOLATE THE SALARY CAP DURING SUPER BOWL SEASONS. Cant make this shit up.
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Old 11-04-2024, 10:57 AM   #78419
brdempsey69 brdempsey69 is offline
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Originally Posted by TEX View Post
Then, be sure to tell us that Super Bowls should count for teams that VIOLATE THE SALARY CAP DURING SUPER BOWL SEASONS. Cant make this shit up.
The only meaningful words he posted were "Donkeys cheated & Donkeys SUCK".

And he says he's a doctor? I pity anyone that would have the misfortune of him practicing any type of medical procedures on them -- they'd be better served to go out on the street & get hit by a semi-truck.
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Old 11-04-2024, 11:02 AM   #78420
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Originally Posted by brdempsey69 View Post
And he says he's a doctor?
Emptying colostomy bags...
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