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Old 05-01-2021, 12:58 AM  
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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RIP Patteeu

Patteau was my friend. That may surprise some of you, but we were real life friends for 15+ years, I met Gene at my Arrowhead tailgate sometime in the mid 2000’s. It was the only time we ever met face to face. We hit it off at the tailgate. We only knew each other from Chiefs Planet, we were obviously totally opposites in our political views but outside of that subject, we found we had a lot in common.

We decided to stay in real life contact after the game. Over the 15+ years we kept in touch with what was happening in our real lives. We worked together many times on the packages for the troops. He gave his time and not just money to help get those packages out to the troops.

He was so proud of his daughters. He would go on about how smart they were. Both are successful in life now. They live in NY and LA and as he said so proudly, just as conservative in their views as him.

Gene went through a divorce, daughters moving to different states. Moving etc. I shared with him my son’s path, my moves, milestones etc.

And then there was Gene’s health issues. I swore to keep them to myself. Sometimes I wanted to defend him about being short or aggressive towards someone. You would be short too if you only ½ of one lung left.

At the end, Gene needed a walker to move. On oxygen all the time. Have multiple cancers in different places. Paralysis in his right arm so when he posted on the Planet. He was only able to post using his one good arm and hand.

He was still fighting all that to the end. He did not go gently into the night. He went out fighting death with everything he had. I can only hope that when my time comes, I’ll have the courage he showed.

I will miss my friend.

Gene is the one behind Stevie Ray on the left.

Last edited by BigRedChief; 05-01-2021 at 01:05 AM..
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Old 05-01-2021, 02:21 AM   #16
Just Passin' By Just Passin' By is offline
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That's terrible. My best to his family, and may he rest in peace.
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Old 05-01-2021, 02:52 AM   #17
Rasputin Rasputin is offline
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Man when I saw the thread title I was hoping it was a sick joke to follow up his leaving forever

RIP Patteeu.
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Old 05-01-2021, 03:02 AM   #18
Hoopsdoc Hoopsdoc is offline
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RIP Patt. I’m gonna miss you. A lot.
But the kid only spat into the darkness of the space between them. “I know your kind” he said. “What’s wrong with you is wrong all the way through you.”
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Old 05-01-2021, 03:06 AM   #19
Katie Katie is offline
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Even years since Ive seen him. God bless him and his family!
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Old 05-01-2021, 03:17 AM   #20
Tribal Warfare Tribal Warfare is offline
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I hate hearing this , and I've always said any day that you're healthy and above ground it's a good day.

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Old 05-01-2021, 03:41 AM   #21
2112 2112 is offline
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Damnit. RIP Pat
Originally Posted by JD10367 View Post
Welcome to being the only person on my Ignore list.
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Old 05-01-2021, 03:43 AM   #22
Chiefs=Champions Chiefs=Champions is offline
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RIP. Sad news.
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Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Chiefs=Champions Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.
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Old 05-01-2021, 04:10 AM   #23
scho63 scho63 is online now
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So many CP members are getting up there in years.

Sad to lose another great poster.

How old was he?
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Old 05-01-2021, 04:28 AM   #24
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Sorry to hear that
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Old 05-01-2021, 04:30 AM   #25
big nasty kcnut big nasty kcnut is offline
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RIP Gene. Damn
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You woke up the wrong mother****er!
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Old 05-01-2021, 04:40 AM   #26
'Hamas' Jenkins 'Hamas' Jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by scho63 View Post
So many CP members are getting up there in years.

Sad to lose another great poster.

How old was he?
Not old enough.
"When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read 'all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.' When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty – to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.”--Abraham Lincoln
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Old 05-01-2021, 04:50 AM   #27
Deberg_1990 Deberg_1990 is offline
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Wow. RIP Patteu
Originally Posted by Cassel's Reckoning:

Matt once made a very nice play in Seattle where he spun away from a pass rusher and hit Bowe off his back foot for a first down.

One of the best plays Matt has ever made.
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Old 05-01-2021, 05:09 AM   #28
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Old 05-01-2021, 05:19 AM   #29
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RIP Patteu! Prayers for family and friends! God speed! Thank you BRC!
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FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.FRCDFED has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.
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Old 05-01-2021, 05:21 AM   #30
Raiderhater Raiderhater is offline
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This is the news I was expecting. Even with the expectation it still sucks. RIP.
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