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Old 04-04-2008, 01:21 PM  
shyguyms shyguyms is offline
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Is Love worth losing your best friend?

Part 1 of this adventure begins here. Shortly after this thread, this user reappeared under a username, but managed to stay under the radar. Until this happened.
I fell in love with my best friend or did i become best friends with the one i loved? hell even im confused.

for almost 6 years i spent all my time with my best friend ,alot of good and bad times that i would not take back for anything in this world but im not sure she feels the same way about it as me and that is killing me inside.

Should i feel the way i do about her now? I mean i will always love her and be grateful for meeting her, but i am so thrilled that she has found someone to love her the way her and her son needs to be loved. I finally came to the conclusion that i could not give her what she needed in life. The other day i seen her and her lil guy with her new man and seeing them i was thinking they all deserve that , they all deserve to be happy and at that moment i knew i had to move on with my life. i was so happy for them all that i cried a happy cry i just hope that someday we can all be friends and take the good out of that past 6 years and i will never forget all that she has done for me and my family.

There is still one thing killing me is that i can't talk to my best friend at a time like this when im dying inside and have noone to talk to.

I miss that in my life and i hope that someday she will feel the same way about me and be my friend , i cannot keep goiong on like this

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shyguyms ....proof positive that somebody pissed in the gene pool.
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Old 01-16-2009, 10:59 PM   #556
KcMizzou KcMizzou is offline
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Originally Posted by keg in kc View Post
Holy shit, it was shyguyms? Didn't he get reamed exactly like this last year?

Dude's a glutton for punishment.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:00 PM   #557
DeezNutz DeezNutz is offline
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Originally Posted by Bugeater View Post
I told him I sent an email to the Sheetz corporation with a link to this thread, that's probably why he did that.
Does he actually work there?

By now, there are probably about 20 posters who know this person's entire biography.
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If you met me in person and didn't know who I was you would never guess it was me.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:02 PM   #558
Bugeater Bugeater is offline
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Originally Posted by DeezNutz View Post
Does he actually work there?

By now, there are probably about 20 posters who know this person's entire biography.
It wouldn't surprise me if he did work for them, he's probably a janitor or something.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:02 PM   #559
RustShack RustShack is offline
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I think his sexual offender listing deserves a thread of its own.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:03 PM   #560
Mr. Laz Mr. Laz is offline
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all about my beloved Chiefs and also The Fightin' Irish of Notre Dame
Name: Marty
Age: 32
i am 30 years old 3 daughters, i have been to KC to see my chiefs once and seen them on the road 5 times, they are 6-0 at the games i went to.
i have been to Notre dame twice i seen them lose to the #1 team both times on the final plays, this past year i was at the USC game geesh that still hurts, and in 2000 Eric Crouch beat us in ot

City: Cumberland, MD
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:05 PM   #561
keg in kc keg in kc is offline
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A sex offender with 3 daughters.

Not a good mix there.

Unless he likes the boys better.
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keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.keg in kc is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:05 PM   #562
KcMizzou KcMizzou is offline
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Originally Posted by Bugeater View Post
It wouldn't surprise me if he did work for them, he's probably a janitor or something.
Yeah, if he were really lying, it'd have been Microsoft, or something.

I suspect there's an element of truth to it.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:05 PM   #563
luv luv is offline
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luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:05 PM   #564
Bugeater Bugeater is offline
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i have been to Notre dame twice i seen them lose to the #1 team both times on the final plays, this past year i was at the USC game geesh that still hurts, and in 2000 Eric Crouch beat us in ot
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:07 PM   #565
Brock Brock is offline
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Mr. Mike Lewis, local resident and Silver Hoop
Classic coach:
· Mr. Lewis approached the board because he is angry
that a registered sex offender, Marty Shook, has been
allowed to referee at an annual basketball tournament
known as the Silver Hoop Classic, which takes place
on school property. This tournament was recently
held at Fort Hill High School.
· Mr. Lewis handed out fliers to inform fans of Shook’s
sex offender status. Fans booed Shook out of the

· In response, Dr. AuMiller stated that this particular
tournament is not a school sponsored event and many
outside groups request permission to utilize school
facilities. Mr. Shook complied with all state laws
required of registered sex offenders, including
notification to the principal of his presence on school
property as well as intent.
· Fort Hill principal, Steve Lewis, additionally contacted
C3I for advice about Shook’s presence at the
tournament and he was informed that state law allows
this so long as prescribed procedures and protocol are
· Board member Metz would like Mr. Hanna, board
attorney, to conduct some research to determine
whether or not Maryland law would prohibit a local
board of education from developing a policy that
would deny a sex offender access to school property.

