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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Broncos news megathread

Discussion: All things Broncos.

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Old 01-15-2019, 01:57 AM   #33826
Oh Snap Oh Snap is offline
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Originally Posted by listopencil View Post
Yeah, you guys really hit on Mahomes. The kid is a stud. As for sucking after a SB run I'll take it. We got a couple of appearances and one win out of the deal. Works for me. I like this Fangio guy. Reminds me of a cross between Wade Phillips and John Fox but with a bit more bite. Could be fun.
I might be a lone chiefs fan on this. But I love watching Chiefs/Broncos games when theyre both good. It makes the games more exciting and the rivalry is much better. I love to hate you guys! Fangio seems like he might be a good fit. Most teams are only as good as their QB is. Average/good teams are what you have with the Alex Smiths of the world. Elite teams are the brady/manning type teams. Denver still has some elite pieces of defense. Their offense needs a lot of work tho.
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Old 01-22-2019, 01:35 PM   #33827
KranzDictum KranzDictum is offline
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Hey guys. Sorry for your loss. I was rooting for you Sunday.

Great Coogliy Moogliy, I am going to do my best to stay away and serve my bet with the mouthbreather who's name I forgot. If I do pop over it will be to ask a legit question and not troll.

There are a lot of you I feel real bad for, most of you know who you are. I remember how it felt to lose to the Jags and then Ravens in the playoffs. Losing a SB is different because no matter what happened in the game you made it there. I hope you guys get to understand that one day. No fanbase should have to go 50 years without getting to a Championship game. You should have done it while the Broncos were down though! LOL

Anywho I do have one question and I can't seem to find an answer for it on google. What happened to Chris Jones? I saw him limp off late in the 4th and he never came back in. You guys missed him big time in OT. Houston had like one pressure in OT and he was easily redirected. Belly was smart going big and throwing out of run formations to limit Dee Ford who isn't great vs the run.

The one thing that makes SB50 and even getting to SB48 was that we had to beat the Pats in their prime to get there.

Congrats to losschef on finally getting his AFC Championship loss that he has waited some 5 years to get. He must be rolling around in pig farmers shit with joy.

Also Defenses win Championships. I heard talking heads say all year that a shoot out favors kFc. Well the chefs lost every shoot out they were in this year if you count the Chugger loss. You need help at every level on the D. Your O is one of the best in the NFL though the OL struggled in the 1st half. It still takes a stop on D to win big games. You should have the cap to do some upgrades but you really need to land a DT, another OLB, 2 MLB's, a couple CB's and probably 2 safeties. I love Eric Berry but at 30 with his injury history and looking like just another dude along with Justin Houston, it might be time to get their replacements. Dee Ford is now your version of Michael Dean Perry, he was always football dumb and even after learning how to pass rush he still makes dumb mistakes.

Have a fun offseason and see you at TC time.

I will pop back to see if anyone answers my Chris Jones question.
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Old 01-24-2019, 12:21 PM   #33828
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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The Broncos named former player Chris Kuper as an assistant offensive line coach. Experts are unclear whether that's a step forward or a step backward.

Active fan of the greatest team in NFL history.
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Old 01-24-2019, 02:52 PM   #33829
Hog's Gone Fishin Hog's Gone Fishin is offline
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Originally Posted by KranzDictum View Post
Hey guys. Sorry for your loss. I was rooting for you Sunday.

Great Coogliy Moogliy, I am going to do my best to stay away and serve my bet with the mouthbreather who's name I forgot. If I do pop over it will be to ask a legit question and not troll.

There are a lot of you I feel real bad for, most of you know who you are. I remember how it felt to lose to the Jags and then Ravens in the playoffs. Losing a SB is different because no matter what happened in the game you made it there. I hope you guys get to understand that one day. No fanbase should have to go 50 years without getting to a Championship game. You should have done it while the Broncos were down though! LOL

Anywho I do have one question and I can't seem to find an answer for it on google. What happened to Chris Jones? I saw him limp off late in the 4th and he never came back in. You guys missed him big time in OT. Houston had like one pressure in OT and he was easily redirected. Belly was smart going big and throwing out of run formations to limit Dee Ford who isn't great vs the run.

The one thing that makes SB50 and even getting to SB48 was that we had to beat the Pats in their prime to get there.

