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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
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Broncos news megathread

Discussion: All things Broncos.

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Old 10-15-2024, 07:57 PM   #77596
BlackOp BlackOp is online now
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Please direct this negative energy to all things Donko...

Everyone knows they are the #1 cheating franchise in NFL history and their titles are illegitimate...HGH, Cap, Greased Jerseys.

It why this thread will never die...no matter how terrible they are.

It's our duty to constantly remind their fans of their sins....and until they repent and admit they've never won anything without cheating...the Karma death spiral will continue.

Are you ready to confess your teams transgressions MHM? It's the only way out of this...
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:05 PM   #77597
brdempsey69 brdempsey69 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
What he said
Do tell -- what was it he said that wasn't directly answered?

Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
I’ve definitely shared thoughts on the present.. not taking the bait for your walk down memory lane. I’ll let you guys have fun with that. You appear from nowhere out of your sports cocoon and apparently have an agenda, so enjoy.
You already have taken the bait, as evidenced by your initial response to me, regarding my reference to "memory lane". Did the thought ever occur to you that what transpired "down memory lane" is exactly why you're getting no empathy, no respect, and next to nothing except ridicule here in the present?
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:09 PM   #77598
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by brdempsey69 View Post
Do tell -- what was it he said that wasn't directly answered?

You already have taken the bait, as evidenced by your initial response to me, regarding my reference to "memory lane". Did the thought ever occur to you that what transpired "down memory lane" is exactly why you're getting no empathy, no respect, and next to nothing except ridicule here in the present?
Is that what I’m getting here? Weird, doesn’t feel like it.
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:09 PM   #77599
rydogg58 rydogg58 is online now

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Originally Posted by brdempsey69 View Post
Very well. I'd be happy to discuss the subject of that '97 playoff debacle with anyone at any time.

Pardon me, but that raises the obvious question -- why not state that in the first place? Do you think everyone else is a mind-reader or what? Do you think your initial response to me made any sense? My sentence that I typed made perfect sense & it was this:

"Quoted for 100% TRUTH. Notwithstanding, there's more to that still that can be discussed, if the notion strikes those of us that are in the know regarding what transpired in 1996-98."

Please explain -- what part of that didn't make sense to you? I'd be happy to provide any detailed explanation or clarity that you may wish for.

My sentiments exactly regarding you & anyone else. Notwithstanding, as a courtesy, I do try to make it point to clarify where I'm coming from (and admittedly I'm not always successful) in an effort to remove any doubt.

That's easily explainable. I registered in 2010, but have not frequented these forums since 2010 because I was occupied with frequenting sites like ChiefsCrowd and others, but Chiefs crowd has become somewhat defunct in the present day.

News flash: Anyone can say what they want, at any time, to you. They don't need your permission. You'd do well to get on board with that reality. And did the thought occur to you that your initial response came across as "talking shit"?
Shut the **** up, you're dicking this thread up. No one gives a shit about what you have to say, go back to not posting. This thread is about the sucking, not whatever the **** you are typing about.
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:12 PM   #77600
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
Please direct this negative energy to all things Donko...

Everyone knows they are the #1 cheating franchise in NFL history and their titles are illegitimate...HGH, Cap, Greased Jerseys.

It why this thread will never die...no matter how terrible they are.

It's our duty to constantly remind their fans of their sins....and until they repent and admit they've never won anything without cheating...the Karma death spiral will continue.

Are you ready to confess your teams transgressions MHM? It's the only way out of this...
You’ve been around a while, you’ve read my comments. I’m not getting wrapped up in historical stuff. I’ll let one of the others amuse you guys with replies, that is… if any return.
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:12 PM   #77601
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Weird, don’t feel like it.
Take your time...confessing your teams sins is hard. The truth will set you free....you can live in guilt-free fandom....like we enjoy.

It's a good feeling knowing your team won championships with talent and not skirting the rules...someday you might get to experience it too.
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:14 PM   #77602
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
Take your time...confessing your teams sins is hard. The truth will set you free....you can live in guilt-free fandom....like we enjoy.

It's a good feeling knowing your team won championships with talent and not skirting the rules...someday you might get to experience it too.
Don’t worry about me, bud… I’m good.
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:15 PM   #77603
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Don’t worry about me, bud… I’m good.
Yep, just you and Bo...hanging out in the forever basement.
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:40 PM   #77604
brdempsey69 brdempsey69 is offline
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Originally Posted by rydogg58 View Post
Shut the **** up, you're dicking this thread up. No one gives a shit about what you have to say, go back to not posting. This thread is about the sucking, not whatever the **** you are typing about.
Shut up your own self. I'll post what ever I want. Don't like it, don't read it. What nobody cares about is you crapping in your diaper about it.

Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
Please direct this negative energy to all things Donko...

Everyone knows they are the #1 cheating franchise in NFL history and their titles are illegitimate...HGH, Cap, Greased Jerseys.

It why this thread will never die...no matter how terrible they are.

It's our duty to constantly remind their fans of their sins....and until they repent and admit they've never won anything without cheating...the Karma death spiral will continue.

Are you ready to confess your teams transgressions MHM? It's the only way out of this...
I'm all on board with this & that is why I'm here.

Let's add to that -- the Donkey's O-Line getting away with the dirty tactics of massive holding, illegal chop blocks, etc. (taught to them by an O-Line coach named Alex Gibbs) which allowed Terrell Davis to rack up the massive rushing numbers that he did in 1997-98. This was the coat-tail that Elway and the rest of the Donks rode to their so-called "SB wins" in 1997-98.

