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Old 10-21-2003, 08:57 PM  
Bwana Bwana is offline
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Bwana One Punks Zero...Don't Even Think About Hitting My Leaf Pile!

So there I was yesterday, gathering all the leaf product from the front and backyard. I had a nice big pile for the boys from the city to come and get and was rather proud of myself for getting it done early. I cracked a tasty beverage and was enjoying some TV when it happened. A car load of punks crashes through all my hard work and redistributes my nice pile all over the street.

Me being me, I figured why get mad when I can get even? I got my pile back in order and decided my new pile needed "a little weight" (to keep the wind from blowing them away ) I placed three giant logs and 5 steel posts in there. About 5 minutes ago the punks came back to take another run at Bwanas hard work.

There was a God awful noise as their car hit my leaf pile from hell. Nothing like the sound of the underside of a vehicle making contact with steel and large wood logs. It shot logs and steel posts about 40 feet. The punks kept going. I would bet thats the last time the little bastages mess with someones leaf pile.nlm

Last edited by Bwana; 10-21-2003 at 09:05 PM..
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Old 10-22-2003, 09:15 AM   #46
Iowanian Iowanian is offline
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When I see that pic Bwana....I have to admit....when I was 17.....I'd probably have blasted through it too.
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Old 10-22-2003, 09:25 AM   #47
Chief Faithful Chief Faithful is offline
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hollow one or two of them out, really thin.......mix up 2/3 bucket of my "tree planting mix"....cow dung and water stirred to a sludge and fill it up.
That gets me thinking. I also need to rig the yard for "farming".
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Old 10-22-2003, 09:35 AM   #48
RedNFeisty RedNFeisty is offline
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That is to funny. Weren't you also the one that had problems in July and shot some funky chit over the hoodlums house?

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Old 10-22-2003, 09:38 AM   #49
tommykat tommykat is offline
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Now that is funny! Even if I tried to think of a way to get them back I never would have thought of that...but you all are giving me ideas

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Old 10-22-2003, 10:08 AM   #50
Bwana Bwana is offline
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Originally Posted by RednFeisty
That is to funny. Weren't you also the one that had problems in July and shot some funky chit over the hoodlums house?
Indeed it was. I broke out the "bird bombs" to add a little excitement to their day after they were firing bottle rockets in my yard and over my house. On a side note, they have been the all American neighbor types since.
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Old 10-22-2003, 10:12 AM   #51
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bwana
So there I was yesterday, gathering all the leaf product from the front and backyard. I had a nice big pile for the boys from the city to come and get and was rather proud of myself for getting it done early. I cracked a tasty beverage and was enjoying some TV when it happened. A car load of punks crashes through all my hard work and redistributes my nice pile all over the street.

Me being me, I figured why get mad when I can get even? I got my pile back in order and decided my new pile needed "a little weight" (to keep the wind from blowing them away ) I placed three giant logs and 5 steel posts in there. About 5 minutes ago the punks came back to take another run at Bwanas hard work.

There was a God awful noise as their car hit my leaf pile from hell. Nothing like the sound of the underside of a vehicle making contact with steel and large wood logs. It shot logs and steel posts about 40 feet. The punks kept going. I would bet thats the last time the little bastages mess with someones leaf pile.nlm
Whoo Hooo..... Kudos dude !
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Old 10-22-2003, 10:23 AM   #52
headsnap headsnap is offline
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our old house was on a skinny side street that many people would use as a short-cut into another neighborhood. I guess that many of the people thought that my yard was part of the street. One day I went out and bought some of those concrete pyramids and put them in the yard(about 1/2 foot from the street, no curb).

Later that evening, mrs. headsnap and I were watching TV when we heard a loud prolonged ka-thunk-thunk-ka-thunk. We looked out our window to see two of the pryamids down the street and a Lincoln Continental speeding down the street. We laughed, gathered up the pryamids, and went back to watching TV. About two hours later there was a knock on our door. There stood this old codger who was steaming mad, and out on the street there was his Lincoln attached to a tow truck. One of the pryamids apparently punctured his gas tank, and he lost all his gas while he was playing bingo.