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Old 01-16-2009, 11:07 PM   #566
DeezNutz DeezNutz is offline
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Originally Posted by Bugeater View Post
It wouldn't surprise me if he did work for them, he's probably a janitor or something.
You came heavy and got a reaction, so you're probably right.
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If you met me in person and didn't know who I was you would never guess it was me.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:09 PM   #567
DaFace DaFace is offline
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Originally Posted by Brock View Post
Mr. Mike Lewis, local resident and Silver Hoop
Classic coach:
· Mr. Lewis approached the board because he is angry
that a registered sex offender, Marty Shook, has been
allowed to referee at an annual basketball tournament
known as the Silver Hoop Classic, which takes place
on school property. This tournament was recently
held at Fort Hill High School.
· Mr. Lewis handed out fliers to inform fans of Shook’s
sex offender status. Fans booed Shook out of the

· In response, Dr. AuMiller stated that this particular
tournament is not a school sponsored event and many
outside groups request permission to utilize school
facilities. Mr. Shook complied with all state laws
required of registered sex offenders, including
notification to the principal of his presence on school
property as well as intent.
· Fort Hill principal, Steve Lewis, additionally contacted
C3I for advice about Shook’s presence at the
tournament and he was informed that state law allows
this so long as prescribed procedures and protocol are
· Board member Metz would like Mr. Hanna, board
attorney, to conduct some research to determine
whether or not Maryland law would prohibit a local
board of education from developing a policy that
would deny a sex offender access to school property.

Ouch. I almost feel sorry for the dude.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:09 PM   #568
OnTheWarpath15 OnTheWarpath15 is offline
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Jesus Tapdancing Christ.

This is one of the videos on his YouTube page with this comment:

Miley + Jake 4 ever! hehe

This shows Miley's and Jakes Relationship and that to Miley Jake is one in a Million!
The bits with Miley and Oliver is the Previous relationship that Miley had and yeah you can tell with the lyrics of the song

Enjoy! =D

I have disabled the comments due to i get too many and they have been filling up my emails! Thanks you to everyone who has commented on this video!
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:10 PM   #569
OnTheWarpath15 OnTheWarpath15 is offline
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Originally Posted by Brock View Post
Mr. Mike Lewis, local resident and Silver Hoop
Classic coach:
· Mr. Lewis approached the board because he is angry
that a registered sex offender, Marty Shook, has been
allowed to referee at an annual basketball tournament
known as the Silver Hoop Classic, which takes place
on school property. This tournament was recently
held at Fort Hill High School.
· Mr. Lewis handed out fliers to inform fans of Shook’s
sex offender status. Fans booed Shook out of the

· In response, Dr. AuMiller stated that this particular
tournament is not a school sponsored event and many
outside groups request permission to utilize school
facilities. Mr. Shook complied with all state laws
required of registered sex offenders, including
notification to the principal of his presence on school
property as well as intent.
· Fort Hill principal, Steve Lewis, additionally contacted
C3I for advice about Shook’s presence at the
tournament and he was informed that state law allows
this so long as prescribed procedures and protocol are
· Board member Metz would like Mr. Hanna, board
attorney, to conduct some research to determine
whether or not Maryland law would prohibit a local
board of education from developing a policy that
would deny a sex offender access to school property.


Linky no worky, but
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:11 PM   #570
Agent V Agent V is offline
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Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath58 View Post
Jesus Tapdancing Christ.

This is one of the videos on his YouTube page with this comment:

I'm so glad I read the HOC thread before all this. It's funny as hell.
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Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.Agent V would the whole thing.
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