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Old 01-04-2014, 11:09 AM  
Bowser Bowser is offline
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*The NEW Movies Thread*

Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -

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Old 06-25-2014, 12:49 PM   #751
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Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball! View Post
I don't think he's gained "most" back. He did gain some, though.

He looks like a douchebag in that pic.
Because he is a douchebag, regardless of weight.
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Old 06-25-2014, 12:50 PM   #752
Fire Me Boy! Fire Me Boy! is offline
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Because he is a douchebag, regardless of weight.
Meh, most of the interviews I've seen he seems like a pretty cool guy.
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Old 06-25-2014, 02:16 PM   #753
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by Frosty View Post
I have been trying to make myself watch classic movies that I've missed. I recently caught "Of Mice and Men" and thought it was pretty good.

However, I watched "The Deer Hunter" last weekend and was, ummm - underwhelmed. I know it won a shit ton of Oscars but I didn't care for it. It seemed badly in need of editing (the wedding scene was almost an hour long, with almost no dialog) and it seemed like most of the dialog was the characters shouting at each other.

I found this review and have to agree.
The Deer Hunter is certainly among the more controversial of the classics. As Pauline Kael stated, it was a small-minded film with greatness in it.

I would suggest reading her review, found here


But I would defend the extended periods of simple observation, as in the extensive wedding scene. One thing I loved about 70s cinema was a willingness to simply drop us into a life or set of lives and find our way. Robert Altman perhaps did it most expertly in films such as Nashville
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Old 06-25-2014, 02:23 PM   #754
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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
The Deer Hunter is certainly among the more controversial of the classics. As Pauline Kael stated, it was a small-minded film with greatness in it.

I would suggest reading her review, found here
I think she saw a different movie than I did.

I'm thinking it had more impact in the 70's. What she calls sweeping and majestic, I thought was heavy-handed and boring.
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Old 06-25-2014, 07:28 PM   #755
-King- -King- is offline
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Robocop was decent. Most likely better if you have never seen the original. The first half was good but didn't really care for the last half though. The part where they took apart his suit and showed how he was just a head and lungs was pretty ****ing cool though.
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Old 06-26-2014, 02:18 PM   #756
BigMeatballDave BigMeatballDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Because he is a douchebag, regardless of weight.
Jonah Hill is a douche? Huh?
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Old 06-26-2014, 10:58 PM   #757
listopencil listopencil is offline
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I was visiting my sister and ended up wandering through the movie section of Wal Mart, to find something for her to watch. I stumbled across Winter's Tale. I read the book back in the 80's and I was surprised that this movie even existed. I had never heard of it and it came out this year. I enjoyed it.
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Old 06-27-2014, 04:31 PM   #758
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Has anyone ever seen 'Charley Varrick,' I'd never heard of it, but recently read a glowing 'overlooked classic' writeup of it.
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Old 06-29-2014, 03:44 PM   #759
Deberg_1990 Deberg_1990 is offline
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Watched the "The Way Way Back" on Starz free preview this weekend. Great flick.

Sam Rockwell made the movie for me.
Originally Posted by Cassel's Reckoning:

Matt once made a very nice play in Seattle where he spun away from a pass rusher and hit Bowe off his back foot for a first down.

One of the best plays Matt has ever made.
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Old 06-29-2014, 04:25 PM   #760
patteeu patteeu is offline
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Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 View Post
Watched the "The Way Way Back" on Starz free preview this weekend. Great flick.

Sam Rockwell made the movie for me.
Good one!

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Old 06-29-2014, 06:45 PM   #761
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I watched 2 Guns. It was far better than I anticipated. Strongly recommend.
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Old 06-29-2014, 08:01 PM   #762
ragedogg69 ragedogg69 is offline
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I agree. Good pop corn flick.
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Old 07-01-2014, 01:37 PM   #763
Fish Fish is offline
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Under the Skin.

Man, WTF did I watch? It was slow and really creepy, and you couldn't figure out WTF was going on most of the time. But there were some very well done scenes that had me glued. And very generous amounts of naked Scarlett Johansson...

So weird it's hard to form an opinion, but it was entertaining...
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Old 07-01-2014, 01:54 PM   #764
Frosty Frosty is offline
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Have recently been cleaning off the DVR of movies built up during recent free preview weekends:

Ice Age: Continental Drift

Pretty funny and definitely the best of the last few Ice Age movies. One annoying thing was that it was obviously originally in 3D and was full of the "comin' at ya" shots.

Evil Dead (remake)

Meh. Not scary and had none of the humor/schlock of the original.

We're The Millers

Moderately funny and Holy Shit Jennifer Aniston!

Cloud Atlas

Gorgeous movie and... wut?

Arthur and the Invisibles

I like animated movies and I like fantasy movies but this thing sucked major balls. SyFy level CGI, an annoying kid lead and Madonna hilariously miscast as a young feisty princess.

A Monster in Paris

Gorgeous animation that is incredibly detailed. The story was amusing and ok but the animation makes it worth seeing.
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Old 07-01-2014, 01:59 PM   #765
Fire Me Boy! Fire Me Boy! is offline
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Originally Posted by Frosty View Post
We're The Millers

Moderately funny and Holy Shit Jennifer Aniston!

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