The Top 101 CP posters of 2014...Presented by htismaqe
This year we have a new presenter, but the butthurt levels expect to be the same. A poster that shall remain unnamed has been compiling the list and htis is going to deliver the smaque down. So it begins....
Without further adieu, we're kicking off the Top 101 Chiefsplanet Posters of 2014 by mentioning the one guy that ALMOST made it.
Bozo and Cookie, ping pong balls, happy childhood memories.
I spent my childhood in a crawl space.
It was the Grand Prize Game and he got called for Intentional Grounding.
Because Alex Smith...
101. ChiefsandO'sfan
Coming in on the countdown at #101: ChiefsandO'sfan.
His contributions are always timely and his insider knowledge is impeccable.
100. -King-
I'm the only poster on the Planet who's name starts with a dash. OK, there's actually three but they have 54 posts between the 2 of them. I'm coming in just under 20 posts per day and they're all awesome. OK, 75% of them are awesome. OK, maybe just half.
You know what is awesome though? Ink blots. Ink blots that look like birds. Birds with no heads and huge antennas. OK, so maybe it's not a bird, it's a butterfly. Maybe if I keep posting on every thread, I'll have 50K by Christmas and Santa can bring me a new avatar!
99. Reerun KC
When you're browsing the Planet, do you ever feel like you've read this before? It's probably because you have.
At least a thousand times.
I mean, how often do you dipshits need to be reminded that the Chiefs suck? One-and-done, parking lot is full. Sheep.
Yeah, that's right. I kicked your dog. Do you ever feel like you've read this before?
98. DaKCMan AP
Yeah, I know. I look like a front-runner. That's cause I'm awesome. I display my Gator pride prominently, because it's awesome. I'm also a fan of the Heat but nobody really noticed before LeBron came to town and won a championship. He's awesome. Hey, what do you know? Me and LeBron have something in common. I'm awesome too.
So yeah, I'm really a bandwagon jumper. That's why I threw that Rays logo in my sig and pretend to like the Chiefs. Street cred is awesome, just like me. Gotta make everybody think I "suffered" through the Tim Tebow era. National Championships suck. Joachim Noah's hair is awesome though. Just like me.
97. teedubya
I'm one of the most famous people on Chiefsplanet. Why? Because I abused a Chiefs employee via Twitter.
No, that's not Penn Jillette. That's me. And I was like "whoa, I'm gonna be famous" after that college intern twerp told me it was my "choice to be a fan".
I've organized email campaigns and published Clark Hunt's email on the forums. Oddly enough, I spend more than half of my time in DC because I don't really care about football. But it sure was fun tagging on with pr_capone and Marty and riding their coattails to glory.
I did actually have one claim to fame but I botched that and got verbally bitchslapped by Shannon Sharpe in an airport.
96. CoMoChief
I am the smartest football mind on the Planet. I'm SO much smarter than everyone else that not only does nobody ever agree with me, people automatically assume the opposite of what my stated opinion is.
I mean, my greatness is obvious. One only has to look at my circle of friends:
95. OldSchool
First off, I'm not really "old school" - I'm actually in the running for Newb of the Year in some circles on Chiefsplanet.
I guess I could get by with it if by "old school" you meant "really boring poster that doesn't have an avatar or signature and never posts any pictures". Nothing but black and white text for me. I browse Chiefsplanet from a mainframe.
In contrast to CoMoChief, I actually DO know quite a bit about football - I know what an H-back is and also know the difference between a 30-front and the 46 defense. I spend most of my time in the Draft Planet sub forum breaking down film of the top 1,153 top college prospects.
I also have the best friends list of all time:
94. salame
I'm a member of an elite group of Chiefsplanet all-stars. Simply Red has nothing on me. Even htismaqe is astounded by the complete randomness (and inherent hilarity) of my posts. I'm like kcnut with a college degree.
I have started more than one thread about the unique combination of goatees and shaved heads. I am one of the few posters here to post an "I'm leaving" thread and immediately come back. And I'm far and away the starter of the most threads flagged as Prayer Threads.
I leave you with this:
93. BCD
At first glance, many think I'm one of the latest 49er-turned-Chief fans that arrived on the SS Alex Smith. Alas, one only needs to look at my join date and my previous nick to know that I'm a Chiefsplanet original - a founding member. I'm just the biggest homer to ever grace the Interwebs.
I'm the only True Fan™ that actually welcomes the moniker. You see, most of the old-timers here know that I'm really "TrueFanDave".
Yep, that's me in the hard hat. The only thing harder than that hat is my head.
92. Coach
No. Not this guy:
This guy:
I've been here 10 years. I've started more *** Official *** threads than anyone else on the Planet. I even started the *** Official Kansas City Command *** thread. It got 7 replies.
Yeah, maybe I should just stop making threads.
91. BucEyedPea
Three words come to mind: Bat shit crazy.
Most people view me as synonymous with the Washington DC sub forum. In fact, I'm quite active in The Lounge. So active that the last thread I started in a forum other than DC I give. The last time I started a thread outside of DC was October 2007.