Everybody saw what happened to Davis in 1999 (Davis' 5th season) when the Donks were made to play on a level playing field with everyone else and their O-Line was no longer allowed to get away with those dirty tactics. Davis got the living hell beaten out of him and didn't last beyond 4 games. His rushing numbers were also abysmal through those 4 games.

By contrast, Priest Holmes in his 5th, 6th, 7th and part of his 8th season, tore up the field behind an O-Line that didn't employ any of the Donkeys dirty tactics, got flagged when they deserved to be flagged, blocked SUPERBLY, and were widely regarded as the best O-Line in football for multiple years during the Vermeil era.

With that said, Davis has been put in the HOF, but I highly doubt Priest will get the nod, even though he clearly deserves it more than Davis.

Last edited by brdempsey69; 10-15-2024 at 08:55 PM..
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Old 10-15-2024, 08:55 PM   #77605
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Originally Posted by brdempsey69 View Post
Shut up your own self. I'll post what ever I want. Don't like it, don't read it. What nobody cares about is you crapping in your diaper about it.

I'm all on board with this & that is why I'm here.

Let's add to that -- the Donkey's O-Line getting away with the dirty tactics of massive holding, illegal chop blocks, etc. (taught to them by an O-Line coach named Alex Gibbs) which allowed Terrell Davis to rack up the massive rushing numbers that he did in 1997-98. This was the coat-tail that Elway and the rest of the Donks rode to their so-called "SB wins" in 1997-98.

Everybody saw what happened to Davis in 1999 (Davis' 5th season) when the Donks were made to play on a level playing field with everyone else and their O-Line was no longer allowed to get away with those dirty tactics. Davis got the living hell beaten out of him and didn't last beyond 4 games. His rushing numbers were also abysmal through those 4 games.

By contrast, Priest Holmes in his 5th, 6th, and part of his 7th season, tore up the field behind an O-Line that didn't employ any of the Donkeys dirty tactics, got flagged when they deserved to be flagged, blocked SUPERBLY, and were widely regarded as the best O-Line in football for multiple years during the Vermeil era.

With that said, Davis has been put in the HOF, but I highly doubt Priest will get the nod, even though he clearly deserves it more than Davis.
I'm well-versed in the Donk cheating history...

It's funny that their fans bought Bowlen's excuse that he was out of money...yeah...the owner of a NFL team, building a new stadium...suddenly has shit credit and the banks cut him off. "I'm sorry Pat...my supervisors consider you a high risk for default. You'll just have to find another way to pay your players".

He couldn't find a way to legitimately pay them above board...because of this pesky thing called the salary cap.

No Davis...no rings...no skirting the cap...no SB MVP.

Sham franchise...Horseface should be ring-less.
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Old 10-15-2024, 09:14 PM   #77606
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
I'm well-versed in the Donk cheating history...

It's funny that their fans bought Bowlen's excuse that he was out of money...yeah...the owner of a NFL team, building a new stadium...suddenly has shit credit and the banks cut him off. "I'm sorry Pat...my supervisors consider you a high risk for default. You'll just have to find another way to pay your players".

He couldn't find a way to legitimately pay them above board...because of this pesky thing called the salary cap.

No Davis...no rings...no skirting the cap...no SB MVP.

Sham franchise...Horseface should be ring-less.
EXCELLENT and THANK YOU. FINALLY, somebody willing to engage in simple intelligent discussion regarding the Dirty Donks and what they did to POISON the game.

I'm sure you've heard the false narrative of "deferring payments to fund a new stadium" countless times. What you may or may not know is that such a thing was literally impossible given the timeline of Denver voters passing referendum 4A on Nov. 3, 1998 which was in favor of the construction of a new football stadium to replace the existing Mile High Stadium & the grounds being broken on Aug. 17, 1999. How could they possibly be "deferring payments to fund a new stadium" in 1996, 1997, or 1998? It was just a bold-faced lie by Pat Bowlen when he got publicly exposed for it circa 2000-2002.
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Old 10-16-2024, 06:07 AM   #77607
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Originally Posted by brdempsey69 View Post
EXCELLENT and THANK YOU. FINALLY, somebody willing to engage in simple intelligent discussion regarding the Dirty Donks and what they did to POISON the game.

I'm sure you've heard the false narrative of "deferring payments to fund a new stadium" countless times. What you may or may not know is that such a thing was literally impossible given the timeline of Denver voters passing referendum 4A on Nov. 3, 1998 which was in favor of the construction of a new football stadium to replace the existing Mile High Stadium & the grounds being broken on Aug. 17, 1999. How could they possibly be "deferring payments to fund a new stadium" in 1996, 1997, or 1998? It was just a bold-faced lie by Pat Bowlen when he got publicly exposed for it circa 2000-2002.
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Old 10-16-2024, 06:26 AM   #77608
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
You’ve been around a while, you’ve read my comments. I’m not getting wrapped up in historical stuff. I’ll let one of the others amuse you guys with replies, that is… if any return.
Spoken like a true fan, who knows his team cheated to win its titles...
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Old 10-16-2024, 06:56 AM   #77609
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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I like this new guy. I'll call him new guy then hopefully we get another new guy and I can call him new new guy
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Old 10-16-2024, 06:56 AM   #77610
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by TEX View Post
Spoken like a true fan, who knows his team cheated to win its titles...
This conversation recycles every few years, same as the Elway debate. I’ve had those conversations. You guys feel free to have them though.
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