Congrats to losschef on finally getting his AFC Championship loss that he has waited some 5 years to get. He must be rolling around in pig farmers shit with joy.

Also Defenses win Championships. I heard talking heads say all year that a shoot out favors kFc. Well the chefs lost every shoot out they were in this year if you count the Chugger loss. You need help at every level on the D. Your O is one of the best in the NFL though the OL struggled in the 1st half. It still takes a stop on D to win big games. You should have the cap to do some upgrades but you really need to land a DT, another OLB, 2 MLB's, a couple CB's and probably 2 safeties. I love Eric Berry but at 30 with his injury history and looking like just another dude along with Justin Houston, it might be time to get their replacements. Dee Ford is now your version of Michael Dean Perry, he was always football dumb and even after learning how to pass rush he still makes dumb mistakes.

Have a fun offseason and see you at TC time.

I will pop back to see if anyone answers my Chris Jones question.
Why the **** would you give a shit about Chris Jones. Our defense doesn't need help at every level you dumbass. We just need a DC that has a ****ing clue. And yes we will win a SB shortly whether the broncos are down or not because we have the QB. Something horseface can't seem to figure out how to draft. And whats so sad is he had a shot at Mahomes but was too stupid to identify talent at that position.
we should be watching the Chiefs play the Saints in this SB but the officiating is as clueless as your GM and left tackle. Now have a great offseason fisting your sister.
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Old 01-24-2019, 03:36 PM   #33830
Best22 Best22 is offline
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The 2013 and 2015 Patriots weren’t at their “prime”

Denver was lucky everyone (Steelers, Chiefs, Patriots) got hurt in 2015
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Old 01-24-2019, 04:03 PM   #33831
TomBarndtsTwin TomBarndtsTwin is offline
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Originally Posted by KranzDictum View Post
Hey guys. Sorry for your loss. I was rooting for you Sunday.

Great Coogliy Moogliy, I am going to do my best to stay away and serve my bet with the mouthbreather who's name I forgot. If I do pop over it will be to ask a legit question and not troll.

There are a lot of you I feel real bad for, most of you know who you are. I remember how it felt to lose to the Jags and then Ravens in the playoffs. Losing a SB is different because no matter what happened in the game you made it there. I hope you guys get to understand that one day. No fanbase should have to go 50 years without getting to a Championship game. You should have done it while the Broncos were down though! LOL

Anywho I do have one question and I can't seem to find an answer for it on google. What happened to Chris Jones? I saw him limp off late in the 4th and he never came back in. You guys missed him big time in OT. Houston had like one pressure in OT and he was easily redirected. Belly was smart going big and throwing out of run formations to limit Dee Ford who isn't great vs the run.

The one thing that makes SB50 and even getting to SB48 was that we had to beat the Pats in their prime to get there.

Congrats to losschef on finally getting his AFC Championship loss that he has waited some 5 years to get. He must be rolling around in pig farmers shit with joy.

Also Defenses win Championships. I heard talking heads say all year that a shoot out favors kFc. Well the chefs lost every shoot out they were in this year if you count the Chugger loss. You need help at every level on the D. Your O is one of the best in the NFL though the OL struggled in the 1st half. It still takes a stop on D to win big games. You should have the cap to do some upgrades but you really need to land a DT, another OLB, 2 MLB's, a couple CB's and probably 2 safeties. I love Eric Berry but at 30 with his injury history and looking like just another dude along with Justin Houston, it might be time to get their replacements. Dee Ford is now your version of Michael Dean Perry, he was always football dumb and even after learning how to pass rush he still makes dumb mistakes.

Have a fun offseason and see you at TC time.

I will pop back to see if anyone answers my Chris Jones question.
Thanks for sliding that passive aggressive comment in the middle of your 'rah-rah', yet profoundly educational paragraph . . . . . .

I'm sure we'll see you back here at TC time when Donkos can start their exciting preparation for the 'Race to 3rd place' campaign . . . . . .
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Old 01-24-2019, 04:22 PM   #33832
tooge tooge is offline
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Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
The Broncos named former player Chris Kuper as an assistant offensive line coach. Experts are unclear whether that's a step forward or a step backward.

