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Old 01-04-2014, 11:09 AM  
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*The NEW Movies Thread*

Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -

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Old 10-08-2020, 03:41 PM   #3466
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
Wow!! I'm not bagging on you, but are you just now discovering Jami Gertz? Congrats

I'm trying to recall when she was hottest. Probably Less than Zero.

She got her 'start' [at least a big one] playing middle-school BFFs with Sarah-Jessica Parker [which I actually missed myself, until it was streamed on one of the first HDTV channels, HDNET, . . . it was one of the few 80s sitcoms recorded on film.]

Even older, she played 5 years as the hot housewife, in the mold of Leah Remini on King of Queens, married to 'King Robert Baratheon' Mark Addy in the early 00s on 'Still Standing.'

She strikes me as the predessor of Erin Hayes [who ironically had an ill-fated stint as Kevin James' spouse in his attempt to return to KoQ roots.]. Probably influenced by Gertz playing years on ER, and Hayes playing years on Children's Hospital, too.

Yeah, man. Looking at her Wiki, it appears she was just before my time. Prior to Lost Boys I had only seen one movie on her filmography and that was Twister! She was attractive in that one but a bit past her prime.

But yeah.. in Lost Boys- mega hot.
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Old 10-10-2020, 11:48 AM   #3467
Nzoner Nzoner is offline
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Great inspiring movie we caught on Amazon last night,really caused my allergies to act up.

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Old 10-10-2020, 02:20 PM   #3468
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Originally Posted by eDave View Post
Oh it's Less Than Zero, Baby Lee.
I don't know man.

I was 14 when Crossroads came out.
The underwear scene when she is pulling her shirt on.
It gave me some funny feelings.
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Old 10-10-2020, 02:26 PM   #3469
DaneMcCloud DaneMcCloud is offline
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I've never found Jamie Gertz to be attractive, mainly because I can't get past her accent and voice.
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Old 10-10-2020, 03:05 PM   #3470
Drexl Spivey Drexl Spivey is offline
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Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud View Post
I've never found Jamie Gertz to be attractive, mainly because I can't get past her accent and voice.

She has a resting b***h face and always seemed whiny.

Both traits the casting director knew would serve her well in her Seinfeld appearance
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Drexl Spivey is a favorite in the douche of the year contest.
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Old 10-23-2020, 08:22 PM   #3471
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50 minutes into Unhinged with Russell Crowe, and its pretty damn good... he is in rare form, absolutely chewing it up
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Old 10-23-2020, 11:30 PM   #3472
Frazod Frazod is offline
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Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud View Post
I've never found Jamie Gertz to be attractive, mainly because I can't get past her accent and voice.
This may be the worst thing you've ever said.

She was hot as hell. Shit, she still looks great now and she's my age. And what's wrong with her voice? She was annoying in Twister, but that's not how she sounds normally. It's not like she's Fran Dresher or anything.
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Old 10-24-2020, 08:22 AM   #3473
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
This may be the worst thing you've ever said.

She was hot as hell. Shit, she still looks great now and she's my age. And what's wrong with her voice? She was annoying in Twister, but that's not how she sounds normally. It's not like she's Fran Dresher or anything.

I'll admit, I always thought Fran Drescher was sexy in that show she was in.. can't remember the name..

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Old 10-24-2020, 08:24 AM   #3474
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I watched Terminator: Dark Fate last night.

It was entertaining but I think that was more due to the fact that I love the Terminator lore. It's not nearly as good as T1 and T2 despite heavily using themes from both.

I will say their depiction of the flashback from the future (weird) was ****ing terrifying. Those Rev-9s with the shabby tentacles are nightmare fuel.

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Old 10-24-2020, 10:24 AM   #3475
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The Nanny.. that’s the show Fran Drescher was in.
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Old 10-30-2020, 11:42 PM   #3476
eDave eDave is offline

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Rocketman just took me through a roller coaster ride of Elton John's life up to a specific point in time. And it was great. Sad, happy, hopeful, exhilarated, depressed, suicidal, infuriated, exhilarated, happy, content, and then all over again but in a completely different order. Big fan of these types of movies and this is one of the best. I highly recommend you watch Rocketman with the disclaimer that you don't do it with children present and engaged. This son of a bitch grabbed me and pulled me right in from the mother****ing start, man, and I enjoyed the ride a great deal. If you like biscuits and gravy or chimichanga's, you will enjoy Rocketman.

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Old 11-06-2020, 09:23 PM   #3477
KCUnited KCUnited is offline
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The Devil All the Time on Netflix

Kind of Natural Born Killer-ish meets Winter's Bone.

Well done and recommended but a bit of a downer.
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Old 11-07-2020, 05:06 PM   #3478
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Originally Posted by KCUnited View Post
The Devil All the Time on Netflix

Kind of Natural Born Killer-ish meets Winter's Bone.

Well done and recommended but a bit of a downer.
I got half way through and decided I didn’t need that in my life. I might shoot you a PM and see where it goes from where I stopped.
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Old 11-07-2020, 05:09 PM   #3479
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Originally Posted by Buehler445 View Post
I got half way through and decided I didn’t need that in my life. I might shoot you a PM and see where it goes from where I stopped.
Yeah its a hard movie with a lot of pain

Lmk and I can shoot you the rest
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Old 11-08-2020, 06:19 AM   #3480
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The Dark and the Wicked is a very well executed new horror flick. Evil presence, farmhouse, etc.

Its well acted, with enough scare moments, a classic score, and overall uncomfortable vibe. Nothing new per se but some of the classic tricks executed superbly. Recommended.
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