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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Old 10-03-2018, 06:39 AM   #31666
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Seriously... the day I espouse the greatness of Swag, just ban me. Some of you forget there was actually a time between Elway and Manning for some of us. I realize the road is tough without a top QB.
Lol! Your IQ definately sets you apart from the Mahomes - exorsized - MULE FOOLS that used to frequent here, who were touting Keesum and are now screaming for Swag...

Oh, I remember those times. I also remember that KC wasted those years with retread QB's and guys that "may pan out" but never really had a shot.
I actually thought Jake Plummer would work out for you guys - he was probably the "best" of the turd QB's you had. Deal is you don't have anyone on the roster who is even in his class.
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Old 10-03-2018, 07:04 AM   #31667
COchief COchief is offline
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Originally Posted by TEX View Post
Lol! Your IQ definately sets you apart from the Mahomes - exorsized - MULE FOOLS that used to frequent here, who were touting Keesum and are now screaming for Swag...

Oh, I remember those times. I also remember that KC wasted those years with retread QB's and guys that "may pan out" but never really had a shot.
I actually thought Jake Plummer would work out for you guys - he was probably the "best" of the turd QB's you had. Deal is you don't have anyone on the roster who is even in his class.
Ricky Stanzi and Tyler Bray send their regards...
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Old 10-03-2018, 07:34 AM   #31668
penchief penchief is offline

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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
I'm just glad Denver didn't win it with the play clock issue down the stretch. Did it annoy me? Most definitely.
It doesn't taint your enjoyment of Bronco success knowing that they have the most distinct built in competitive advantage known to man. The altitude is such an advantage that I dare say Denver wins at least twice as many home games as they probably would otherwise. A majority of the late game comebacks are directly related to the other team's fatigue.

You are also not one bit skittish about the fact that the Broncos cheated the salary cap to win their two Elway Super Bowls. Nor did all of the on-field cheating (Crisco, etc.), dirty blocking, or league favoritism (Manning subsidized championship) ever dissuade you from enjoying your team's ill-gotten success.

So why would you expect us to believe that you would feel like it was a tainted victory because of an insignificant half-second that didn't get called? The bottom line is that it had no effect on Denver's ability to stop that play.

Donk fans have proven over the years that they are more than willing to savor victory that was aided by things other than superior play.

Last edited by penchief; 10-03-2018 at 08:07 AM..
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Old 10-03-2018, 07:49 AM   #31669
Best22 Best22 is online now
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If it wasn't for a cheap hold on Morse, it never gets to 2nd and 30

Mahomes already converted 3rd and 16, but somehow another 3rd and 12 was the difference in the game
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Old 10-03-2018, 08:05 AM   #31670
staylor26 staylor26 is online now
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Originally Posted by Best22 View Post
If it wasn't for a cheap hold on Morse, it never gets to 2nd and 30

Mahomes already converted 3rd and 16, but somehow another 3rd and 12 was the difference in the game
Not to mention the weak illegal hands to the face call on LDT.

Didn’t even look like he touched his face at all. It was he shoulder pad area.
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Old 10-03-2018, 08:09 AM   #31671
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by penchief View Post
It doesn't taint your enjoyment of Bronco success knowing that they have the most distinct built in competitive advantage known to man. The altitude is such an advantage that I would say Denver wins at least twice as many home games as they probably would otherwise. A majority of the late game comebacks are directly related to the other team's fatigue.

You are also not one bit skittish about the fact that the Broncos cheated the salary cap to win their two Elway Super Bowls. Nor did all of the on-field cheating (Crisco, etc.), dirty blocking, or league favoritism (Manning subsidized championship) ever dissuade you from enjoying your team's ill-gotten success.

So why would you expect us to believe that you would feel like it was a tainted victory because of an insignificant half-second that didn't get called? The bottom line is that it had no effect on Denver's ability to stop that play.

Donk fans have proven over the years that they are more than willing to savor victory that was aided by things other than superior play.
My comment was more towards those that point to most Broncos victories being a product of a call or something to that nature. Again, just having some fun with a few of you. I’m not jumping up and screaming about it.. shit happens.
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Old 10-03-2018, 08:11 AM   #31672
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by TEX View Post
Lol! Your IQ definately sets you apart from the Mahomes - exorsized - MULE FOOLS that used to frequent here, who were touting Keesum and are now screaming for Swag...