I'm the only member on the Planet that actually sincerely misses Chris616 for a reason other than the hilarity he provided - he actually provided me with cover.
Now excuse me, I have a republic to save and a Federal Reserve building to destroy, one Calvin Coolidge quote at a time.
90. HogFarmer
While I'm not the only member of the Planet that engages in Bestiality, I am the only one to not only admit it but openly flaunt it.
Boar semen is to me what antifreeze is to Chiefsplanet - the life blood from which all good things grow. Without me, there really would be no Chiefsplanet because 3/4 of the members here live almost entirely on bacon and BBQ ribs.
Years of practice have given me a GI Joe-like Kung Fu grip. If only I could get my hands on this guy...
89. L.A. Chieffan
I love Squash, Lez Miserables, facials, working out, Phil Collins, Huey Lewis, Whitney Houston, Robert Palmer, Talking Heads.
I especially love getting facials from this guy:
88. rico
I'm a ****ing douchebag that likes to shit on other people's fun. I like to one-up people and make myself the center of attention.
Oh, and I like to **** muppets too.
from last year...
rico has come along way in the last month. After not being on the list he has rocketed up the charts. Has a reputation as a solid poster even though he is a bit long winded sometimes. That is pretty good considering only a third of his 3k posts have been read. The long winded ness extends to the bedroom as well. Mrs. Swaff often finishes before he can get it in.
Speaking of the Mrs. they met at a family reunion (don't worry she's a 2nd cousin). They fell in love in typical Iowa fashion after he suplexed her on to his cock after the three legged race.
87. mcaj22
Like many here, this poster has made a niche for himself bitching about the Chiefs. It's a good thing for him because his best thread is a 30 responder based off Eric Berry appearing on an episode of say yes to the dress.
That's not the reason he's on the list though. It turns out his user name is based off being related to a CP icon and a love for firearms.
This poster is in an extremely good mood lately. He recently returned from a weekend trip to St. Louis where he was constantly referred to as the "best boyfriend ever".
His username doesn't mean what most think it does. He does not have mass unprotected sex with scores of random sluts. Tha Virus is an expert computer hacker with Level 50 Halo internet street cred.
But, back to the girlfriend. Here is a before and after pic. 150 bottles of grape gatorade and a whole lot of luvin later...
84. PackerinMo
Remember when JAG used to be on the air? CBS pushed it through for like... 4 seasons or something like that. That's a decent run for a show. But remember how it'd get advertised during CBS football games all the time, but nobody ever watched it? Did you watch it? I sure as hell didn't. I don't know anybody who watched it. People knew it existed, certainly, but nobody knew the non-descript characters, the actors, the plot, and they certainly didn't know the show, because they never watched it.
That's me. I'm the show JAG.
I average more than 8 posts per day, but I'm pretty sure the only time people have paid attention to shit I've posted has been when I'm posting in the lady picture threads. Other than that, I'm practically invisible. Everything that can be known about me is in my signature (I like the Packers, Mizzou, and Cards) and my user name.
I have no annoying posting habits. I don't have any funny jokes. I'm never antagonistic or a troll. I don't make fun of people. I'm not even ****ing sure why I'm on the ****ing list. I'm pretty sure it's the girl pictures I post. Because even though I've got a pretty good post rate for the short time I've been a CP member, a whole bunch of that post count has been invested in NASCAR threads.
I'm not even lovably boring like Deberg_1990 or mylonsd. Their charm is their placid and predictable personalities. I don't even have that going for me as a reputation, because I don't have one.
Okay, so I like Iowa State. What's the big deal? Ames is less than a 4.5 hour drive away from Arrowhead Stadium. It's a large university. There are bound to be a ton of Cyclone fans on Chiefs Planet
You people are a bunch of rude assholes. You don't throw this much flack at DaKCMan for liking Florida shit. Or Bugeater for liking Nebraska. Or even the other Iowa State fans. Why are you this cruel? It's almost as if you think I act like a huge toolish douchebag about my favorite school's historically worthless athletics program!
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go fix my Steele Jantz blow-up doll. He's got a puncture.
In case you guys ever wanted to know, I live in Houston. If it's ever important information to you. Like, do you need to know what Tony Levine thinks about this dude from one of the Houston high schools who the Chiefs are rumored to be scouting? I can tell you that stuff.
I can tell you what Case Keenum has for breakfast every morning. Apple Jacks. He eats Apple Jacks for breakfast every morning. I know that because I live in Houston.
Ask me something about the Houston Texans. Anything. Anything at all. See, I work with a lot of Texans fans. I also listen to a lot of Houston sports radio, so I'm around that Houston stuff constantly. Because I live in Houston.
I mean, I'm not really terrible for sports conversation. I know a lot about Houston sports, so I can transfer that into talking about the Chiefs a lot of the time. Houstonians also like to use meat smokers and grill shit, so I'm only too happy to talk about that stuff with other BBQ fanatics on CP. But I probably wouldn't be caught dead in one of those gay ass Fire Me Boy! food threads. Nosiree. We don't take very kindly to that weird shit down here in Houston.
