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Old 10-18-2012, 05:50 PM  
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Horror Movies

Please recommend me some for the season. I'm currently fresh out ideas, sans Sinister which I'll be seeing this week.
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Old 10-21-2022, 11:00 AM   #691
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by DJJasonp View Post
I just watched this last night.

wow. A bit low budget and some sketchy acting in some places, but the villain is top-notch, and the blood, gore, etc is fantastic.

Apparently Art the Clown has a pretty large cult following.

I watched The Terrifier recently and it’s pretty sick.

I was looking for The Terrifier 2 and came across a couple flicks called All Hallow’s Eve (1 & 2) which feature Art the Clown.

I watched the first one and it was super low budget but I can’t say it wasn’t worth a watch if you like shitty horror movies. I will try to find some time to watch the second one.
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Old 10-21-2022, 02:55 PM   #692
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I’ve been watching the Friday the 13th franchise. Jason got uglier and uglier.
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Old 10-23-2022, 10:27 PM   #693
rydogg58 rydogg58 is offline

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Watched The Dark and the Wicked last night on Shudder. Talk about a depressing movie. It's about a brother and sister that come home to see their dying father off. It doesn't ever say exactly what is going on, but there's some paranormal shit involved that wants the dads body or soul.

Not a lot of jump scares, but I think the fact that you aren't sure what exactly is going on or why, adds to the hopelesness and creepiness factor. The whole dying dad is just a vortex of evil that sucks everyone involved into killing themselves. Like, literally the only things that live are the goats.

On a side note, there's a few other good flicks on Shudder right now. Summer of 84, Clovehitch Killer, and Train to Busan. Summer of 84 had a Stranger Things/Disturbia feel, Clovehitch Killer would be what you would do if you found out your dad was the BTK killer, and Train to Busan has fast zombies.
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Old 10-24-2022, 10:20 AM   #694
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Collectively V/H/S/99 is a steaming pile of shit (and I'm somewhat of a fan of the franchise) but the 3rd segment is some great TV in a WTF am I watching kind of way. Some truly ****ed up shit.

Wouldn't really recommend the other segments but YMMV.
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Old 10-25-2022, 07:53 PM   #695
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saw a damn creepy one the other night - The Accursed
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Old 10-25-2022, 08:48 PM   #696
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I watched 1408, I hadn’t seen that movie in about 15 years. Very good.
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Old 10-25-2022, 09:07 PM   #697
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Barbarian. It's on HBO Max and in theaters. It ****ing rocks. I'd avoid any trailers or anything. It's a wild ride with some crazy turns. Legit tense and scary with some dark humor mixed in.
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Old 11-13-2022, 07:41 AM   #698
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Originally Posted by kysirsoze View Post
Barbarian. It's on HBO Max and in theaters. It ****ing rocks. I'd avoid any trailers or anything. It's a wild ride with some crazy turns. Legit tense and scary with some dark humor mixed in.
I came here to post this exact thing.

Clever, hilarious, scary and most of all memorable.

Fantastically fresh take of a horror movie.
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Old 11-13-2022, 08:02 AM   #699
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Originally Posted by KCUnited View Post
I came here to post this exact thing.

Clever, hilarious, scary and most of all memorable.

Fantastically fresh take of a horror movie.
I’ve passed it over a few times, but seems I should watch it.
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Old 11-28-2022, 10:32 PM   #700
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Originally Posted by KCUnited View Post
I came here to post this exact thing.

Clever, hilarious, scary and most of all memorable.

Fantastically fresh take of a horror movie.

Just watched it. Wow. That Fing rocked!!

I agree, don’t watch trailer, just sit back and enjoy the ride!
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Old 11-28-2022, 11:46 PM   #701
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Originally Posted by PurpleJesus28 View Post
I assume you mightve been let down,but not sure haha.I'm a big Halloween fan,but i kinda hope its the last movie for a while.I'm actually surprised they got JLC to do these last movies,i would imagine she won't do anymore.But of course i havent seen the new one yet.
Should have ended with Halloween with Michael dying in the basement. No need for the other 2 movies.
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Old 02-17-2023, 12:51 PM   #702
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Anyone see any horror worth mentioning lately?
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Old 02-17-2023, 01:18 PM   #703
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Originally Posted by Detoxing View Post
Anyone see any horror worth mentioning lately?
Just watching Mahomes' ankle potentially explode. About scared me to death.
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Old 02-17-2023, 01:40 PM   #704
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Detoxing View Post
Anyone see any horror worth mentioning lately?
Nope, not me.

I tried watching a Korean horror flick called The Wailing on Reddit's recommendation and that movie was ****ing garbage. I only got halfway through before my girlfriend made me turn it off because she was so bored.

If you can do found footage, I'd recommend Hell House LLC if you haven't seen them. I watched them semi-recently and was pleasantly surprised.
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Old 02-17-2023, 11:25 PM   #705
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Anyone ever seen You’re Next? It was on again recently, I used to watch it on Netflix a lot.
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