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Old 08-31-2015, 10:39 AM  
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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All Things Video Games/Game Reviews Part II

Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.

Last edited by Gonzo; 09-11-2015 at 12:07 AM..
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Old Yesterday, 12:12 PM   #4396
DJJasonp DJJasonp is offline
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My point stands. Was the game fun? Yes

Don’t care about lore being perfect as long as the game was fun.

Different strokes and all that.
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Old Yesterday, 12:30 PM   #4397
Wallcrawler Wallcrawler is offline
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Originally Posted by DJJasonp View Post
My point stands. Was the game fun? Yes

Don’t care about lore being perfect as long as the game was fun.

Different strokes and all that.
Are you answering that the game was fun for you?


For players wanting a traditional Star Wars game, (not Tomb Raider cosplaying as Star Wars), no the game was not fun overall. It has fun moments, but far more slog than fun.

It has objectively boring force powers compared to other games, and the finite moments of fun come between slogs through menial bullshit. I'd repeatedly stated the setpieces and boss battles were cool, and the story was worth the aggravation to see it through, but just barely.

When mentioning a fun power from a previous game, the whole "it wasn't in the movies" squee took place, even though Cals ability to turn into Quicksilver wasn't in any films either.

Try to keep up with the conversation here.
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If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
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Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old Yesterday, 12:34 PM   #4398
Wallcrawler Wallcrawler is offline
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
This is actually false. Force speed was shown in the prequels. Which is the same as slowing down time.
What film, what scene, and which characters are you referring to?

I sure don't remember any Jedi going Days of Future past on any battledroids.
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old Yesterday, 12:39 PM   #4399
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Wallcrawler View Post
What film, what scene, and which characters are you referring to?

I sure don't remember any Jedi going Days of Future past on any battledroids.
Obi and Qui Gonn in Phantom Menace. It’s a blink and you miss it scene.
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Old Yesterday, 12:58 PM   #4400
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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Originally Posted by Wallcrawler View Post
Are you answering that the game was fun for you?


For players wanting a traditional Star Wars game, (not Tomb Raider cosplaying as Star Wars), no the game was not fun overall. It has fun moments, but far more slog than fun.

It has excellent reviews. 85% on Metacritic. One of the best Star Wars games, ever. You're just a hater.
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Old Yesterday, 01:03 PM   #4401
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Pretty sure they took inspiration from Kylo Ren stopping the blaster shot at the beginning of Star Wars VII
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Old Yesterday, 01:22 PM   #4402
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post

It has excellent reviews. 85% on Metacritic. One of the best Star Wars games, ever. You're just a hater.
User score of 7, champ.

Mixed, or average.

Good try though. I know it's hard to be honest and objective about a property you're literally obsessed with.
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old Yesterday, 02:06 PM   #4403
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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4.7 out of 5


Such an incredible game the third installment is already in production.
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Old Yesterday, 02:30 PM   #4404
Wallcrawler Wallcrawler is offline
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
4.7 out of 5


Such an incredible game the third installment is already in production.
Ah. So Metacritic didn't fit your narrative, so we'll move onto Amazon Bot reviews trying to push sales.

Lmao. Clay. You can stop. We know you like the game. It's okay.

I'm sure they are hard at work right now just dropping those climbable wall grate assets all over the newest play area as we speak.
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old Yesterday, 03:55 PM   #4405
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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GOOD. They were FUN. I felt like a JEDI.
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