Kicked PGM square in the dick for making that shitty thread that made me keep posting "Then the midgets" in other threads for a period of several months.
Okay, but seriously, I'm kind of a cool guy. But like all North Dakotans, I sound a lot dumber than I actually am. All I have to do is drunk post on CP occasionally, and BAM! People suddenly think I'm an incoherent asshole who masturbates to all of the reality shows about little people on TLC.
On the positive side, my NDSU Bison would probably beat Rusty's shitty ****ing Cyclones by 5 TDs in football. At least I've got that going for me.
Okay, look. You can say what you will about me as a poster, but remember that it could be much worse. I wasn't an annoying Rams troll back when the Chiefs made the Trent Green trade and St. Louis looked like a promising team for the next several years. I mean, I was probably one of those dorks who wrote D&D fanfiction-type Rams stories on that Book of Spiral Horns forum. You can make assertions like that against me. I'm fine with that.
You can tell me to drink antifreeze. You can change my username to Starbucks Fan for an entire year. You can bitch me out for taking too long to make my shitty Rams pick in the CP Mock. That's cool. I let that stuff just roll off my back because I'm a nice guy.
Hell, I know how much you hate it when fans of other teams come in here and post all the shit they do about the Chiefs and their numerous failures since the ****ing Nixon administration. You guys beat yourselves up about it enough as it is, and you don't need some snaggle-toothed moron thinking they're getting the best of you by pointing out something you didn't realize.
Even then, I don't mind you making fun of my team. You can call them the Lambs. You can make fun of my city. You can point out all those top draft picks my team has collected recently and how we'll still be sitting in the ****ing cellar for several years. I don't mind that. Once again, I'm easy-going and cool about it.
But say one cross word about my QB, and I'll ruin you. Go see what happens if you suggest that my team needs to move on from Sam Bradford regardless of whether or not he could have been a great QB if he didn't have PTSD from his awful putrid offensive line. It's not pretty. You don't want to do that. You also don't want to call him a clueless brokedick beady-eyed ****face.
Sam Bradford is my QB. That's my QB, man.
79. Brian Busby
I could be doing this job right now. I used to have that hilarious pouting Phillip Rivers gif avatar. I've always had my Craig James signature. I can say humorous things. I call people dumbasses all the time. I can type in complete sentences. I've even got a really gay Tyler Bray avatar now. PGM should be licking my nuts.
It's like OnTheWarpath58 and Mr Tomahawk hate ****ed each other and had me as a child. One of them might have raped the other, but that's getting off-topic. The point is: why not me? I'd be great.
My e-penis just isn't big enough, that's why. I'm not even sure about my real one, but in the meantime, I don't do enough. I have yet to let this forum take over my life in such a way beyond football that I wake up one day with a post count in 5 figures. And when I do, Craig James will have died of old age and I'll look like a complete ****ing asshole.
The Eric Hicks of Chiefs Planet. Was once n00b of the year. Now I'm just plain ****ing annoying. Here's why:
1. No, I'm not actually from Coffeyville. I just spell "coffee" like an idiot, that's all.
2. All draft opinions are stupid. You don't know if a player will work out! You don't know that! Quit stating an opinion if you don't know what's going to happen!
3. Bill Watterson is a nutjob recluse who won't merchandise his product because he knows people like me have Calvin avatars on football forums
4. If anybody is going do what R8ers did that one time and post a "Be nice to truck drivers" thread only for cops instead of truck drivers, it will probably be me.
Sure I know I am only famous on this board for my sweet tattoo, but I am ok with that. It gets me recognized here and laid when I go hoggin. It sure beats being noted for having my "girlfriend" exposed as being a whore cam girl or holding a bag of dog shit. So back to the tattoo. I contemplated getting a new one, so I
Then **** you. You're 12 years old. And yes, you should feel offended by that. I feel really proud about using that insult over and over again.
I'm too disparaging for true fans and too ****ing stupid to be a drafturbator. I'm not funny. I have no friends. My opinions about everything in life are boring and suck fetid whale shit. I'm probably one of the worst posters on this board.
Even my username is a generic name like "mikey" followed by a bunch of numbers. And not even one or two. I have five ****ing numbers after my name. Five.
I won't read this because I'm a very important person and have no time for your shenanigans. You are all 12 years old.
75. HonestChiefFan
Keep buying into that hope and change, millenials. You're not dragging this country down or anything by supporting this moron or anything like that.
A new Chiefs Planet poll on Tuesday revealed that most Americans believe that HonestChieffan has sex with sheep.
The DC forum moron hit a new low last month when his disapproval rating cracked the 95th percentile. The rating system accounts for an error margin of 5%.
This new low comes at a bad time for HonestChieffan as he gets prepared to post misleading, biased, and non-objective news stories pertaining to the midterm elections in November.
