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Old 08-31-2015, 10:39 AM  
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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All Things Video Games/Game Reviews Part II

Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.

Last edited by Gonzo; 09-11-2015 at 12:07 AM..
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Old 07-27-2016, 08:40 AM   #421
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Originally Posted by Jerm View Post
I travel a lot for my job and finally started to give mobile gaming a fair shake and dip in on the iPad....man I know it has a bad stigma but there are some real quality games out there to be played.

Thoroughly enjoying Banner Saga, Her Story, Papers Please, Faster Than Light, etc.

Glad I gave it a go....
Are any of these available to play offline? I travel weekly for my job as well and dont have any games to play on the plane because I dont have any service (and I have no intentions of paying for the shitty ass wi-fi on there).
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Old 07-27-2016, 09:05 AM   #422
hometeam hometeam is offline
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Originally Posted by ChiefAshhole1056 View Post
Are any of these available to play offline? I travel weekly for my job as well and dont have any games to play on the plane because I dont have any service (and I have no intentions of paying for the shitty ass wi-fi on there).
Pretty sure all of those are offline games.
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Old 07-27-2016, 09:07 AM   #423
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Originally Posted by hometeam View Post
Pretty sure all of those are offline games.
Sick. Thanks!
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Old 07-29-2016, 05:50 AM   #424
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Originally Posted by New World Order View Post
Anyone see the new GTA 5 graphics mod?

Yeah, looks good. Looks like they had to do a bit of background hazing at longer distances but not too much.

I'll bet we see a remastered version of GTA in the next couple years.
Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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Old 07-31-2016, 08:10 PM   #425
Mother****erJones Mother****erJones is offline
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Just popping in to say I'm on my 6th play through of Last of Us. My friend had it for months and I just got it back a week ago. I'm on my second play through since getting it back. I'm still at the end on grounded mode but haven't finished it.

Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
The only people who believe Mahomes is a first rounder are desperate fans.
Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
McCaffery could be a top 5-7 RB, top 5 PR, and the #1 slot receiver in the league day one. There isn't a GM in the league who'd rather have Tyreek Hill over Christian McCaffery.
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Old 08-17-2016, 01:24 PM   #426
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No Man's Sky Review - PS4

No Man's Sky, PS4:

Where to begin? No Man's Sky is a game that's been touted as the largest, most intense space exploration game ever created. The hype surrounding this game has included death-threats, interviews with the developer on the Late Show, more death threats and delays, delays, delays. The game had a huge fan base 2 years before release. After it's release last week, anyone critical of the game was subject to harassment from fanboys.
Now that it's here, I'm going to give you a full rundown on this title.

Let's start with the story. Well, actually lets start with a red-flag before the story.
I was gifted the highly coveted, (sarcasm) "Limited Edition" by my local retailer.
Upon opening the case, I noticed no download code for my free "upgraded starship."
Our first red flag.

Now then, before I got the game home, I made sure I cleared at least 40 gigs of memory space on my PS4, (expecting the need to delete more). I figured that since I had to deal with what was touted as "the largest game ever created" I needed to be prepared. I seriously thought it would take at least 3 hours to fully download.
Wrong! Should have done my research. Now I have to re-download Uncharted 4!
The game is 6 gigs. I've downloaded DLC that was much bigger. See Witcher 3.
Red Flag number 2

Ok then, I know the dev, (Hello Games) did say the galaxy was procedurely generated. I'm wondering what the hell the delays were all about, though.

Disk inserted, game loaded in less than 15 mins.
Ok, let's do this.

You begin with a beautiful opening sequence of the stars. Very detailed and very awe-inspiring. Apparently, you can go to each and every galaxy they represent.
The next thing you know, you are on planet whateverthefuk looking at your damaged starship with no assistance or clue on what to do.
In my opinion, that's actually kinda cool.
However, *Ding* another flag. No sleeve insert, directions or a guide on what to do or where to go. That's odd not to have at least a little bit of a tutorial, no?
Oh wait...
That's ok. You have a pop-up telling you to mine a resource with your multi tool.
Little did I know that when I mined that first column of 'Heridium' I'd have to repeat the process hundreds, no, thousands of times.
So, the ship is fixed and you're off the planet.
Time to play the game.
Let me say that the first time you fly your ship into orbit is an experience.
I made my way to the first space station and met my first alien. It sounded as though he has some serious indigestion. Gurgles and burps and such. Apparently, I'm to trade with this frog-bird thing and eventually learn its language during my journey to the center of the galaxy.

That's your story boys and girls. Learn languages, mine resources, warp to a new galaxy. So, the gameplay must be pretty fun, right?

