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Old 08-31-2015, 10:39 AM  
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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All Things Video Games/Game Reviews Part II

Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.

Last edited by Gonzo; 09-11-2015 at 12:07 AM..
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Old 10-04-2023, 08:39 AM   #3451
BigBeauford BigBeauford is offline
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FYI, Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2 is $20 on Steam the next few days.
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Old 10-04-2023, 02:08 PM   #3452
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by BigBeauford View Post
What's everyone's thoughts on Mortal Kombat 1? I've been out of the loop on these games for over a decade at least, but this one looks so darn polished, and my wife and I just finished watching the story mode cutscenes on YouTube (which taken as a whole make up a better movie than the turd that was recently released).
I played (and loved) MK11 but have yet to play MK1.

I will say that I follow the Mortal Kombat sub on Reddit and it seems like most people think the game is unfinished, kind of boring. The people in that sub can be a bit ridiculous so take that with a grain of salt.
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Old 10-04-2023, 02:13 PM   #3453
BigBeauford BigBeauford is offline
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
I played (and loved) MK11 but have yet to play MK1.

I will say that I follow the Mortal Kombat sub on Reddit and it seems like most people think the game is unfinished, kind of boring. The people in that sub can be a bit ridiculous so take that with a grain of salt.
So far the takes I've seen are that it's lighter on content, had an amazing story mode, and might be a mechanically superior game. It's absolutely gorgeous and seems fun, but I have so much training to do to even come close to being competitive.
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Old 10-04-2023, 02:36 PM   #3454
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by BigBeauford View Post
So far the takes I've seen are that it's lighter on content, had an amazing story mode, and might be a mechanically superior game. It's absolutely gorgeous and seems fun, but I have so much training to do to even come close to being competitive.
Oh, yeah, I did watch the “game movie” on YouTube basically the day it came out. Story mode was pretty awesome and got super weird but still cool in the third act. The clips I’ve seen posted online look crisp and gorgeous too. I don’t see many people complaining about gameplay. It seems like everyone thinks the game is unfinished and lacking content as you say.

Wish I could give you my opinion first hand but I am waiting for a price drop as I don’t typically enjoy fighting games as much as I did when we were kids.
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Old 10-05-2023, 08:52 AM   #3455
Gravedigger Gravedigger is offline
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I built a 4090 system to update my specs from my 2080TI system I built six years ago and played Lies of P last night on Game Pass, getting 280-340 fps while playing a great homage to Soulsborne was fun. Starfield is also on Game Pass so I want to see how my system handles it. I only have a 1440p 49" Ultrawide but I'm fine with not 4k gaming for awhile until after taxes. Got so many games on my backlog plus the holiday sales that will start coming out soon so I know what I'm doing on Christmas break.
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Old 10-05-2023, 08:59 AM   #3456
DJJasonp DJJasonp is offline
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finally finished Doom Eternal last night (on hard level).......the last few missions/bosses were a bitch.

Fun game though.
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Old 10-05-2023, 08:15 PM   #3457
hometeam hometeam is offline
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Originally Posted by Gravedigger View Post
I built a 4090 system to update my specs from my 2080TI system I built six years ago and played Lies of P last night on Game Pass, getting 280-340 fps while playing a great homage to Soulsborne was fun. Starfield is also on Game Pass so I want to see how my system handles it. I only have a 1440p 49" Ultrawide but I'm fine with not 4k gaming for awhile until after taxes. Got so many games on my backlog plus the holiday sales that will start coming out soon so I know what I'm doing on Christmas break.
I am running a 3440 x 14440 ultrawide 175 hz and my 4090 cant 'max' most ofd the games at max settings to that 175 threshhold. 4090 is a beast, but games are getting beastier, easy 4k ultra settings high refresh is still not really an easily attainable feat. 60 fps maybe, but high refresh 4k is still a generation of gpus and cpus away
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Old 10-09-2023, 08:02 AM   #3458
Gravedigger Gravedigger is offline
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Originally Posted by hometeam View Post
I am running a 3440 x 14440 ultrawide 175 hz and my 4090 cant 'max' most ofd the games at max settings to that 175 threshhold. 4090 is a beast, but games are getting beastier, easy 4k ultra settings high refresh is still not really an easily attainable feat. 60 fps maybe, but high refresh 4k is still a generation of gpus and cpus away
Yeah Samsung is coming out with their 57" Neo Odyssey G9 that if I wanted to piss my wife off, I would get it as it's 2 4k displays in one. Currently I game on the 120Hz refresh 49" ultrawide Odyssey at 1440 so I don't yet dabble in the 4k, so the 4090 Strix is eating up 1440p games. Maybe in a year or two I'll get a nicer 4k monitor. I'm hoping that the next line of Nvidia GPUs will come out in the next two years so I can turn in my 4090 and claim it has defects to use as trade in credit towards a 5090 or whatever the top line GPU will be in 2 years.
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Old 10-09-2023, 08:31 AM   #3459
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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I finished the story mode for Batman: Arkham Knight a couple days ago. I’m still having some fun going through and tying up side quest plots at the moment but I will say the game is pretty awesome.

I was worried I wouldn’t like the Batmobile stuff. Some of it is pretty tedious, otherwise it was a good addition.

I’ll also miss Conroy’s Batman voice.
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Old 10-09-2023, 11:52 AM   #3460
WhawhaWhat WhawhaWhat is offline

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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
I finished the story mode for Batman: Arkham Knight a couple days ago. I’m still having some fun going through and tying up side quest plots at the moment but I will say the game is pretty awesome.

I was worried I wouldn’t like the Batmobile stuff. Some of it is pretty tedious, otherwise it was a good addition.

I’ll also miss Conroy’s Batman voice.
I really liked those games. If you still want to play a similar game in the same Bat universe, try Gotham Knights. People shit on it but I didn't have a problem with it.
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Old 10-09-2023, 12:32 PM   #3461
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Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat View Post
I really liked those games. If you still want to play a similar game in the same Bat universe, try Gotham Knights. People shit on it but I didn't have a problem with it.
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Old 10-09-2023, 02:23 PM   #3462
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Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat View Post
I really liked those games. If you still want to play a similar game in the same Bat universe, try Gotham Knights. People shit on it but I didn't have a problem with it.
I just started it.

Pretty meh.
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Old 10-09-2023, 03:00 PM   #3463
Mecca Mecca is offline
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There are a lot of games similar to Batman

Shadow of Modor and Shadow of War have very similar combat
The Spiderman games by insomniac are similar

Ghost of Tsushima has some similarity.
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Old 10-09-2023, 04:27 PM   #3464
Imon Yourside Imon Yourside is offline
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Originally Posted by Skyy God View Post
I just started it.

Pretty meh.
It's more aimed at the looter/shooter crowd, more for the likes of me.
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Old 10-09-2023, 04:40 PM   #3465
WhawhaWhat WhawhaWhat is offline

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Originally Posted by Mecca View Post
There are a lot of games similar to Batman

Shadow of Modor and Shadow of War have very similar combat
The Spiderman games by insomniac are similar

Ghost of Tsushima has some similarity.
Ghost of Tsushima is in-****ing-credible. I loved that game.
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