His best bet to corral support may force him to shift his posting strategy and spend more time in the Lounge, where he can possibly receive support from other dumbasses like mikey23535, whose different style but equally shitty opinions may make him look better by comparison.
HonestChieffan is expected to address this issue tonight by sitting on his fat old ass and lamenting how so few parents aren't beating their children anymore.
If you recall from this thread, I'm kind of a crazy and ****ed up individual. The women I marry have all kinds of shitty problems like not wanting anal sex and romantic interests in inbred child beaters. That might say something about me, but I'm just not sure. I probably should have gone to high school that day instead of cutting class to drink cough syrup and smoke weed.
I also have an ongoing love affair with Dane McCloud. Yeah, it mostly looks like I'm pestering him, but that just means I like him. Saccopoo is totally right about this one. I'm into anal and Noodles and Company because I like dudes. And to break myself in slowly, I'm going to flirt with them online. Dane just simply seemed like the logical choice of my affection at the time due to his keen eye for "good-looking upcoming male actors." What ended up happening was just so much more than I expected.
73. Marcellus
I am Marcellus....Marcellus the True. White Knight of CP and Defender of the Red and Gold Banner. I stood as Champion for Lord Pioli and Lady Cassel. I will defend any and all moves this organization makes with my life. Proof below....
This rating is bogus. You've got a ton of Chiefs fans ranked ahead of me, but what have they really posted recently? Food threads? Stuff about Lemon Party and Tubgirl? The same arguments about QBs and the draft? Talk about an easy schedule. What a bunch of overrated clowns. Try posting nothing but Donk homery. That's original and quality posting! I am nothing like you and your awful strength-of-posting record.
You should be more like me. Everybody likes to make fun of Clay for posting PFF stuff, but I'm the true king of that shit. The Broncos will win the Super Bowl because PFF. There, see? I just did it. Nobody else is as blatant about that garbage as I am. I'm like ChiefsandOsFan except with PFF articles and stats.
Why do I use it? Science. Sure, all those stats didn't help me when I claimed like an idiot that Britton Colquitt was the best of the Colquitt brothers at punting. But everything else is gold. Like Peyton Manning's arm at the end of the season. Not tired or ineffective. Gold. I know it's like that because PFF told me so.
Thank God the mods got rid of Knowmo. I'm now the biggest Donk homer on CP. Hope you guys are ready to watch Von WareWolfe wreck some face after Von does something stupid, Ware's brain gets put in a jar, and Wolfe plays like the Mike Catapano of the Denver Broncos.
71. Chief Roundup
So analogy time.
What if homers were coffees?
You'd have your standard cup of nice hot black coffee in BCD/BigChiefDave/one of the overweight assholes of Fate in the True Fan gif. Apart from all the different blends you can discern between, he's Joe Everyman coffee. You can always count on him for an apology for one of the franchise's decisions they've made recently. Doesn't matter the time of day. Or the QB. Or the soft bitch pussy cum gargler of a LT one selects at #1 overall. He'll always be there.
On the other hand, you've got BARRYSKOOLAID as a shot of espresso. His homerism is abrasive and extremely shocking and jarring. While BCD goes down easy among most unsuspecting people, I don't know that many fans who ever enjoyed reading the shit he wrote or podcasted about except if they hate themselves and love tweaking bitter people.
Chief Roundup would be an iced coffee with sugar and shit in it. You can drink an iced coffee and appreciate the bitterness in the taste without having to get used to it. It's still got that gross coffee aftertaste; you know, the one that's like "How can we judge any of our QBs when our offensive line is only top 15-20? There's no way we should expect any QB to succeed when our line just isn't necessarily bad, but it's not good!" It's got that kind of flavor, but you can read it without wanting to put an axe through your internet device. Sometimes he even talks sense.
I'm pretty sure that's only when he's smoking pot, though. Which is all the time.
Look, just shut up about the too fat thing, okay? It's not funny anymore, and I'm tired of people impulsively attaching it to the ends of posts of mine that they quote.
I really have great ideas that I want to share with you all, but I can never get real conversations started because everybody always replies with "too fat lol!" And people still laugh and high five each other when that happens! For crying out loud, the fat girl conversation is YEARS old at this point.
The real truth is I've been lying. I've never porked a chick lighter than 150 lbs in my life. Why? It's obvious-- in Omaha there exists no woman who is not obese. It's true. The best you can do is to hope she wouldn't tip the scale when weighed against frazod. That's right. 300 pounds. Against my worst enemies, I wish that their families would get raped by my girlfriend at the time. I actually ****ing love that shit. I eat it up.
So there. No chick is too fat for me. Drop the jokes, please.
Now let's talk about the Chiefs. The cheerleaders sure look great, don't they?
Hi, I'm Silock Mclure! You might remember me from such threads I've created as "Do you have a bug out bag?," "Anyone do automated Christmas light shows?," and "knock, knock jokes." Don't remember those threads? That's probably because they're boring as ****.
