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Old 06-16-2008, 06:32 PM  
ChiefsFanatic ChiefsFanatic is offline
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EPIC FAIL......and other stuff that makes you laugh

Old thread is archived here.

I have seen these in various threads, so I thought we should just put them all together. There are really funny pics out there.

Last edited by DaFace; 01-10-2013 at 11:52 PM..
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ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.ChiefsFanatic wants to die in a aids tree fire.
Old 01-09-2013, 10:55 PM   #46
listopencil listopencil is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr. Plow View Post
This thread is like a failed inception.
This thread is like a failed inception.
While you live, shine. Have no grief at all. Life exists only for a short while and time demands its toll.

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listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.
Old 01-09-2013, 11:32 PM   #47
Bump Bump is offline
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Originally Posted by listopencil View Post
This thread is like a failed inception.
This thread is like a failed conception.
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Old 01-09-2013, 11:40 PM   #48
Psyko Tek Psyko Tek is offline
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Holy shit... Darwin was robbed...

NSFW Language!

dropped a silo?
with a sledge hammer

that was a truly hold my beer and watch this moment
Psyko Tek

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Old 01-10-2013, 12:27 AM   #49
listopencil listopencil is offline
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Originally Posted by Bump View Post
This thread is like a failed inception.
This thread is like a failed inception.
While you live, shine. Have no grief at all. Life exists only for a short while and time demands its toll.

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listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.
Old 01-10-2013, 02:33 AM   #50
Rasputin Rasputin is offline
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Old 01-10-2013, 08:38 AM   #51
Mr. Plow Mr. Plow is offline
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Originally Posted by listopencil View Post
This thread is like a failed inception.

This is now a thread, within a thread, within a thread, within a thread, within a thread, within a thread.

We are going to be stuck in here forever.
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Old 01-10-2013, 08:42 AM   #52
frankotank frankotank is offline
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Originally Posted by listopencil View Post
This thread is like a failed inception.
this thread is like a failed reception

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frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.
Old 01-10-2013, 08:49 AM   #53
frankotank frankotank is offline
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add fail....yes I posted this in the would you....the add is just so ****ing stupid it belongs in the failed fail thread....

I was looking for some good would you pics and found this.
look man.....mutha ****a hell YES I would have sex with that woman without paying.

I would bang her if its free
I would bang her in all three
I would bang her paying duckets
I’d pay big to get to **** it!

A naked American man stole my balloons.
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frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.
Old 01-10-2013, 08:52 AM   #54
bishop_74 bishop_74 is offline
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bishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitellibishop_74 's adopt a chief was Sabby Piscitelli
Old 01-10-2013, 09:42 AM   #55
frankotank frankotank is offline
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I'm so confused....so not we have two fail threads?

add fail....yes I posted this in the would you....the add is just so ****ing stupid it belongs in the failed fail thread....

I was looking for some good would you pics and found this.
look man.....mutha ****a hell YES I would have sex with that woman without paying.

I would bang her if its free
I would bang her in all three
I would bang her paying duckets
I’d pay big to get to **** it!

A naked American man stole my balloons.
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frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.frankotank 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.
Old 01-10-2013, 09:58 AM   #56
BigMeatballDave BigMeatballDave is offline
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Originally Posted by frankotank View Post
That is the dumbest anti-pirating ad I've ever seen.
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Old 01-10-2013, 10:21 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Mr. Plow View Post
This is now a thread, within a thread, within a thread, within a thread, within a thread, within a thread.

We are going to be stuck in here forever.
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Old 01-10-2013, 11:18 AM   #58
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Old 01-10-2013, 04:45 PM   #59
listopencil listopencil is offline
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Originally Posted by frankotank View Post
this thread is like a failed reception

This thread is like a failed vivisection.
While you live, shine. Have no grief at all. Life exists only for a short while and time demands its toll.

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listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.listopencil is obviously part of the inner Circle.
Old 01-10-2013, 04:46 PM   #60
Mr. Plow Mr. Plow is offline
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Fail....and a win in the same gif.

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