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Old 01-08-2005, 09:34 PM  
KCJohnny KCJohnny is offline
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:36 PM   #271
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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Originally Posted by memyselfI
not I. It's Sunday night. That is our sacred sex night...see ya. I have more interesting and stimulating things to be doing for the next two+ hours.


It takes that long to talk him into it?

Edit: Never mind. Stevie beat me to it.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:37 PM   #272
Chiefs Pantalones Chiefs Pantalones is offline
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This is the best thread ever
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:39 PM   #273
tk13 tk13 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rain Man
It takes that long to talk him into it?

Edit: Never mind. Stevie beat me to it.
Don't worry Kev, there's a "will you send the tape to Al-Jizzera" joke in there somewhere....
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:39 PM   #274
ChiTown ChiTown is offline
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Originally Posted by Rain Man
It takes that long to talk him into it?

Edit: Never mind. Stevie beat me to it.
Since when do you have to talk a vibrator into sex?

Edit: I forgot we were talking about meme..........
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:40 PM   #275
Iowanian Iowanian is online now
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I don't think KCJ flipped because of what was posted last night.

I think the guy has some legit issues from the past year, and if true...its really not a jokeing matter to me.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:41 PM   #276
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It takes 2hrs for her to get the ghb disolved in the gallon of vodka she's tube feeding the poor guy.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:43 PM   #277
Saulbadguy Saulbadguy is offline
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Its still pretty funny.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:43 PM   #278
tk13 tk13 is offline
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Originally Posted by Iowanian
I don't think KCJ flipped because of what was posted last night.

I think the guy has some legit issues from the past year, and if true...its really not a jokeing matter to me.
In all seriousness, he used to do the same thing back in 2001 as far as I can remember, he threatened to meet and kick somebody's ass (who I don't remember) on here one time.... I understand what you're getting at but I don't think this behavior is anything new at all.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:43 PM   #279
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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Originally Posted by Iowanian
I don't think KCJ flipped because of what was posted last night.

I think the guy has some legit issues from the past year, and if true...its really not a jokeing matter to me.
This is not some Johnny come lately to the nutso world. This has been brewing for like a lifetime.

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Old 01-09-2005, 09:44 PM   #280
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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Originally Posted by Dartgod
Anyone surprised that DUH-nese is behind Johnny on this? Quite the contrarian, aren't you?

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Old 01-09-2005, 09:44 PM   #281
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I saw the stuff before.........I just know where he was, and for whatever reason, accept the "benefit of the doubt" card. I think he's got some things to work out, new or not.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:45 PM   #282
OldTownChief OldTownChief is offline
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Originally Posted by ChiTown
Since when do you have to talk a vibrator into sex?

Edit: I forgot we were talking about meme..........
She forgot to plug in the battery charger again.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:45 PM   #283
Frazod Frazod is offline
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Originally Posted by Iowanian
I don't think KCJ flipped because of what was posted last night.

I think the guy has some legit issues from the past year, and if true...its really not a jokeing matter to me.
I agree.

I missed this mess and I'm glad I did. I made my peace with John and won't heap on top of this dogpile. This thread should be locked, IMO.

Christ, enough already.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:45 PM   #284
ChiTown ChiTown is offline
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Originally Posted by tk13
In all seriousness, he used to do the same thing back in 2001 as far as I can remember, he threatened to meet and kick somebody's ass (who I don't remember) on here one time.... I understand what you're getting at but I don't think this behavior is anything new at all.
That's correct. The guy has had tremendous emotional issues since MartyGun left the house, and DV set up his Pie Shop.
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Old 01-09-2005, 09:45 PM   #285
Saulbadguy Saulbadguy is offline
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Is he a Chiefs fan or not? What is he???
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