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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Old 02-17-2019, 10:24 PM   #33976
CasselGotPeedOn CasselGotPeedOn is offline
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So Mahomes is going into his 2nd year starting and he's already 3-0 against the Donx. So the question is when does he take his first loss against them? Definitely not this season with shitty Flacco as the starter. The season after that they'll either have Flacco back or will be breaking in a draft pick, so definitely not that season.

The very earliest they might stand a chance would be the 2021 season, but most likely not until 2022. So Mahomes most likely starts out 9-0 in his career against the Donx.
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Old 02-17-2019, 10:25 PM   #33977
BlackOp BlackOp is online now
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Originally Posted by Tombstone RJ View Post
Broncos will attacko with Flacco
Donkos gonna suck a sack-o dicks with Flacco....and cost them $28 million after the Keesum flameout.

Remember back..after the 2015 season when I said that we would find out just how valid the "In Elway we trust" mantra was...once the cheap FAs and the Patriots level of calls/no-calls dried up...and Manning Inc. retired.

Well, here we are in 2019...Horseface is on his 5th QB (yes, Sanchez was a legit starting option to him), one of the biggest 1st round QB busts in modern history, 3rd coaching staff...and just oversaw back-to-back losing seasons for the first time in 40+ years. Who has been has been his stellar FA acquisition since PM retired? Anyone? Is there even one? They were falling over themselves to play for Manning...Horseface had nothing to do with it.

It's gotten so bad in Denver...that after the Lynch disaster, people were excited about Keesum. It got so bad after one year of Keesum, that they are actually welcoming Flacco...while still paying Case.

So when Flacco flames-out, and he will...then what? You have Mahomes in the division for the next decade...and holes everywhere on that roster.

Horseface has always been a fraud...and I honestly hope he's your GM for at least 3 more years. He's already brought the worst stretch of losing in almost 50 years...kind of poetic justice.

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Old 02-17-2019, 10:30 PM   #33978
Sweet Daddy Hate Sweet Daddy Hate is offline
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Originally Posted by CasselGotPeedOn View Post
So Mahomes is going into his 2nd year starting and he's already 3-0 against the Donx. So the question is when does he take his first loss against them? Definitely not this season with shitty Flacco as the starter. The season after that they'll either have Flacco back or will be breaking in a draft pick, so definitely not that season.

The very earliest they might stand a chance would be the 2021 season, but most likely not until 2022. So Mahomes most likely starts out 9-0 in his career against the Donx.
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Old 02-17-2019, 10:32 PM   #33979
CasselGotPeedOn CasselGotPeedOn is offline
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Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate View Post
Patrick Mahomes will NEVER lose to an Elway-run Donko team. EVER.
That's definitely possible considering Elway's Qb evaluating skills.
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Old 02-17-2019, 10:35 PM   #33980
Sweet Daddy Hate Sweet Daddy Hate is offline
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Originally Posted by CasselGotPeedOn View Post
That's definitely possible considering Elway's Qb evaluating skills.
And drafting skills, and drinking skills too!
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Old 02-17-2019, 10:36 PM   #33981
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It's gotta suck for Elway that Kansas City was occasionally able to beat Denver in the 90s with shitty QBs.

Elway ain't beating Mahomes with shitty QBs. I don't care how good his defense currently is or will become.

If the Broncos get back to being a respectable team, they'll only take the Chargers' place as the also-ran team representing the AFC West. And again, they'll probably have to wait for Rivers to retire before that shit happens.
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Old 02-18-2019, 04:09 AM   #33982
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Originally Posted by Tombstone RJ View Post
back-o to the super bowl-o?!
You must be smoking that funny tobacco, if you think you’ll beat KC with Joe ****ing Flacco.

Mahomes has beat Dungver back to back to back-o, Failway thinks the answer is no pro bowl Joe Flacco.

We’ve already beaten the Dungkeys 7 times in a row, we'll easily see 9 this season you know, those salty Donx tears will continue to flow, because Keenum is better than that sloth Flacco.
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Old 02-18-2019, 07:54 AM   #33983
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Originally Posted by Tombstone RJ View Post
Broncos will attacko with Flacco
Elway is WACK-O, for going with Flacco....

and Keesum, Lynch, Siemian, Osweiler

To be continued...

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Old 02-18-2019, 09:14 AM   #33984
Best22 Best22 is offline
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2012: Last year Flacco was relevant

2012: Year that Mahomes first began playing QB

They’ve gone in opposite directions since, and have the same playoff record (1-1).

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Old 02-18-2019, 11:17 AM   #33985
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Flacco has only topped 25 TDs once in his career...Mahomes has 50 in his first year.

It's a safe bet that Mr. Flaccid will have less than 20....for $28 million. He has averaged 16 TDs over the past 4 years.

Who is he going to throw to...Sanders is down with an Achilies and DT is gone. Sutton?

Good luck with that....Keesum had a higher QBR last year with the Donks than Flacco did in his last full season (2017).

In Horseface WE trust...to make a bad situation worse.
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Old 02-18-2019, 11:35 AM   #33986
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Oh dude, they are SO convinced that Flacco is just a backup plan and that they'll be taking a QB at 10.

"He's a stopgap"! "He's a bridge"!

I think we all know what Elway does with bridges:

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Old 02-18-2019, 11:58 AM   #33987
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Originally Posted by Tombstone RJ View Post
back-o to the super bowl-o?!

Spin it dude.
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Old 02-18-2019, 12:01 PM   #33988
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Originally Posted by Tombstone RJ View Post
back-o to the super bowl-o?!


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Old 02-18-2019, 12:01 PM   #33989
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And get back in here, Knowmo. We all know you're lurking. Lol
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Old 02-18-2019, 03:17 PM   #33990
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Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate View Post
Oh dude, they are SO convinced that Flacco is just a backup plan and that they'll be taking a QB at 10.

"He's a stopgap"! "He's a bridge"!

I think we all know what Elway does with bridges:

well, he probably is. But Lock? nah, I don't think he's going to be great. Murray? That's a pretty big risk, although at least he's mobile and fiery. None of the rest of the guys that are supposed 1st round guys look even as good as last year's crop, (which, by the way to toot my own horn I predicted Mayfield was the best of the bunch and was correct.) The rest are JAGs and so is this year's group.
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