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Old 08-31-2015, 10:39 AM  
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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All Things Video Games/Game Reviews Part II

Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.

Last edited by Gonzo; 09-11-2015 at 12:07 AM..
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Old 06-08-2016, 01:52 PM   #406
FlintHillsChiefs FlintHillsChiefs is offline

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Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet View Post
I've been playing the shit out of Fallout 4 lately. I have the Witcher 3, but only got a few hours into it. It hasn't really grabbed me, but I'll give it another shot at some point.
It starts out kind of slow but once you get 4 or 5 hours into it, I couldn't put it down.
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Old 06-09-2016, 06:35 AM   #407
Mother****erJones Mother****erJones is offline
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Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet View Post
I've been playing the shit out of Fallout 4 lately. I have the Witcher 3, but only got a few hours into it. It hasn't really grabbed me, but I'll give it another shot at some point.
Play more of Witcher and you'll be hooked. It takes a little bit to get hooked.

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The only people who believe Mahomes is a first rounder are desperate fans.
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Old 06-09-2016, 07:18 AM   #408
DC.chief DC.chief is offline
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Can't get into Fallout 4 at all. Not sure i'll ever go back to it actually. Don't consider myself a hardcore fan of the series but i've played everyone of them and fallout 4 just feels to same to me.

Witcher 3 on the other hand I can't stop playing. Can't say enough good things about it really. I don't always delve deep into the stories of games but I'm so intrigued by all the little details. The recent updates make it even better. It's GOAT
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Old 06-09-2016, 08:27 AM   #409
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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Originally Posted by DC.chief View Post
Can't get into Fallout 4 at all. Not sure i'll ever go back to it actually. Don't consider myself a hardcore fan of the series but i've played everyone of them and fallout 4 just feels to same to me.

Witcher 3 on the other hand I can't stop playing. Can't say enough good things about it really. I don't always delve deep into the stories of games but I'm so intrigued by all the little details. The recent updates make it even better. It's GOAT
Fallout is a great game but I can see your point. It takes some commitment to really get into it. What pisses me off is its lack of a morale system like in previous games. You can't blow up an entire city right off the bat like in 3 or just choose to be evil for shits and grins.
Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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Old 06-09-2016, 08:32 AM   #410
Beef Supreme Beef Supreme is offline
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Originally Posted by DC.chief View Post
Can't get into Fallout 4 at all. Not sure i'll ever go back to it actually. Don't consider myself a hardcore fan of the series but i've played everyone of them and fallout 4 just feels to same to me.

Witcher 3 on the other hand I can't stop playing. Can't say enough good things about it really. I don't always delve deep into the stories of games but I'm so intrigued by all the little details. The recent updates make it even better. It's GOAT
Well, I'm not playing Fallout 4 for the story. I admit it isn't that good. I just like roaming the post apocalyptic wasteland blowing shit up.
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Old 06-09-2016, 08:53 AM   #411
Fish Fish is offline
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Originally Posted by Gonzo View Post
Fallout is a great game but I can see your point. It takes some commitment to really get into it. What pisses me off is its lack of a morale system like in previous games. You can't blow up an entire city right off the bat like in 3 or just choose to be evil for shits and grins.
I desperately wanted to destroy all factions, and just rule the land myself. **** the Institute. **** the Brotherhood. **** the Railroad. **** the Minutemen. Kill em all.

But nope. Gotta go help rescue another ****ing Abernathy kidnap victim instead..
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Old 06-09-2016, 09:34 AM   #412
allen_kcCard allen_kcCard is offline

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I do wish that the repeating quests had a wrap up. I know they want to have them there as an option to grind up levels, but I am anal and don't like failing quests. I wish there was some sort of way to make a settlement completely safe from needing you, or setting up something where you can put Minutemen on duty to so what you would have needed to do for them at some point.
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Old 06-09-2016, 09:40 AM   #413
Beef Supreme Beef Supreme is offline
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Actually, with enough turrets, I have had several times where the message pops up that a settlement successfully defended itself. Although you do have to go see the settler for the quests that Don Cheadle gives you. I mean Preston Garvey. Or they will fail eventually if you don't go talk to them.

Last edited by Beef Supreme; 06-09-2016 at 09:45 AM..
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Old 06-09-2016, 02:10 PM   #414
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I loved the guy on top of the pole starting at around 3:15.
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Old 07-17-2016, 08:59 AM   #415
Beef Supreme Beef Supreme is offline
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File this under the hidden gem category.

I started playing Dragon's Dogma about a week ago. Why review a game that came out on consoles in 2012? Well, it's only been on PC for less than a year, and I think a lot of people missed this game, which is kind of a shame.

I'm nowhere near finished with it, and it does have its flaws. But if you are looking for good combat and some innovative ideas, this is a game you should look into. It's a Capcom game, their first attempt at an open world game, and I have heard some of the same devs that did Dark Souls were involved but I don't know if that is true or not. One thing is certain, it's a hell of a lot better PC port than Dark Souls.

It doesn't hold your hand, and there is difficulty and somewhat of a learning curve, but it isn't an intimidating learning curve. The combat and class system is top notch, and you can change classes pretty easily and try different stuff. You can climb up boss monsters and stab weak points, or shoot at them from the ground with arrows or spells. It's a hoot.

