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Old 02-16-2022, 08:55 PM  
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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How a pair of attention whores destroyed any ounce of credibility they ever had

Enjoy. And **** EB.

How a season-long rift between Mahomes and Bieniemy ruined the AFC Championship

Last edited by Hammock Parties; 02-18-2022 at 12:17 AM..
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:41 AM   #316
Wisconsin_Chief Wisconsin_Chief is offline
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Whether or not this article is true, it's pretty clear that:

A. There was obviously some level of dysfunction going on the past few years, hence why we're seeing an exodus of coaches and why things just seemed "off" so many games. Mahomes was completely disengaged the second half of that Bengals game, so the article seems plausible. At least something similar to what they're writing could have easily occurred.


B. The message has simply worn thin and Reid has decided it's time for fresh blood in the coaching staff.

Considering we've gone to 4 straight AFC Title games and 2 Super Bowls in the last 4 seasons, I find it hard to believe Reid would actually want to shake things up. We all know how fiercely loyal he is to coaches. There is obviously more to this we'll ever know one way or another. The fact that EB hasn't already signed a new contract tells the story. I get the sense he felt like he was a little more responsible for the Cheifs' success than he actually was. Success can lead to unjustified arrogance in some people, which can lead to problems. That very well could be what we've witnessed.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:42 AM   #317
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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Originally Posted by emaw1979 View Post
How long before Clay is subpoenaed to testify in the Brian Flores lawsuit about EB?
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:44 AM   #318
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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Originally Posted by Red Dawg View Post
Just can't get around the play calling being in his contract. Andy has to just accept whatever EB calls becuase of his contract? That can't be true. No way that's true.
Andy was too nice to EB and didn't overrule him enough.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:44 AM   #319
The Franchise The Franchise is offline
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It doesn’t matter how this ends….

1. Bienemy stays and everyone who believes this claims that Reid doesn’t let go of coaches.

2. Bienemy doesn’t come back and everyone who believes this points to this story as 100% truth.

There is obviously friction in that coaching staff and with the players. If Bienemy leaves it’s because that was the plan and not because of some smoking gun that got Clay everything he wanted.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:46 AM   #320
htismaqe htismaqe is offline
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15 minutes!
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:46 AM   #321
The Franchise The Franchise is offline
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
Andy was too nice to EB and didn't overrule him enough.
Yeah because I’m sure as Reid is watching the AFC Championship slip away….he’s worried about being to nice and not over ruling Bienemy. Especially when he’s calling plays that haven’t been practiced in months and ones that have Demarcus Robinson as the main target.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:47 AM   #322
ChiefsFan123456 ChiefsFan123456 is offline

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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
You are an idiot if you believe it
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:49 AM   #323
OnTheWarpath15 OnTheWarpath15 is offline
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:49 AM
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:52 AM   #324
myselff77 myselff77 is offline

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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
EB told PM he had a timeout.
Unrelated to the rift between EB & Mahomes, but when I was watching the game, I was confused on why the Chiefs got charged the first timeout?

Why did Reid waste the first timeout and then immediately use the challenge flag? Seems like when both happen at once, the refs realize it's a challenge and don't charge the team with a timeout unless the review is upheld. Was this a mistake on Reid? Did we use the timeout for another reason and only thereafter decide to also challenge? Seemed quite odd.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:53 AM   #325
The Franchise The Franchise is offline
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Originally Posted by myselff77 View Post
Unrelated to the rift between EB & Mahomes, but when I was watching the game, I was confused on why the Chiefs got charged the first timeout?

Why did Reid waste the first timeout and then immediately use the challenge flag? Seems like when both happen at once, the refs realize it's a challenge and don't charge the team with a timeout unless the review is upheld. Was this a mistake on Reid? Did we use the timeout for another reason and only thereafter decide to also challenge? Seemed quite odd.
Reid was slow to challenge the play and had to take a timeout to have enough time to do it.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:55 AM   #326
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I do give some pass for play if there were legitimately a significant argument going on through halftime and the entire second half. I'd like to say players need to shake that and just play the game and worry about it later, but I certainly understand how it affects their psyche and makes it harder to concentrate on the task at hand.

It remains difficult, though, to put the entirety of the blame on Bienemy and the play calls at the end of the game. In the end, Patrick should know the plays, receivers were open, and, at minimum, he needs to go through his progressions and throw the ball. It's a tad bit concerning if he were so flustered by what transpired that he couldn't put it away for a couple of minutes and just execute.

I'll drop the "threw the game" narrative but there are still issues with Patrick as much as anyone in all of this. Fight through it and let the offseason decisions be made.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:55 AM   #327
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Alright so I think this is a classic case of a handful of Chiefs fans have really good connections and hearing some primo rumors that may legitimately be circulating around One Arrowhead Drive, but it's almost entirely conjecture and hearsay without a single independent verification.

I'm sure a lot of the described events happen, which is EB and Mahomes getting into it and coaches and players having to break it up. National football reporters have been pretty consistent describing Bienemy's lackluster interviews and seeming lack of preparation for them. And I'm certain at this point that EB and Reid worked out an agreement that allowed Bienemy to call the plays all last year. I think we all picked up on that.

But there's a lot in here that's just silly. Mahomes is not a coach-killer. There's no earthly way EB gets to trump Reid with offensive play designs or playcalls if they disagree. And there's that one exchange that seemingly happens in the helmet speaker where Mahomes tells EB to "call the play or I will," but that doesn't make sense because Mahomes can't speak into that speaker, it's a one-way communication system. And let's not forget this is the "reporting" team that brought us the absolute abomination that was the Tyreek Hill "reporting" a couple years back, so everything should be kept at arms length.

So I'm happy to take the middle road here. This particular "reporting" account is simply not reliable enough to base any rock solid opinions on the Kansas City Chiefs. But it is high-quality rumor mongering that would be home at my water cooler any day, and personally I love reading rumors.
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:59 AM   #328
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Originally Posted by The Franchise View Post
Reid was slow to challenge the play and had to take a timeout to have enough time to do it.
Cause it takes that much longer to drop a red flag?
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Old 02-17-2022, 08:59 AM   #329
The Franchise The Franchise is offline
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A coaches legacy is built on championships. Yet I’m to believe that Reid pissed away his third straight shot at a Super Bowl because he’s loyal to Bienemy and let him call shit plays.
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Old 02-17-2022, 09:00 AM   #330
OnTheWarpath15 OnTheWarpath15 is offline
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So there's allegedly a major, year long riff on the offensive side of the ball and the supposed issue is the OC whose contract is up at the end of the season.

This riff is SO BAD that we allow Kafka to take an OC job with the Giants instead of hiring him to take over here and dump EB.

And now a few weeks later we may let EB walk anyway.

Makes zero sense.
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