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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Broncos news megathread

Discussion: All things Broncos.

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Old 09-25-2018, 02:40 PM   #31441
gold_and_red gold_and_red is offline

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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
It was weird all season. S.Smith dropped a sure touchdown..then Flacco throws a pick 6. Late 14 point swing..

Cleveland was essentially in FG range in overtime..got a holding call then turned it over.

The NE game was the only time I've seen Brady's team get bogus game deciding penalties late to extend drives.

Manning's final drive in the opener...how many flags on that one?

Their stat line read like a 9-7 team...but got every conceivable break. They had the worst ranked QB in the NFL..
Lucking into Pittsburgh without Bell and Brown and a severely crippled Ben. Chiefs surely could have used that in the 2016 AFCDG.
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Old 09-25-2018, 02:59 PM   #31442
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Originally Posted by gold_and_red View Post
Lucking into Pittsburgh without Bell and Brown and a severely crippled Ben. Chiefs surely could have used that in the 2016 AFCDG.
I forgot about that..and didnt Bell's replacement have a critical fumble late?

They wouldn't make the SB again if they had 10 tries with that exact roster...I watched their entire season..It was ****ing bizarre..

I'm not being hyperbolic when I say they could have just as easily been 8-8.
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Old 09-25-2018, 03:35 PM   #31443
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
It was weird all season. S.Smith dropped a sure touchdown..then Flacco throws a pick 6. Late 14 point swing..

Cleveland was essentially in FG range in overtime..got a holding call then turned it over.

The NE game was the only time I've seen Brady's team get bogus game deciding penalties late to extend drives.

Manning's final drive in the opener...how many flags on that one?

Their stat line read like a 9-7 team...but got every conceivable break. They had the worst ranked QB in the NFL..

Then you had Brady totally ignore a wide open Gronk on the 2 pointer for OT. He had been his go to guy the entire 2nd half. NE kicker missed his first extra point in like 2 years...

Then you had the SB where the officials killed the Panthers first drive with a bogus incomplete call.
And Von got his Strip Sack TD the very next play and they were up 7 and never looked back.
Well I said about 5 or so games that were weird and you listed some. You're right in that they were a 9-7 team that year with a killer defense and a terrible QB. They should have made the playoffs as a WC team rather than Division Champion. Who knows how it would have turned out?...
Unfortunately, WE ALL KNOW!
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Old 09-25-2018, 03:47 PM   #31444
rockymtnchief rockymtnchief is offline
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Originally Posted by Hog's Gone Fishin View Post
Wanna see something cool


If you turn your laptop/phone/tablet upside down...he's actually sitting at #6!!!- Knowshit
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Old 09-25-2018, 10:27 PM   #31445
Mother****erJones Mother****erJones is offline
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Keenum is the 2nd worst QB rated in the pocket at 67.6

this is your king Knomo and Kranzdouche?!!

Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
The only people who believe Mahomes is a first rounder are desperate fans.
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McCaffery could be a top 5-7 RB, top 5 PR, and the #1 slot receiver in the league day one. There isn't a GM in the league who'd rather have Tyreek Hill over Christian McCaffery.
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Old 09-25-2018, 10:48 PM   #31446
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Originally Posted by TEX View Post
Oh, I remember it WELL! So well that I took pic of the TV so I'd have it for moments like this...The REF WAS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE, LOOKING AT THE WHOLE THING, and STILL NO CALL!!!
That photo reminds me of why I detest those smug, entitled ****ers...this thread existed, initially, so they could come here and gloat. Not once did any of them ever offer an objective take...like "that was a ****ed up no call". It decided the game...

I was on here after the 49ers game saying the OPI kind of cheapened the win....it could have gone either way but at that particular time in the game..I didn't like it. You would never have seen that from a Donko fan...It was "Manning is the bestest ever...and only losers complain about the refs."...which is easy to say when all the calls favor your cheating-ass team.

Meh...they can suffer for the next decade.
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Old 09-26-2018, 05:07 AM   #31447
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
That photo reminds me of why I detest those smug, entitled ****ers...this thread existed, initially, so they could come here and gloat. Not once did any of them ever offer an objective take...like "that was a ****ed up no call". It decided the game...

