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Old 04-27-2017, 07:19 PM  
Dante84 Dante84 is offline
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*****The Patrick Mahomes Thread*****



Because of all the interest in this thread, I've place all of the video content of Patrick Mahomes II's college career, and draft day goodness into a single post that can be found here. Enjoy!

Last edited by Dante84; 05-17-2017 at 09:40 AM..
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:40 AM   #28216
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
Yes they've been together a while but that doesn't mean Pat isn't being taken advantage of or he couldn't do better...just saying
This is a dumb, shitty, immature take. You don't know either of them enough to make that determination.

Of course he could find a woman who is more attractive physically speaking, but will that woman have his best interest at heart, treat him better, or be a better partner? You don't know that and you should trust Pat to make good decisions for himself.

I mean, this take is legit like a 16-year old's thought process. You're supposed to grow out of this shit by your mid twenties at the latest.
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:42 AM   #28217
UChieffyBugger UChieffyBugger is offline
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Originally Posted by Raiderhader View Post
With out inside personal knowledge of them or their relationship, I do not believe any of us are qualified to draw that conclusion.
Well it's simple logic imo. Someone of Pat's celebrity status and financial standing should be able to attract a lady with similar qualities quite easily...Tom Brady and Russell Wilson are prime examples.
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:44 AM   #28218
CasselGotPeedOn CasselGotPeedOn is offline
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I do know one thing, whatever creature UChieffyBugger is dating could do 1 million times better.
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:46 AM   #28219
Raiderhater Raiderhater is offline
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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
Well it's simple logic imo. Someone of Pat's celebrity status and financial standing should be able to attract a lady with similar qualities quite easily...Tom Brady and Russell Wilson are prime examples.
So that’s what it is, looks and public profile. How pathetically shallow.

When she becomes an actual detriment to him and his career like Reek’s psycho baby momma then you can talk about doing better. Until such a [highly unlikely] time, **** off.
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:49 AM   #28220
dlphg9 dlphg9 is offline
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Originally Posted by RealSNR View Post
Penbrook, please report to the principal's office
Was going to say I bet it was Mahomo(Penbrook). That mother ****er probably has 100+ Twitter accounts and is more than likely harassing her about getting married with half of those accounts. The other half of those accounts he's telling her she's not good enough. ****ing stop messing with her man.
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:50 AM   #28221
UChieffyBugger UChieffyBugger is offline
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
This is a dumb, shitty, immature take. You don't know either of them enough to make that determination.

Of course he could find a woman who is more attractive physically speaking, but will that woman have his best interest at heart, treat him better, or be a better partner? You don't know that and you should trust Pat to make good decisions for himself.

I mean, this take is legit like a 16-year old's thought process. You're supposed to grow out of this shit by your mid twenties at the latest.
Er your whole post is quite naive and stupid imo. Did i even mention looks? But as you went there!!...YES Pat could get a better looking chick...but that's not the only thing. Pat is fully supporting Brit and she's living a life of a star off of HIS hard work...so in reality if Pat got a chick who had her own name and financial power it would be an automatic upgrade regardless of looks. Add looks to it then it would be a MAJOR upgrade. Brit is always gonna treat Pat like a king because how else is she gonna have this lifestyle? Come on now.
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:53 AM   #28222
AdolfOliverBush AdolfOliverBush is offline

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*Claims Patrick could do better than Brittany*

*Would suck off Brittany's pit bull for a 50/50 chance of hearing her fart through a walkie-talkie*
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:54 AM   #28223
UChieffyBugger UChieffyBugger is offline
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Originally Posted by Raiderhader View Post
So that’s what it is, looks and public profile. How pathetically shallow.

When she becomes an actual detriment to him and his career like Reek’s psycho baby momma then you can talk about doing better. Until such a [highly unlikely] time, **** off.
So if you had a woman who didn't have a job and relied soley on YOU for financial support..you wouldn't think you could get a chick who had her own car, house..a nice job etc? Or are you a dumb simp?
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:55 AM   #28224
dlphg9 dlphg9 is offline
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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
Well it's simple logic imo. Someone of Pat's celebrity status and financial standing should be able to attract a lady with similar qualities quite easily...Tom Brady and Russell Wilson are prime examples.
Are you this clueless in all aspects of your life?
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:11 AM   #28225
Raiderhater Raiderhater is offline
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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
So if you had a woman who didn't have a job and relied soley on YOU for financial support..you wouldn't think you could get a chick who had her own car, house..a nice job etc? Or are you a dumb simp?
Again, none of us know the full details of any of this. Mind your own damned business.
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:14 AM   #28226
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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
So if you had a woman who didn't have a job and relied soley on YOU for financial support..you wouldn't think you could get a chick who had her own car, house..a nice job etc? Or are you a dumb simp?
She’s a certified personal trainer and played professional soccer in Iceland.

And you don’t think she had her own car? Lol. You’re literally talking about someone that you know nothing about.

Anybody who uses the word simp that often.....is a ****ing mouthbreather.
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:20 AM   #28227
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What a ****ing incel scumbag this guy is. I'll set the over under at 29 months for chieffybugger getting his dick wet.
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:24 AM   #28228
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by UChieffyBugger View Post
Er your whole post is quite naive and stupid imo. Did i even mention looks? But as you went there!!...YES Pat could get a better looking chick...but that's not the only thing. Pat is fully supporting Brit and she's living a life of a star off of HIS hard work...so in reality if Pat got a chick who had her own name and financial power it would be an automatic upgrade regardless of looks. Add looks to it then it would be a MAJOR upgrade. Brit is always gonna treat Pat like a king because how else is she gonna have this lifestyle? Come on now.
Welp, I tried reasoning with you but it's apparent you're just an idiot.
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:29 AM   #28229
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is this dude really giving that much ****s about who someone he doesnt know dates? lol Thats creepy as ****.
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:33 AM   #28230
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Way to bury yourself.
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