Today, I'll be giving you a lesson on how to be a member of a message board since 2006 and not leave a single lasting impression. All you've got to do is spend most of your time in the Media Center promoting crappy shows such as The Michael J. Fox show, showing your wonderful taste in music by praising shitty “Jolene” covers by Miley Cyrus, or trying to unload all of your awful outdated media equipment on fellow CP'ers. You want a Mitsubishi DLP projector that I paid $1250 bucks for before realizing it was a piece of shit and a terrible purchase seeing as how I could have gotten an actual High Definition TV for less money? I'll sell it to you for $1000 if you'll just reply to one of my threads. How about a pair of discontinued Klipsch floor standing speakers that look like they're straight from the set of an 80's teen house party movie? I'll sell you mine for $400. Don't worry about the water ring stains on the wood, that's just from my protein shake glass sitting on top of it and sweating into the wood.
Yea, I said Protein shakes. I drink them because I work out, brah. I'm a crossfit pro, bud. You'd know that if your pansy ass spent any time in the Fitness thread. Do you even lift, bro? Me and my boys are throwing up weights all day, bro. You know what they say, “The best way to keep fit is humping and pumping.” Here we are stretching out after an intense leg session last week:
Just check out these numbers:
Bench - 365 max
Deadlift - 505 max
Bulgarian Split Squat - 335 max
Military - 275 max
5'11", 185
That's right, I said Bulgarian Split Squat. I bet your candy ass doesn't even know what that is, because you've never seen the inside of a gym, brah. Don’t believe those numbers? Check out this recent video of one of my home workouts:
That was just a straight squat rep. My favorite exercise is just the normal bench press. Especially when my buddy LewDog spots me. He wears super baggy shorts and doesn't always wear underwear, so every once in a while I get a quick peek at Big Dick and the Twins. It's added motivation.
I’ve even got my younger brother working out:
That’s my mom at the end of the video. She doesn’t lift, but she makes the best strawberry protein shakes this side of Lee’s Summit. Don’t worry about the fish tank my brother broke, I’ve been thinking of switching to a Saltwater rig anyways.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to down a whole bag of oranges and critique peoples form in the fitness thread. Remember, “Curls for the Girls, guys. Curls for the girls!”
Side note: I'm number 69, huh?
68. Brianfo
How in the **** did I make this list? I've posted only 1300 times in over 12 years. Seriously, how in the **** did I make this list?!?!?!? Putting me on this list makes about as much sense as putting users such as BushyTheBeaver, HarryParatestes, and Gary on the list. Look them up, those are actual members! You won't recognize them though. Because, like me, they have been members for years and don't post shit.
Lately, I spend most of my time on the board boring the shit out of my fellow Royal fans at a blistering pace of 0.30 posts per day. Everything in moderation has always been my motto...Well, with most things at least, but lets not re-open that chapter.
I can only guess that my place on the list is due to my sensitive and caring nature. Whether it's berating a guy for being on Chiefsplanet the day his "best friend" died, following Simply Red around and accusing him of being gay, or hanging out in the racial slur thread bashing all the indian lovers, you can rest assured I'm doing my part to make this a family community.
I don't feel the love in return, though. Anytime I post a thread asking for a bit of sympathy, I'm met with jokes and mult accusations.
Perhaps I should just kill myself.
67. Frosty
I'm the goddamn Sean Mannion of CP. Let's see any of you cope with my absence if/when I get injured/benched. You just won't be able to. You think the Planet isn't what it used to be back when Gaz and MrBlond roamed these parts? Do you long for Johnathan Smith throwing to Chad Johnson and TJ Houshmandzadeh? You ain't seen nothing yet until you know what life without Mannion is!
I can keep going without Markus Wheaton. And you can keep going without FAX and keg in kc as they take their periodic month-long leaves of absence. But you are about to get ****ed hard without me. You'll see.
With CP gone, will there be hope for Frosty? Nuh-uh, mother****ers.
With Frosty gone, will there be hope for CP?
66. Coogs
Before Picard, there was Kirk.
Before Smith, there was Grbac.
And before Direckshun, there was Coogs.
That's me. Coogs. People don't realize but I at one time was THE drafturbator. Before Direckshun. Before Mecca. ****, even before voyager. I'd post all the draft shit I could find, and you bet your ****ing ass that people got pissed off about it just like they do now. Granted, the number of threads and posts I made about it pales in comparison to these other more modern draft legends, but it was a different time. Otto Graham played a different game. Jim Brown played a different game. You're a giant moron if you don't name them on a short list of the game's all-time great players. Likewise, you simply have to put me on there as well.
Regrettably, I'm just an old man trying to keep up these days. I'm like Dick Enberg trying to get people to sign up for fantasy football on CBS broadcasts while talking about the rap music that the players listen to in the locker room. At the age of 92, I'm not as active as I once was, and when I post stuff, it often gets swallowed up amidst all these advanced metric threads and tubgirl discussions. There's still room for me, but people are more and more letting me slide into the philfree category of senility and rambling incoherency. If I ever turn into a huge prick like milkman, maybe people will pay attention to me. Until then, I'm just going to keep chugging along until I fail my eye test at the DMV and get my license taken away.