I guess it all depends on what kind of gamer you are. If you enjoy exploring and mining and constantly screwing with your inventory screens and never really seeing anything new, this game is for you.
If you like a compelling story, action, new and different quests and goals, this game is not for you.
If you want a relaxing, stress free game, well this is your masterpiece.
Let's call it Spacecraft without the multiplayer. (alas, another story for another day regarding the multiplayer)

Don't get me wrong here, the game has it's moments. Yes, it can be very beautiful, the music is great, some of the creatures are pretty cool, (I have yet to run into a dinosaur like in the trailers, though) and at times the graphics are decent. But the game only runs at 30fps, the pop-in and shading are ridiculous and the game is just, well, boring.

So, I guess you can say that the game might be 18 quadrillion planets big but in my experience, it's only an inch deep.
I have no doubt that in a few months or so, updates and DLC will happen to make this game better. It's been reported that very soon, we'll be able to make our own stations/shelters on planets. You know, like all the other ones we see scattered all over the place? Yeah, those. Hopefully the game won't crash as much after the next patch. (I've had 8 hard-crashes thus far)

So in conclusion, this game has potential. I really think it was released in an unfinished state and the developer just doesn't have the gall to admit it.

I'm giving this one a solid 6.5 monoliths out of 10.

Now then, where the hell did I put my copy of Mass Effect?

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I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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Old 08-17-2016, 07:21 PM   #427
Mother****erJones Mother****erJones is offline
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No mans sky was cool for a little bit but it's far too monotonous. I'd give it a 6/10. That's being generous. People give destiny a lot of grief. This is far worse.

Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
The only people who believe Mahomes is a first rounder are desperate fans.
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McCaffery could be a top 5-7 RB, top 5 PR, and the #1 slot receiver in the league day one. There isn't a GM in the league who'd rather have Tyreek Hill over Christian McCaffery.
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Old 08-26-2016, 11:15 PM   #428
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There's a $20 game available now called Valley. I cannot recommend it enough guys.

It's maybe 5 hours long but the story is really cool and the game is beautiful.
Gameplay is very polished and really satisfying.

It's a first person platformer-type game that gives you really cool abilities like flash-speed running, high jumping, etc.
Music is awesome and the graphics are nearly perfect.

I won't do a review on it but it's a definite must play when you get tired of Deus Ex.
Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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Old 08-29-2016, 11:55 AM   #429
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Review - Deus Ex Mankind Divided PS4

Review for Deus Ex Mankind Divided - PS4

As a rookie to the Deus Ex games, I went in with a very unbiased view. I pre-ordered the game two days before launch so that I could play it right away. the fanfare for this game was huge, (as was the moronic money-grabbing tactics originally attempted by Square Enix, Montreal).
Alas, another story for another day.

This is the latest installment of the long running series and it has a huge fan base. Some call the original Deus Ex a perfect game. I wouldn't know, I've never played it. I did play the previous installment, Human Revolution though.
I only lasted about two hours and found myself lost. This was when I wasn't really into narrative driven games. I borrowed it from a friend who just raved and raved.
Now I kind of see what he was talking about. The beautiful thing about 'MD' is that you don't really need to play the previous games to jump right in. There's an optional 12 minute video you can watch, (that is a little confusing) that will bring you up to speed for the most part.

You play as Agent Adam Jensen. A man that's been "augmented" with robotic limbs, implants and special abilities in the year 2020. He can see through walls, become invisible and basically just dominate everything. The world has become very anti-augmentation since a huge incident occurred two years prior. That's difficult since a huge portion of the population has an augmentation of some sort. I'm not going to go in depth on the story. It's very interesting, though and it has caused several debates with SJW's and others.

Off we go...

This game is the graphical equivalent of most in the genre. It's really nothing astounding anymore. If this was released two years ago, we all would've been shocked. It's a beautiful game with great attention and time spent on the little details. Lighting and shading is very beautiful and you can just tell the devs spent thousands of hours on it. They're pretty mush as good as a console can do right now without serious lag.

The music is perfect. The sounds are rich and detailed. The voice? Not so good. The lip-sync is WAY off on nearly every conversation. You can tell right away that this is an issue.
By the way, I know Adam Jensen is who he is but for god's sake, does he have to mumble and whisper every line? It's god awful. Show some emotion man.

This is the crux of the game. It's very "James Bond meets Aiden from Watch Dogs." There's a million ways to go about every mission and side mission. Do you go in hot with a tactical shotgun, grenades and your suped up Augs?
Or perhaps you go in super stealthy? Use stun guns, knock out gas, tranquilizer guns, your stun abilitiy on your augments. All these options are available.
You'll also find five or six different ways to enter a mission site. You can go through the front door, a vent system, the roof, hack something to distract guards, etc.