He wanted me to pay for his gas tank. I 'explained' to him, that since he obviously was the one who thought my yard was the street, that he should be paying me for some new sod instead. He stopped by the house a few times in the next six months to give us the bill for his tank, all we could is stand there and laugh at the man.
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Old 10-22-2003, 10:30 AM   #53
Bwana Bwana is offline
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Originally Posted by headsnap
our old house was on a skinny side street that many people would use as a short-cut into another neighborhood. I guess that many of the people thought that my yard was part of the street. One day I went out and bought some of those concrete pyramids and put them in the yard(about 1/2 foot from the street, no curb).

Later that evening, mrs. headsnap and I were watching TV when we heard a loud prolonged ka-thunk-thunk-ka-thunk. We looked out our window to see two of the pryamids down the street and a Lincoln Continental speeding down the street. We laughed, gathered up the pryamids, and went back to watching TV. About two hours later there was a knock on our door. There stood this old codger who was steaming mad, and out on the street there was his Lincoln attached to a tow truck. One of the pryamids apparently punctured his gas tank, and he lost all his gas while he was playing bingo.

He wanted me to pay for his gas tank. I 'explained' to him, that since he obviously was the one who thought my yard was the street, that he should be paying me for some new sod instead. He stopped by the house a few times in the next six months to give us the bill for his tank, all we could is stand there and laugh at the man.
That's classic! I just planted a nice hedge row this summer and people seem to want to walk through it on a regular basis. When it gets taller, I am going to string a single strand of wire through it with two posts anchoring it at each end. That should put and end to that story.
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Old 10-22-2003, 12:21 PM   #54
Carl Spackler Carl Spackler is offline
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Originally Posted by Capn BlingBling
You should have dug a 6' deep pit and put a blanket over it, then piles the leaves over it, but I still like your style. Any ideas to stop pumpkin smashers?
Pumpkin smashers are easy. Just insert a bunch of needles in the pumpkin to make it somewhat of a modified cactus. Very hard to see those at night and when the little hoodlums go to take it off your porch there should be a pretty good scream which is very satisfying.
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Old 10-22-2003, 12:24 PM   #55
Bwana Bwana is offline
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler
Pumpkin smashers are easy. Just insert a bunch of needles in the pumpkin to make it somewhat of a modified cactus. Very hard to see those at night and when the little hoodlums go to take it off your porch there should be a pretty good scream which is very satisfying.
Carl, you are going to fit in around here just fine.
Adventure is dangerous....but monotony can kill you.
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Old 10-22-2003, 12:32 PM   #56
RedNFeisty RedNFeisty is offline
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Originally Posted by Bwana
Indeed it was. I broke out the "bird bombs" to add a little excitement to their day after they were firing bottle rockets in my yard and over my house. On a side note, they have been the all American neighbor types since.
Bird Bombs, that was it. I knew it had something to do with bombs and some sort of animal!

Lesson taught, no harm done!!

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Old 10-22-2003, 12:55 PM   #57
Skip Towne Skip Towne is offline
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Bwana, you are the master of revenge. What a guy!
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Old 10-22-2003, 01:17 PM   #58
Iowanian Iowanian is offline
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I was just thinking.....About the time brideowanian needs a new car, I'll park it on the street, cover it with leaves and let someone else buy her a new one.
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Old 10-22-2003, 01:23 PM   #59
Chief Henry Chief Henry is offline

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Originally Posted by RednFeisty
Bird Bombs, that was it. I knew it had something to do with bombs and some sort of animal!

Lesson taught, no harm done!!

Whats the bird bomb story???? Please some one post it..
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Old 10-22-2003, 01:53 PM   #60
Bwana Bwana is offline
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Originally Posted by Chief Henry
Whats the bird bomb story???? Please some one post it..
It seems my meth monkey neighbors were being bad. FWIW: They have been great ever sense. Not so much as a peep. Here's the link.

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