Character customization actually matters some. There are a lot of options, and some have gameplay effects. If you make a small character you are a little quicker, and regenerate stamina faster, but your carry weight is lower. You can also get into some small holes that big characters cannot. Large characters can carry more and climb some things a small character can't reach. They have a larger stamina pool, but it regenerates slower. Large characters have a longer reach with weapons, but have a bigger hit box. Small characters can possibly roll under a big monster and have a smaller hit box, but shorter reach.

One of the standout features is the Pawn system. Pawns are NPC party members, and you can have up to three of them in your party. One of them is a Pawn you create. You create the looks, the class, you gear it up, you choose the class and skills. The same character size pros and cons apply to the pawns. It travels with you all the time. The other two, you can hire, and you can hire the pawns other people have made. They can also hire your pawn. When someone hires your pawn, once you log back in and rest at an inn, you get some points to buy skills with based on the amount they did while hired.

Your pawn also gets some knowledge of the quests they did while hired, even if you haven't done those quests yet, and they can offer some advice when you get to those quests.

The story is nothing too special so far, and I've heard it's not the greatest, but the adventure is fun. Travelling at night is more dangerous than by day, and there are definitely times when you are relieved to make it back to an inn and rest.

They do some innovative stuff, which is nice if you are getting tired of the same old combat and the same old everything in a lot of games.

Here is a combat montage that shows some of the cool shit you can do.


no idea why this won't embed.

Last edited by Beef Supreme; 07-18-2016 at 02:02 PM.. Reason: Add Video
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Old 07-18-2016, 12:55 PM   #416
Jerm Jerm is offline
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I travel a lot for my job and finally started to give mobile gaming a fair shake and dip in on the iPad....man I know it has a bad stigma but there are some real quality games out there to be played.

Thoroughly enjoying Banner Saga, Her Story, Papers Please, Faster Than Light, etc.

Glad I gave it a go....
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Old 07-26-2016, 04:01 PM   #417
New World Order New World Order is offline
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Anyone see the new GTA 5 graphics mod?

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Old 07-26-2016, 04:20 PM   #418
BigBeauford BigBeauford is offline
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Originally Posted by Jerm View Post
I travel a lot for my job and finally started to give mobile gaming a fair shake and dip in on the iPad....man I know it has a bad stigma but there are some real quality games out there to be played.

Thoroughly enjoying Banner Saga, Her Story, Papers Please, Faster Than Light, etc.

Glad I gave it a go....
Faster than Light is simply incredible.
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Old 07-26-2016, 10:10 PM   #419
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet View Post
File this under the hidden gem category.

I started playing Dragon's Dogma about a week ago. Why review a game that came out on consoles in 2012? Well, it's only been on PC for less than a year, and I think a lot of people missed this game, which is kind of a shame.

I'm nowhere near finished with it, and it does have its flaws. But if you are looking for good combat and some innovative ideas, this is a game you should look into. It's a Capcom game, their first attempt at an open world game, and I have heard some of the same devs that did Dark Souls were involved but I don't know if that is true or not. One thing is certain, it's a hell of a lot better PC port than Dark Souls.

It doesn't hold your hand, and there is difficulty and somewhat of a learning curve, but it isn't an intimidating learning curve. The combat and class system is top notch, and you can change classes pretty easily and try different stuff. You can climb up boss monsters and stab weak points, or shoot at them from the ground with arrows or spells. It's a hoot.

Character customization actually matters some. There are a lot of options, and some have gameplay effects. If you make a small character you are a little quicker, and regenerate stamina faster, but your carry weight is lower. You can also get into some small holes that big characters cannot. Large characters can carry more and climb some things a small character can't reach. They have a larger stamina pool, but it regenerates slower. Large characters have a longer reach with weapons, but have a bigger hit box. Small characters can possibly roll under a big monster and have a smaller hit box, but shorter reach.

One of the standout features is the Pawn system. Pawns are NPC party members, and you can have up to three of them in your party. One of them is a Pawn you create. You create the looks, the class, you gear it up, you choose the class and skills. The same character size pros and cons apply to the pawns. It travels with you all the time. The other two, you can hire, and you can hire the pawns other people have made. They can also hire your pawn. When someone hires your pawn, once you log back in and rest at an inn, you get some points to buy skills with based on the amount they did while hired.

Your pawn also gets some knowledge of the quests they did while hired, even if you haven't done those quests yet, and they can offer some advice when you get to those quests.

The story is nothing too special so far, and I've heard it's not the greatest, but the adventure is fun. Travelling at night is more dangerous than by day, and there are definitely times when you are relieved to make it back to an inn and rest.

They do some innovative stuff, which is nice if you are getting tired of the same old combat and the same old everything in a lot of games.

Here is a combat montage that shows some of the cool shit you can do.


no idea why this won't embed.
Really really great game. Randomly came across it for ps 4 a few years ago and was hooked.
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Old 07-27-2016, 08:22 AM   #420
Beef Supreme Beef Supreme is offline
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Originally Posted by Pasta Giant Meatball View Post
Really really great game. Randomly came across it for ps 4 a few years ago and was hooked.
Yeah, I'm still playing the shit out of it. I finished the final battle, which isn't really the final battle, and I haven't even touched the DLC stuff yet. And I will be doing the New Game Plus.

I really can't recommend this game enough. More people should know about it.
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