Looks to be more of a step sideways
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Old 01-24-2019, 04:24 PM   #33833
King_Chief_Fan King_Chief_Fan is offline
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Originally Posted by KranzDictum View Post
You should have done it while the Broncos were down though! LOL
Lol....it will be sometime before your Donks are close to winning anything.
Sit back and watch as the Chiefs make your team look like a bigger clown show than they were this year.
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8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
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Old 01-24-2019, 05:38 PM   #33834
38yrsfan 38yrsfan is offline
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Originally Posted by KranzDictum View Post
Hey guys. Sorry for your loss. I was rooting for you Sunday.

Great Coogliy Moogliy, I am going to do my best to stay away and serve my bet with the mouthbreather who's name I forgot. If I do pop over it will be to ask a legit question and not troll.

There are a lot of you I feel real bad for, most of you know who you are. I remember how it felt to lose to the Jags and then Ravens in the playoffs. Losing a SB is different because no matter what happened in the game you made it there. I hope you guys get to understand that one day. No fanbase should have to go 50 years without getting to a Championship game. You should have done it while the Broncos were down though! LOL

Anywho I do have one question and I can't seem to find an answer for it on google. What happened to Chris Jones? I saw him limp off late in the 4th and he never came back in. You guys missed him big time in OT. Houston had like one pressure in OT and he was easily redirected. Belly was smart going big and throwing out of run formations to limit Dee Ford who isn't great vs the run.

The one thing that makes SB50 and even getting to SB48 was that we had to beat the Pats in their prime to get there.

Congrats to losschef on finally getting his AFC Championship loss that he has waited some 5 years to get. He must be rolling around in pig farmers shit with joy.

Also Defenses win Championships. I heard talking heads say all year that a shoot out favors kFc. Well the chefs lost every shoot out they were in this year if you count the Chugger loss. You need help at every level on the D. Your O is one of the best in the NFL though the OL struggled in the 1st half. It still takes a stop on D to win big games. You should have the cap to do some upgrades but you really need to land a DT, another OLB, 2 MLB's, a couple CB's and probably 2 safeties. I love Eric Berry but at 30 with his injury history and looking like just another dude along with Justin Houston, it might be time to get their replacements. Dee Ford is now your version of Michael Dean Perry, he was always football dumb and even after learning how to pass rush he still makes dumb mistakes.

Have a fun offseason and see you at TC time.

I will pop back to see if anyone answers my Chris Jones question.
You aren't sorry so forget your inbred trollism - the real reason for your post. Move along and stay away.

During the 75 season the Chiefs mascot Warpaint would circle the field after a touchdown.

This prompted a great quote from long ago Raiders coach John Madden after the 42-10 loss at Arrowhead.

"We couldn't beat the Chiefs, but we damn near killed their horse."
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Old 01-24-2019, 06:08 PM   #33835
Sweet Daddy Hate Sweet Daddy Hate is offline
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I forgot; Rectum and the REST of the circus think that Denver will be meaningful at some point before 5 to 10 years pass!

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Old 02-11-2019, 05:22 PM   #33836
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is online now
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Old 02-11-2019, 05:36 PM   #33837
Hog's Gone Fishin Hog's Gone Fishin is offline
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Heh, I forgot all about the Broncos. They're still a team , right?
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Old 02-11-2019, 05:38 PM   #33838
jjchieffan jjchieffan is offline
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Lol. We tried to tell the Donktards that this would happen. But they refused to open their eyes and see it. He was a steal at $18 million. Just look what he did in Minnesota. He was soooo good in training camp. He hardly threw any interceptions, and man could he take command in the huddle. .
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Old 02-11-2019, 05:45 PM   #33839
staylor26 staylor26 is offline
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But but but he sounds great in the huddle
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Old 02-12-2019, 01:21 AM   #33840
Sweet Daddy Hate Sweet Daddy Hate is offline
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Originally Posted by Hog's Gone Fishin View Post
Heh, I forgot all about the Broncos. They're still a team , right?
Old. Conquered. News.

The Chiefs will get more up for playing these clowns than the fans will. We've already forgotten them and have our sights set MUCH higher.

Of course there are a few here who will wring their hands and sweat, but why? There is literally no point in fretting about the Broncos, division rival or not. Do have we have to sweep them 10 years in a row to prove this? I mean, we will of course, but it's no reason to get excited or worry. Denver and all they represent are a "worry-free" zone.

It is what it is.
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