65. Cannibal
Okay, I'm going to say a few things about Cannibal, but most of this roast is going to be directed at the listmaker. A few things have to be said here.
Cannibal's been here since the very beginning of this forum, but my first remembered interaction with him came a few years ago. I could have sworn that back when I posted on the OrangeMange there was a dude named Cannibal, so I started ripping on Denver around him. Turns out he's actually a Chiefs fan. Who would have known? I certainly didn't, because he was just that non-descript.
I'm pretty sure the thing Cannibal is most known for is a period of about 6 or 7 months some time ago when he was a semi-active poster in the DC forum. He's pretty liberal, so I think he got frustrated and stopped going there. Since then, I'm not really sure what he posts any more, but he doesn't do it very often. He's largely regarded as a nice guy, but I think that's all that most people have to really say about him. So I guess 8900 posts not-so-memorable posts in nearly 14 years is enough for a 65 ranking.
Okay, now the other business. The listmaker has put this guy above some really really juicy names. Penn Jillette, the conspiracy nut John the Baptist of SOC? DaKCMan AP, who has only put up more than a decade of consistent, quality football discussion even when propped up by his weird "awesome" quirk? Salame is the last of the ****ing weirdos, and he only gets a 94? Rico? MOTHER ****ING RICO!!! Cannibal is at least 20 spots higher than all of these guys?
What the ****ing ****? At least TRY to work with some consistency, here! If that's a "best of AS OF 2014" list, then the PPD stat should have a much stronger bearing to balance out strong n00bs and CP legends. If it's just a best posters list of the past year 2014, then put some dudes on the list who have written something besides, "That Chiefs playoff loss sucked. I like Alex Smith and Andy Reid."
There isn't much of a method to making the list. I get that. I know that there can't be. But this is insane. At least go through a couple complete drafts before you decide on some names to put up here.
Just a few months ago somebody said Eric Fisher was a bust, and nobody challenged him on the absurdity of that statement. The injustice that is being done to common fans on Chiefs Planet who just want to have a good time watching Chiefs football is terrible. It's obvious that this anti-Chiefs bend in the conversation is controlled by the interests Clayton W. (name withheld) and the Kansas City illuminati known as Rich Gannon's Lazy Eye. I haven't yet figured out what role he plays in the organization, but he is clearly trying to avert peoples' attention away from the Chiefs and onto himself to make him feel better about his 30-year old self living in his mom's basement. The Lazy Eye is secretly behind all of the Chiefs' failures since Marty got fired in order to produce an unstable fanbase ripe for pseudo anarchical revolution, after which the Eyeball takes control of all official existing local factions, including the Kansas City Chiefs. It is then that they will exert their Manchurian influence onto Clark and draft nothing but QBs in the first round for the next 30 years. These evil assholes must be stopped.
I would prove it, but Clayton would probably send the Lazy Eye's henchmen after me, namely SNR and htismaqe, the roastmasters of this very thread. How ironic that the two people given the majority task of roasting the supposed "Top 101 posters" of CP are vicious poison-spewing QB table-pounding drafturbators? Why not give the job to Marcellus? Or even an even-keeled moderate like Rain Man? I told you all about this change in CP years ago ever since the radical drafturbators took power against the will of the forum and her people. Nobody listened to me, though. Nobody ever listens to me. Well, the time's approaching now. You better get your wits about you, lest you turn into a mindless zombie that follows these people around like PGM. This very roast thread is nothing more than an attempt at shaming good, righteous, moral Chiefs fans and converting them to neo-Meccan anti-Hunt pessimism that makes unwarranted jokes about Alex Smith's penis size.
Here's something to consider briefly. The shortest verse in the KJV Bible is "Jesus wept." When does that occur? Just before he brings an individual back to life. Lazarus. He brings Lazarus back to life. Know that when I also weep and bring dead arguments back to life, I'm not doing it to be a pussy. I'm doing it to save you all and this forum I love so dearly.
I think if Chiefs Planet were around 60 years ago, burt would have been one of the coolest posters. If I remember correctly from what he's told me while piss shit drunk, that would put him at the beginning of his long and proud boxing career. I'm also pretty sure he would have been volunteering at that time as a person who goes around punching Nazis in the face. A real ****ing badass.
However, life is cruel, and it has long ago forced burt to relinquish the sweetness of youth in exchange for the rancid fart smell of fatness, old age, and senility. And too much bathtub moonshine has only sped up the transformation into the product you see today.
But don't tell burt. He knows that unlike other posters on here, he was alive during the McKinley administration. He can remember a time when a stylish zoot suit and an honorable reputation could get you into the finest of speakeasies in town. He's got the strength of character that may as well be considered extinct to those young whipper snapper baby boomers. And if he just needs a stiff drink (or twelve) to get himself revved up to teach those hooligans a lesson in manners, well, that's just what he'll do. That's the great part about being an alcoholic-- any reason is good enough to have a drink.
