Open Carry
My last two trips to our little town of Branson West resulted in seeing private citizens with a pistol holstered.
I was right behind one in line at the bank and the other one came in to shoot the shit with the barber cutting my hair. The only thing holding the second guys gun in the holster was gravity, no strap.
I am pro gun and all for peoples rights, but why? Why does someone feel they need to be packing heat while running errands?
It makes me pretty uncomfortable to say the least. Is this person stable enough to packing heat? Is he or she sober? Are they worried about a jealous lover or spouse gunning them down? Is there going to be a shootout?
What is your opinion? Are we all going to have to be packing soon? Are we going to regress to 200 years ago, like the wild west?
Who vetted this person to have this weapon in public?