Oh, I remember those times. I also remember that KC wasted those years with retread QB's and guys that "may pan out" but never really had a shot.
I actually thought Jake Plummer would work out for you guys - he was probably the "best" of the turd QB's you had. Deal is you don't have anyone on the roster who is even in his class.
Plummer was frustrating, but he loved the game and could play. Jake has a good run in Denver, gave Brady his first playoff loss... wasn’t all terrible.
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Old 10-03-2018, 08:12 AM   #31673
penchief penchief is offline

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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
My comment was more towards those that point to most Broncos victories being a product of a call or something to that nature. Again, just having some fun with a few of you. I’m not jumping up and screaming about it.. shit happens.
LOL. My bad. But my point still stands.

I think all Bronco fans should think about the factors that have aided their team's success over the years that other teams haven't benefited from. Especially before they throw those two Elway super bowls in other fans faces. Those two super bowls are tainted and deserve an asterisk.

Last edited by penchief; 10-03-2018 at 08:18 AM..
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Old 10-03-2018, 10:20 AM   #31674
Imon Yourside Imon Yourside is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post

He looked far from ok, he was more like.....I need to be enjoying my money in retirement. I thought you could see him say..we could have moved up for this Mahomes kid now i'm going home and kicking my own ass!
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Old 10-03-2018, 10:47 AM   #31675
BlackOp BlackOp is offline
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Originally Posted by penchief View Post
A majority of the late game comebacks are directly related to the other team's fatigue.
Shhh....dont pee in their fantasy pool. They are just SO supremely talented that they were 65-0 when leading by 10 points in the 4th. It has nothing to do with altitude..they are just that much better than everyone else, every season.

That was until Mahomes came into the division...now they want to blame a split-second clock for why they lost. Keesum is why they lost...he almost threw a game-ending pick then over-threw Thomas.

They had 3 penalties all game...KC had a 3-16 and a 3-20 on the final drive. Hearing them complain about the refs...when the officials tried to kill KCs comeback is telling. They are just used to getting the officiating breaks at home...
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Old 10-03-2018, 01:02 PM   #31676
Mother****erJones Mother****erJones is offline
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There were missed calls on both sides. Mark Schlereth said Bolles could’ve had about 4 holding calls. They missed a hands to the face when Ford was rushing once. I’m going to watch it on all-22 to see it all again

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The only people who believe Mahomes is a first rounder are desperate fans.
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McCaffery could be a top 5-7 RB, top 5 PR, and the #1 slot receiver in the league day one. There isn't a GM in the league who'd rather have Tyreek Hill over Christian McCaffery.
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Old 10-03-2018, 02:12 PM   #31677
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
Shhh....dont pee in their fantasy pool. They are just SO supremely talented that they were 65-0 when leading by 10 points in the 4th. It has nothing to do with altitude..they are just that much better than everyone else, every season.

That was until Mahomes came into the division...now they want to blame a split-second clock for why they lost. Keesum is why they lost...he almost threw a game-ending pick then over-threw Thomas.

They had 3 penalties all game...KC had a 3-16 and a 3-20 on the final drive. Hearing them complain about the refs...when the officials tried to kill KCs comeback is telling. They are just used to getting the officiating breaks at home...
I'm going to guess that 1/3 of the league has a pretty stellar record at home when being up 10 in the 4th quarter.
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Old 10-03-2018, 02:17 PM   #31678
Naptown Chief Naptown Chief is offline

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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
I'm going to guess that 1/3 of the league has a pretty stellar record at home when being up 10 in the 4th quarter.
Including or excluding playoffs?

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Old 10-03-2018, 02:23 PM   #31679
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by dwwataz View Post
Including or excluding playoffs?

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I think you take the playoffs as its own animal... typically, it's going to be based on much better teams.
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Old 10-03-2018, 02:27 PM   #31680
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Originally Posted by penchief View Post
It doesn't taint your enjoyment of Bronco success knowing that they have the most distinct built in competitive advantage known to man. The altitude is such an advantage that I dare say Denver wins at least twice as many home games as they probably would otherwise .

This is dumb. Quarterbacks win games, not altitude.
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