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Old 08-21-2023, 05:53 PM  
JustDíqLix JustDíqLix is offline
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The Bills take the AFC this seasom

Are you ready for some football!?

I know I am!

With that, I am here to make a proclamation!

The mighty Bills from Buffalo will take the AFC this year.

For two decades I watched people say the Patriots window was closed, that their time was dwindling, that it was all over… seemingly every time those predictions happened, the Patriots went and won another Super Bowl.

A lot of doom talk simply because we lost to the Bengals in the playoffs. Let us not forget that the Bills watched their brother DIE on the field just a few weeks prior. Their heart was simply not in it. If it had been, the Bills would have captured the AFC last year.

The Bills have won 2 of their last 3 in Arrowhead and they’re ready to make it 3 of the last 4.

Let’s go mighty Buffalo Bills! 🦬 🦬 🦬
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Old 11-20-2024, 03:23 PM   #4996
Chiefnj2 Chiefnj2 is offline
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I wonder if the Orchard Park police called in a sketch artist for the 15lb dildo?
Mismanaging the clock.
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Old 11-20-2024, 03:25 PM   #4997
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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That's the first point of the story that made me quirk a brow. 15-20 pound dildo? Really? That's a max weight bowling ball or a shotput. I, uh, don't think there's that many drunken Bills fans able to hurk that amount of weight accurately into someone's face.
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Old 11-20-2024, 03:29 PM   #4998
crispystl crispystl is offline
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Originally Posted by Chiefnj2 View Post
I wonder if the Orchard Park police called in a sketch artist for the 15lb dildo?
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Old 11-20-2024, 03:59 PM   #4999
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch View Post
That's the first point of the story that made me quirk a brow. 15-20 pound dildo? Really? That's a max weight bowling ball or a shotput. I, uh, don't think there's that many drunken Bills fans able to hurk that amount of weight accurately into someone's face.
Makes sense, though.

After the decades of ass-****ing that Tom Brady gave those fellas, a 12 inch, 15 lb dildo is about the only thing that can give them any sensation anymore.

That hollow moan you hear through orchard park when the wind blows is the sound their gaping assholes make after decades of taking it in the shorts, similar to blowing over a whiskey jug.
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Old 11-20-2024, 04:28 PM   #5000
BlackOp BlackOp is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post

That hollow moan you hear through orchard park when the wind blows is the sound their gaping assholes make after decades of taking it in the shorts, similar to blowing over a whiskey jug.
"The Whiskey Juggers" is more apropos than The Bills Mafia...
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Old 11-20-2024, 04:50 PM   #5001
The Iron Chief The Iron Chief is offline
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Although this story seems a tad enhanced and the guy seems like a mega pussy.
I can tell you thru experience I've had a couple of rough moments going to Bills games with my Bills friends.
I've also had plenty of good times...bowling ball shot to eating off whatever car they light on fire to cook on.
I live 3 hours South from Buffalo not far at all.
My wife asked me a few weeks ago if I wanted to go.
At first it seemed tempting but knowing the hate from that camp right now in the Chiefs direction told me
to really give this some thought.
Just like everywhere the culprit is typically alcohol mixed with Bills fans redneck mentality makes for some rioting type conditions.
I'm thinking if they lost the walk out would've been a fist not a dildo.

Personally here in NY the worse experience I ever had in Chief gear was the most unlikely place..at The JETs.

My Father and I got last minute seats about 25 yrds away from Fireman Joe..

He ruined the game for us he got the crowd to scream throw shit at us chant over and over to take my Chiefs coat off... and no I did not.
Beers popcorn anything people could throw at us they did non stop.

Bam Morris scored a TD early in the game and I stood up and cheered..
The people behind me said you really shouldn't have done that..then it began.

I just read recently the JETs organization is asking Fireman Joe to stop his antics or get the hell out.
He retired for a short but then came back obviously up to the same shit.

One funny thing to say though.