Just let burt believe he's still got the strength, quickness, and mental fortitude to beat the shit out of anybody on here. We may not have to deal with it much longer. Maybe when Dane comes back, we can tell him to man up and put his great-grandfather in the nursing home
Did you know that in Japanese culture, the stereotypical image a gay man isn't the scrawny, flamboyant, glittery guy but the body-builder types who are obsessed with "dirty work" at the gym and who don't wear shirts in public?
Good thing I don't live in Japan.
I'm a pretty big name in the California Douchebag Coalition on this forum. The original, you might say. Before Dane got here, I was the one telling people what they were doing wrong. I told people that their lifestyles sucked compared to that of the California personal trainer. I've been here so long that there is bound to exist a post on here where I agree with head coach Gunther Cunningham on the sleeveless look for players.
I'm not around much anymore, possibly because Silock has since trumped me on the scale of Japanese gayness. Either that, or it's to protect myself from all the autism out there caused by vaccinations
J Diddy's a really nice guy. To be honest, I don't think I have the heart to roast him. That's okay, because neither does he.
In the last couple of years he started to pick up his posting frequency dramatically, which is probably the reason why he's on this list in the first place. And even then I wasn't paying too much attention because it was usually about how life is beautiful or some shit like that. I think I recall him saying he did a lot of drugs decades ago? That makes sense to me, so I'm going to roll with that. It might also explain why he reveres Dick Bull so much. Together, they obviously fought a lot of dragons in rainbow chariots back in the day.
J Diddy also seems to care a lot about people on here. He's more likely to post a "How are you doing?" thread than he is something about football. There's a history of that happening to a lot of people who get busy and popular on the night crew-- JOhn, luv, beerme, etc. The difference between J Diddy and those guys, however, is that J Diddy actually knows how to form basic grammatically-correct sentences in English. Actually, now that I'm looking at that list, there appears to be a correlation with being the star of night crew Chiefs Planet and disappearing from the Planet for enormous chunks of time. Let that serve as a warning to you, rico.
So light one up for J Diddy tonight. Because if you don't, he'll probably smoke it for you.
10. Having a moral center and a sense of ethics is good. Taking up a cause in the name of that sense of ethics is good. Posting annoying shit about a baby deer that got shot in the mouth at a cemetery is bad.
9. I think I've heard gblowfish threaten to cancel his season tickets like 84 times now. As far as I know, he still hasn't done it yet.
8. Did you guys hear about that weird lady in Michigan that passed out dildos to children on Halloween?!
7. Consider gblowfish CP's own PSA-generator. Remember to stay safe, be kind to animals, and conserve water. That's right, conserve water. If it's brown, flush it down, but if it's yellow, it's mellow.
6. Have you ever been told by a Chiefs head coach via sign language to go **** yourself. If not, try being a smarmy annoying old fart, and you too can live the dream!
5. Just so you know, this Sunday it's the 112th Anniversary of the time Billy the Kid took a shit in the St. Joseph mayor's mouth. Reflect, remember, and learn from this national tragedy. It's NEVER okay to shit in somebody's mouth!
4. Update: Gblowfish and his wife were sitting on the porch when another stray cat wandered up to them. They gave the cat some food, and what do you know? THE CAT ****ING CAME BACK!
3. Gblowfish is actually a pretty good football poster. He's good at being critical of the Chiefs while maintaining a sense of perspective about the culture of Chiefs fans. You could say he's the ambassador of BigChiefDave and the other fatass mulletheads in the true fan gif to the harsh sharp-tongued posters on Chiefs Planet.
2. What the flying **** is gblowfish's avatar? Something from one of those claymation Christmas specials from the 1940s? Christ, that thing could be the focal point of a David Bowie music video.
1. Okay, we can give gblowfish a lot of sass about the shit that he posts. But we should be more considerate. Cats don't make very responsive conversation partners, so when your old retired ass hangs out on Chiefs Planet all day, it's sometimes tough to gauge what humans talk about.
I've mentioned before how much lcarus sucks for his name. So we'll just leave things at that.
lcarus is one of the more easygoing posters out there. He reminds me of a younger keg in kc, complete with relationship problems, nerd obsessions, and a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor when it comes to his weight.
He's willing to try anything once-- feet, looning, weird doughnut flavors, you name it.
And he takes it all in stride. You can't make fun of this guy. He'll make any joke about himself hurt twice as hard before you even have a chance to crack about his old Ecto Cooler avatar. That's kind of shitty, but it also commands respect. For all we know he could be really into having sex with paraplegics, and as long as he still had his sense of humor, nobody would even bother giving him shit. In fact, go ahead and add it to the list and see what happens.
Nah, we can't do that. That's not fair to just make shit up about lcarus and then attach that label to him.
I'm pretty sure lcarus isn't very adventurous when it comes to odd flavors of doughnuts.
SNR: Donger, thanks for being here, tonight! We all greatly appreciate it.
Donger: You're welcome.
S: Now, you're originally from the UK, yes? What would you say is the underlying cultural message purported by American media when they constantly cast British actors as villains?