I was on here after the 49ers game saying the OPI kind of cheapened the win....it could have gone either way but at that particular time in the game..I didn't like it. You would never have seen that from a Donko fan...It was "Manning is the bestest ever...and only losers complain about the refs."...which is easy to say when all the calls favor your cheating-ass team.

Meh...they can suffer for the next decade.
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Old 09-26-2018, 06:35 AM   #31448
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Originally Posted by Mother****erJones View Post
Keenum is the 2nd worst QB rated in the pocket at 67.6

this is your king Knomo and Kranzdouche?!!
This just in: - KeesINT is NOT good....Wait, word was in way before, BUT Elway severely overpaid for him anyway. I HATED, Elway as a player, but ABSOLUTELY LOVE him as a GM!
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Old 09-26-2018, 06:36 AM   #31449
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Basically without a Hofer that gets good vets to want to come in cheaper...he sucks as a GM.
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Old 09-26-2018, 06:53 AM   #31450
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is online now
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The arrogance in that Mane thread is hilarious.

The Broncos have a couple more SBs than the Chiefs and are maybe the 10th best franchise all time, yet those idiots display the arrogance of Yankees fans.

Nevermind that the outlook for their franchise gets worse every year since Manning hung it up, while the Chiefs look to be positioned for dominance.

I hope they sink into a Raiders-esque dark age for decades, while watching Mahomes do things that Elway or Manning could only dream of.
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Old 09-26-2018, 06:56 AM   #31451
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Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar View Post
The arrogance in that Mane thread is hilarious.

The Broncos have a couple more SBs than the Chiefs and are maybe the 10th best franchise all time, yet those idiots display the arrogance of Yankees fans.

Nevermind that the outlook for their franchise gets worse every year since Manning hung it up, while the Chiefs look to be positioned for dominance.

I hope they sink into a Raiders-esque dark age for decades, while watching Mahomes do things that Elway or Manning could only dream of.
They literally have won titles because a HOF QB forced his way out of Baltimore and another one signed with them. Stunning, it's not like they were special or had something different, they had QB's.

To show you how long they had great QB's they think they just grow on trees considering they think a dude drafted in the 7th round is going to be a star.
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Old 09-26-2018, 07:09 AM   #31452
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is online now
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Originally Posted by Mecca View Post
They literally have won titles because a HOF QB forced his way out of Baltimore and another one signed with them. Stunning, it's not like they were special or had something different, they had QB's.

To show you how long they had great QB's they think they just grow on trees considering they think a dude drafted in the 7th round is going to be a star.
Kelly looks like a poor man's Alex Smith who turns the ball over.

Good luck.
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Old 09-26-2018, 10:43 AM   #31453
gold_and_red gold_and_red is offline

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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
That photo reminds me of why I detest those smug, entitled ****ers...this thread existed, initially, so they could come here and gloat. Not once did any of them ever offer an objective take...like "that was a ****ed up no call". It decided the game...

I was on here after the 49ers game saying the OPI kind of cheapened the win....it could have gone either way but at that particular time in the game..I didn't like it. You would never have seen that from a Donko fan...It was "Manning is the bestest ever...and only losers complain about the refs."...which is easy to say when all the calls favor your cheating-ass team.

Meh...they can suffer for the next decade.
Right! This is my biggest issue with delusional fans. They act as if their franchise is some elite run organization while conveniently leaving out all the luck, refs, injuries, etc aspects needed to win a SB or miss out even if you have top class coaches and execs.
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Old 09-26-2018, 07:38 PM   #31454
Tombstone RJ Tombstone RJ is offline
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Originally Posted by New World Order View Post
There he is! Hovering.
I’m expecting a KC win coming on Monday. Denver has issues and KC is destroying the competition

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Old 09-26-2018, 07:59 PM   #31455
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Originally Posted by Tombstone RJ View Post
I’m expecting a KC win coming on Monday. Denver has issues and KC is destroying the competition

Your best post ever!
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