The group directly behind us was a bunch of guys 25-30ish.
They kept yelling in my ear Chiefs suck on and on then one of them said How F'en long ago did the Chiefs win the SB!?
I turn around the year after you guys you F'en Dumb ass...then his buddies started wailing on him
I think of Fireman Joe and the guys behind us knowing how they must feel watching the Chiefs run and seeing their team go down in flames yr after yr.
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Old 11-20-2024, 04:52 PM   #5002
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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That isn't a shock at all. Every ****ing Jets fan I ever encountered up in Rochester was a complete ****ing tool.
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Old 11-20-2024, 05:31 PM   #5003
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Their stadium is in Jersey.

Tell you everything you need to know.
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Old 11-20-2024, 06:35 PM   #5004
UChieffyBugger UChieffyBugger is offline
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Chris Simms on his youtube show says "the Chiefs vs bills matchup has changed. If they meet in the playoffs the bills definitely win. They should have won by more than nine. They have more weapons than KC now and KC'S defense misses Sneed and can't do the same things they did last year defensively"

Smh these folks never learn.
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Old 11-20-2024, 06:58 PM   #5005
staylor26 staylor26 is offline
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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
Chris Simms on his youtube show says "the Chiefs vs bills matchup has changed. If they meet in the playoffs the bills definitely win. They should have won by more than nine. They have more weapons than KC now and KC'S defense misses Sneed and can't do the same things they did last year defensively"

Smh these folks never learn.
I guess I kind of get it. He's probably completely oblivious to the fact that they're probably going to get back 4 really good starters.
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Old 11-20-2024, 07:14 PM   #5006
UChieffyBugger UChieffyBugger is offline
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Originally Posted by staylor26 View Post
I guess I kind of get it. He's probably completely oblivious to the fact that they're probably going to get back 4 really good starters.
Watson (maybe)

If he can't see how much different this team could be come playoff time. With the potential of the rematch being at home. Then he really is stupid. The guy backed Cinci to win the SB so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

Last edited by UChieffyBugger; 11-20-2024 at 08:10 PM..
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Old 11-20-2024, 07:32 PM   #5007
MahomesMagic MahomesMagic is offline
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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
Chris Simms on his youtube show says "the Chiefs vs bills matchup has changed. If they meet in the playoffs the bills definitely win. They should have won by more than nine. They have more weapons than KC now and KC'S defense misses Sneed and can't do the same things they did last year defensively"

Smh these folks never learn.
I want Buffalo to be favored in a rematch.

Easiest $$$$ in the world.

Just like last year.
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Old 11-20-2024, 07:43 PM   #5008
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Originally Posted by MahomesMagic View Post
I want Buffalo to be favored in a rematch.

Easiest $$$$ in the world.

Just like last year.
I don't know about their players, but their fans are extremely overconfident.
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Old 11-20-2024, 07:46 PM   #5009
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Originally Posted by RedinTexas View Post
I don't know about their players, but their fans are extremely overconfident.
We were clearly outcoached by Buffalo this week but that won't happen in a win or go home game against them.

No coaching advantage, Buffalo looked far more into it. Ed Oliver isn't really that good but we were letting him do shit.

Rematch little Oliver will get pancaked into the dust.
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Old 11-20-2024, 07:54 PM   #5010
ForeverIowan ForeverIowan is offline

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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
Chris Simms on his youtube show says "the Chiefs vs bills matchup has changed. If they meet in the playoffs the bills definitely win. They should have won by more than nine. They have more weapons than KC now and KC'S defense misses Sneed and can't do the same things they did last year defensively"

Smh these folks never learn.
If the Bills get the 2 seed, Im not so sure they even make the AFCCG for a potential rematch. The 7 seed this year is going to be a dangerous team. I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever if the Ravens end up with the 7 seed. Ravens are currently the 6 seed and have a damn tough remaining schedule.

Ravens freaking dominated the Bills 35-10 earlier in the year. Yet Im sure most Bills loyalists think they will be the better team in Orchard Park come January, right?

Meanwhile, Kansas City was likely a 4th quarter, 4th and 2 stop away from beating the Bills in Buffalo. Yet the narrative is the Bills are the far superior team. Makes a lot of sense. Ill take my chances with Reid, Mahomes, Kelce and Jones in a AFCCG in Arrowhead for all the marbles. Different brand of football! We'll have something waiting for em!
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