D: Hmm?
S: You're British, yes?
D: I'm American.
S: But you grew up in the UK?
D: Yes.
S: You've seen good guy/bad guy movies before, yes? A couple of them?
D: Yes.
S: Have you noticed the trend of villains in these movies being played by British actors?
D: No.
S: Well, there is. And I was wondering if you had an opinion on that.
D: I really haven't noticed or thought about that sort of thing.
S: Can you at least hypothetically imagine the American movie industry creating that sort of trend in action movies? Then can you speculate using your experiences as a British-born person currently living in America as an American citizen why that might be the case?
D: Why?
S: It's part of the interview. That's a question I chose to ask because I thought it would be interesting. I thought it would reveal some things about who you are as a person. That's the purpose of this interview.
D: Okay.
S: So what about bad guys in American films being played by British actors?
D: I don't know. You'll have to ask them. I'm not an actor, nor am I British.
S: Oh for ****'s sake. Let's just move on. You're famous for your legendary feud with chiefs4me. Can you explain to people more about that and why she frustrated you so much?
D: I never had a problem with chiefs4me.
S: What? I saw you get upset with her at times. You called her names.
D: I did? Link?
S: I'm not going to waste time searching for one. I know you did.
D: Okay.
S: So you've got nothing?
D: I'm not sure what you're asking.
S: Why did you get so angry with chiefs4me all the time?
D: I was angry with her?
S: Yes, you were.
D: I don't recall that ever happening.
S: Again, moving on. You've been ranked #58 on the list of Chiefs Planet's Top 101 Posters. How do you feel about that ranking?
D: It's fine.
S: You don't think you should be higher or lower?
D: Should I?
S: Yes. I think you should try to advance the conversation a bit by answering the questions. That's the entire purpose of an interview, wouldn't you say?
D: Sure, that's fair. What do you want to know?
S: I want to know if you would care to share your opinion on your #58 ranking.
D: No, I don't care.
S: And that's it. Thank you and good night, Chiefs Planet!
Last edited by Pasta Little Brioni; 07-12-2014 at 06:38 PM..
I'm pretty sure Maverick didn't find any of that drama fun. People found out where he lives, his family members names, the fact that he had an account on a porn site, and a few other things I'm sure I've forgotten. The fact that he is still here and didn't hang himself in a closet speaks to either his giant brass balls.
I remember the "pay for porn" jokes, but not the rest of that stuff. Who brought all that out in the open?
I'm pretty sure Maverick didn't find any of that drama fun. People found out where he lives, his family members names, the fact that he had an account on a porn site, and a few other things I'm sure I've forgotten. The fact that he is still here and didn't hang himself in a closet speaks to either his giant brass balls.
I remember the "pay for porn" jokes, but not the rest of that stuff. Who brought all that out in the open?
I can't remember what posters were looking up his personal shit (and I hope I'm remembering correctly), but I do know that there are some serious ****ing Internet detectives on here.
I'm pretty sure Maverick didn't find any of that drama fun. People found out where he lives, his family members names, the fact that he had an account on a porn site, and a few other things I'm sure I've forgotten. The fact that he is still here and didn't hang himself in a closet speaks to either his giant brass balls.
55. Halfcan
Former n00b of the year? Is that interesting? Not really. I mean, crazycoffey won one for ****'s sake, and Inmem is forever distraught that he lost to Sorter..
I love Halfcan's takes but he was never a "King of the n00b".
2013 King of the n00bs: Aussiechiefsfan
2012 King of the n00bs: Sorter
2011 King of the n00bs: BoneKrusher
2010 King of the n00bs: Shogun
2009 King of the n00bs: Bosschief
2008 No one was deemed worthy
2007 King of the n00bs: Crazy Coffey
2006 King of the n00bs: (Bill Parcells, D2112, Griswald etc.)
2005 King of the n00bs: Fax
Mahomes is not a game manager. Release the Kraken.
No, because you are a great big flaming pile of uncreative and boring garbage.
Ha! You forgot I am also the guy who had exposed you for the bet welching, sniveling, whiny, flip flopping, manipulative, arrogant coward that you are!
Resident Browns fan
I’m not here to argue about Alex Smith. Fastest Ignore user on CP
I love Halfcan's takes but he was never a "King of the n00b".
2013 King of the n00bs: Aussiechiefsfan
2012 King of the n00bs: Sorter
2011 King of the n00bs: BoneKrusher
2010 King of the n00bs: Shogun
2009 King of the n00bs: Bosschief
2008 No one was deemed worthy
2007 King of the n00bs: Crazy Coffey
2006 King of the n00bs: (Bill Parcells, D2112, Griswald etc.)
2005 King of the n00bs: Fax
Gave that aussiechiefsfan a nice award like that and then he turned around and disappeared. Bastard
One night when I was driving home, I thought of a bunch of Aussie Chiefs Fan jokes and planned on roasting him, but I fell asleep when I got home and when I woke up I couldn't remember any of the jokes. I was going to attempt to roast that guy a couple weeks ago.