All in all, the game is good. It has it's drawbacks regarding gameplay for people that don't like to back-track a lot.
That's one drawback I found.
Go to point A
Crap, you need a code to enter, its at point B but you don't know that unless you talk to person 1. Ok, talked to person 1, got the code from point B, back to Point A. I'm in...
Shit! Need to go talk to person 2 to find out exactly what I need to do to get into the laptop. Person 2 sends me to Point C to do a favor for person 1 in order to get the Laptop code for the mission.
Well, if you don't like doing those types of things, the game might not be for you.
If you do like problem-solving, give it a shot.

By the way, the multi-player option? Not so good. But that's ok. No big deal.

Total gameplay is anywhere from 10-20 hours depending on your approach.
It's a good experience and a decent story.
For those who loved the previous installments, you'll love this one just as much.

Score: 8 out of 10 Praxis Kits
Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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Old 09-02-2016, 02:42 PM   #430
Mother****erJones Mother****erJones is offline
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Got back into Fallout with all of the new DLCs. Love this game. I'm getting ready to dive into Far Harbor.

Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
The only people who believe Mahomes is a first rounder are desperate fans.
Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
McCaffery could be a top 5-7 RB, top 5 PR, and the #1 slot receiver in the league day one. There isn't a GM in the league who'd rather have Tyreek Hill over Christian McCaffery.
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Old 09-02-2016, 08:47 PM   #431
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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Originally Posted by Mother****erJones View Post
Got back into Fallout with all of the new DLCs. Love this game. I'm getting ready to dive into Far Harbor.
It's the game that keeps on giving. Now I have another one for you, general.
A settlement is in need of our help...
Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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Old 09-02-2016, 10:37 PM   #432
MrGiggity MrGiggity is offline

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Originally Posted by Gonzo View Post
It's the game that keeps on giving. Now I have another one for you, general.
A settlement is in need of our help...
Are Nuka World and Far Harbor with getting? Been playing New Vegas recently. Nuka World looks very intriguing as does Far Harbor. The others, eh not so much.
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Old 09-02-2016, 11:18 PM   #433
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Originally Posted by MrGiggity View Post
Are Nuka World and Far Harbor with getting? Been playing New Vegas recently. Nuka World looks very intriguing as does Far Harbor. The others, eh not so much.
So far yes. I got the season pass before it went up in price. This DLC is ****ing awesome. This game is marvelous. I can't wait to really dig in and build stuff tomorrow. I took a break a few months ago because I was playing other games and wanted to let DLC come out. Also had Lost Patrol quest stuck and wanted updates to fix it and it did. They did a really good job with this DLC and game overall. I don't feel like I'm being ripped off...*cough* destiny *cough*.

I'm waiting on mods now. I just wana shoot ****ing explosive teddy bears out of my mini nuke weapon lol

Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
The only people who believe Mahomes is a first rounder are desperate fans.
Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
McCaffery could be a top 5-7 RB, top 5 PR, and the #1 slot receiver in the league day one. There isn't a GM in the league who'd rather have Tyreek Hill over Christian McCaffery.
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Old 09-02-2016, 11:19 PM   #434
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Originally Posted by Gonzo View Post
It's the game that keeps on giving. Now I have another one for you, general.
A settlement is in need of our help...
I just wana give them a giant ****ing hug for this game. I've had an awesome time. When I'm done, I got another character ready for siding with the Institute next. Then I'll create another for the railroad. This game is THAT good.

Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
The only people who believe Mahomes is a first rounder are desperate fans.
Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
McCaffery could be a top 5-7 RB, top 5 PR, and the #1 slot receiver in the league day one. There isn't a GM in the league who'd rather have Tyreek Hill over Christian McCaffery.
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Old 09-03-2016, 12:45 AM   #435
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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Originally Posted by Mother****erJones View Post
So far yes. I got the season pass before it went up in price. This DLC is ****ing awesome. This game is marvelous. I can't wait to really dig in and build stuff tomorrow. I took a break a few months ago because I was playing other games and wanted to let DLC come out. Also had Lost Patrol quest stuck and wanted updates to fix it and it did. They did a really good job with this DLC and game overall. I don't feel like I'm being ripped off...*cough* destiny *cough*.

I'm waiting on mods now. I just wana shoot ****ing explosive teddy bears out of my mini nuke weapon lol
If you love mods, I suggest checking this guy out on YouTube. He does vids on them all the time. His channel is nearly dedicated to the game now.

Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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