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Old 05-20-2013, 03:00 PM  
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is online now
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The list of 85 by Roastmaster Saul Good. And hey, it's actually saul good.

As a spinoff to the successful NFL Network's version of this and from the drama thread, it has come to fruition that this thread must be created.

Each day Hootie will reveal a member starting with 101 and working his way in order to number 1. I will update the OP as I see the names revealed.

*Warning this thread may cause a severe case of butthurt*

Let it begin!!

Hootie's List

Saul Good - A little about Roaster #2 (by frazod)

85 BigRedChief

84. StevieRay

83. Rustshack

82. KCnative

81. Notorious

80. Braincase

79. big nasty kcnut

78. crazycoffey

77. Phobia


76 Dave Lane


75 KnowMo roasted by PGM

74 Luv roasted by Mr. Flopnuts

Last edited by Mr. Flopnuts; 06-25-2013 at 07:16 PM..
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Old 06-07-2013, 05:59 PM   #6151
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Originally Posted by Donger View Post
Which is why Star Trek TNG is infinitely superior to Star Wars. They at least try to make it somewhat realistic.
Yes, but that was 25 years ago.

The new Star Trek doesn't give a shit about any of that.

They embarrass the name of the franchise.
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:01 PM   #6152
Donger Donger is offline
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Originally Posted by Branden Albert's Huge Balls View Post
Yes, but that was 25 years ago.

The new Star Trek doesn't give a shit about any of that.

They embarrass the name of the franchise.
The new Star Trek shows the same blatant disregard for physics that Star Wars did and does? How so?
I think the young people enjoy it when I "get down," verbally, don't you?
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:03 PM   #6153
Simply Red Simply Red is offline
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Originally Posted by scott free View Post
Wow, doing some looking back and i gotta say that this thread went sooo far into the horrible that its now come full circle into pretty cool, havent seen this much interpersonal Planet drama in a looong time.

Its destined for the HOC.
It was odd.
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:06 PM   #6154
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Originally Posted by Simply Red View Post
It was odd.
All of the high stakes drama mixed with the random bullshit thrown in from the gallery = win.
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:10 PM   #6155
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Originally Posted by scott free View Post
All of the high stakes drama mixed with the random bullshit thrown in from the gallery = win.
Yeah it's been a long time - it'd been dull for a while - definitely nothing like it used to be. I still don't think I fully understand the tempo of the thread regarding the arguing - I'm not quite sure what just happened - Honestly.
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:11 PM   #6156
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Originally Posted by Donger View Post
The new Star Trek shows the same blatant disregard for physics that Star Wars did and does? How so?
You'll have to see the movie. It's very Star Warsian.
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:11 PM   #6157
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Originally Posted by frazod View Post

Disgusting, simply disgusting.
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:12 PM   #6158
Donger Donger is offline
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Originally Posted by Branden Albert's Huge Balls View Post
You'll have to see the movie. It's very Star Warsian.
The new one, Into Darkness?
I think the young people enjoy it when I "get down," verbally, don't you?
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:40 PM   #6159
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Just read the Frazod vs Everyone Else arguments from last night.

Ho-ly shit. That was amazing.
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:56 PM   #6160
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Originally Posted by Simply Red View Post
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:58 PM   #6161
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is online now
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Originally Posted by TimBone View Post
For us Lurkers that missed some of that ordeal. What all happened? I know he made a bet with PGM about the Ravens-Donkos playoff game, and then welshed halfway through his ban. How long was the original ban supposed to be, and what is the trial going to consist of? Thanks.
I told him via PM when we made the bet he could come back when the season starts IF he wins a majority of the vote from the board. I said at make the poll around when training camp starts, but may bump it up.

He has since been charged with welching and now most incur a punishment of the board's choosing even if he wins. I'm tired of his stupid username, so I suggest a change to a more suitable one.
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Old 06-07-2013, 07:23 PM   #6162
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Although Billay has grown on me as of late (and no, that's not a fat pun Frazod, calm down), he's still a huge ****ing pillowbitergot. He still lives at home and all he does is post on CP, watch TMZ, and collect cereal box labels so he can mail them in for Captain Crunch t-shirts...of course he has to take the $3.25 handling fee from his mom's purse when she steps away. He also successfully petitioned Quaker Oats to carry XXL instead of the standard S, M and L (you know, since this label idea was intended for children). He has claimed to have had sex before but I'm just not seeing it. His highest level of education is recess (no Frazod, god damnit, not the candy).

Pros: Once watched the critically acclaimed movie '10 Things I Hate About You' 13 times in 1 day...the equivalent to the amount of double cheeseburgers Frazod orders for himself from McDonald's during his lunch hou...day. Still has weekly 'show and tell' with his mom and dad every Tuesday before dinner. Last week, he found a turtle by the creek. Doesn't generally color outside the lines in his coloring books. Makes his bed most days without reminders from his mom.

Cons: Thought it was a good idea to take a shirtless pic of himself flexing and then posting it on CP. Was envious of Mecca's fake GF. Is a part time DJ. He's secured such prestigious gigs as little Timmy's 7th grade birthday bash on the other end of the cul de sac. Still puts the teeth he loses from time to time under his pillow expecting anywhere between $1-$5 depending on the tooth. Thinks Lean Cuisine is a sexual position used by gays.

Outlook: He's gotten a lot better since I recently returned. Sometimes he even makes me laugh. As long as he stops making fake Facebook accounts he may find himself in the 70s in 2014. Frazod once took all the skin from a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken, popped 3 viagra, and then wrapped said skin around his erect dick and tried to **** his wife...he got one pump in and the skin all fell off into her pussy...that's the last time he performed cunnilingus.
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Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.Hootie < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.
Old 06-07-2013, 07:29 PM   #6163
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The Frazod bit at the end, what does that have to do with Billay?
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Old 06-07-2013, 07:29 PM   #6164
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Now that was a decent ranking. I thought the last sentence was a little over the top, but all-in-all a very good effort.
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Old 06-07-2013, 07:32 PM   #6165
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Hootie and Billay have something in common. They both own a pocket pussy that resembles Warf of star trek fame.
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