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Old 01-04-2014, 11:09 AM  
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*The NEW Movies Thread*

Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -

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Old 07-13-2017, 10:39 PM   #2566
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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I watched The Thing for the first time the other day.

I thought it was pretty good, given the time period. It had some awesome scenes and, I guess, cinematography? Like, when the storm hits and they're all outside, it's dark, and the only light they've got comes from the flares. It looked awesome.

I particularly liked the scenes where MacReady had everyone strapped down and they were testing each individual's blood. I also liked the scene where they had found its secret spaceship under the 'holding cell' then they came back and just started firebombing every room. Cool shit.

I will say the alien thing was pretty weird and didn't seem all that intimidating. Obviously it was very dangerous, but half the time it was on screen it just seemed to be in the process of metamorphosis. The end "battle" was especially anticlimactic. It bursts through the floor and just kinda flails about until 'cReady nukes it.

The ending was nice, though. I liked that they both recognize that either one could potentially be the thing and they're just like alright, let's hang out and see what happens. It was the modern day scary movie 'rahhh the baddy is still alive' without being so in-your-face.
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Old 07-13-2017, 10:55 PM   #2567
Buehler445 Buehler445 is offline
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
Watching The Accountant now. Very entertaining flick.
I enjoyed it. I'll say again, I'm not particularly close to anyone afflicted with autism so I can't speak to that but I enjoyed the flick.

Originally Posted by Buehler445 View Post
I finally saw the Accountant. I can't remember what the consensus was on here, but I thought it was really good.

I don't know much about autism. I can't and absolutely will not comment on the accuracy of the portrayal of the autistic characters.

The accounting was wonky. The conclusions he drew were not verifiable without a mountain of paperwork. And in that timeframe, even with a savant guiding the search, would take some pretty serious computing horsepower to correlate the conclusion and sift through the noise. But that's a minor quibble.

I bought in, and the story was good. Didn't see the twist. Should have, but didn't.

Afleck did well, Bernthal killed it. The symmetry of their emotional responses after the fight was tremendous. Beautiful filmmaking there. Well done from all involved.

Was it perfect? No. Was it a good movie? IMO yes.
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Old 07-13-2017, 11:01 PM   #2568
Frazod Frazod is offline
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Originally Posted by Buehler445 View Post
I enjoyed it. I'll say again, I'm not particularly close to anyone afflicted with autism so I can't speak to that but I enjoyed the flick.
Yeah, I know next to nothing about it, either. It was a very entertaining flick. I liked the way all the pieces kind of came together, even thought it was a bit far fetched. It certainly defied my early-film expectations of how the plot would shake out.

And the whole Rainman meats Rambo bit was awesome.
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Old 07-13-2017, 11:08 PM   #2569
Frazod Frazod is offline
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
I watched The Thing for the first time the other day.

I thought it was pretty good, given the time period. It had some awesome scenes and, I guess, cinematography? Like, when the storm hits and they're all outside, it's dark, and the only light they've got comes from the flares. It looked awesome.

I particularly liked the scenes where MacReady had everyone strapped down and they were testing each individual's blood. I also liked the scene where they had found its secret spaceship under the 'holding cell' then they came back and just started firebombing every room. Cool shit.

I will say the alien thing was pretty weird and didn't seem all that intimidating. Obviously it was very dangerous, but half the time it was on screen it just seemed to be in the process of metamorphosis. The end "battle" was especially anticlimactic. It bursts through the floor and just kinda flails about until 'cReady nukes it.

The ending was nice, though. I liked that they both recognize that either one could potentially be the thing and they're just like alright, let's hang out and see what happens. It was the modern day scary movie 'rahhh the baddy is still alive' without being so in-your-face.
If you're looking for old John Carpenter movies to watch, try They Live next.
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Old 07-14-2017, 12:44 AM   #2570
Nickhead Nickhead is offline
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am i the only one who liked the movie 'shocker'?

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Old 07-14-2017, 07:48 AM   #2571
unlurking unlurking is offline
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Originally Posted by Nickhead View Post
am i the only one who liked the movie 'shocker'?


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Old 07-14-2017, 07:11 PM   #2572
mikeyis4dcats. mikeyis4dcats. is offline
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
I watched The Thing for the first time the other day.

I thought it was pretty good, given the time period. It had some awesome scenes and, I guess, cinematography? Like, when the storm hits and they're all outside, it's dark, and the only light they've got comes from the flares. It looked awesome.

I particularly liked the scenes where MacReady had everyone strapped down and they were testing each individual's blood. I also liked the scene where they had found its secret spaceship under the 'holding cell' then they came back and just started firebombing every room. Cool shit.

I will say the alien thing was pretty weird and didn't seem all that intimidating. Obviously it was very dangerous, but half the time it was on screen it just seemed to be in the process of metamorphosis. The end "battle" was especially anticlimactic. It bursts through the floor and just kinda flails about until 'cReady nukes it.

The ending was nice, though. I liked that they both recognize that either one could potentially be the thing and they're just like alright, let's hang out and see what happens. It was the modern day scary movie 'rahhh the baddy is still alive' without being so in-your-face.
The original and the John carpenter version are 2 of my favorite movies
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Old 07-14-2017, 10:12 PM   #2573
DaneMcCloud DaneMcCloud is offline
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Originally Posted by underEJ View Post
There is alot of truth to this. The movie I have been working on for two years was just canceled for many reasons, but mostly because it didn't fit into existing marketing quadrants. This movie was the 2nd best, out of over 30 credits, I have worked on in 22 years and would have been something really fresh out of a super stale "talking animal" animated movie genre. We all loved it dearly and are heartbroken that the studio doesn't see what we do, and consequently no one will see it.
I'm so sad to hear this news.

I know what it feels like. I scored a movie a few years back with some B listers and a nice script. Everyone would recognize the actors. I thought the film was just "okay" but you never know - sometimes, films surprisingly find and audience.

Anyhoo, we had a great screening at Columbia Pictures studios (the one underground) and had a nice Q&A. I figured after that, it would move forward but no. Bummer.

I have to say though, the theater was astonishing. The largest, most comfortable leather seats, ever.

I couldn't help but think that if those walls could talk, the stories would be mind blowing.
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Old 07-15-2017, 02:40 PM   #2574
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
If you're looking for old John Carpenter movies to watch, try They Live next.

I'm not interested in John Carpenter so much as I am watching all of these old school classics that I missed growing up.

I've knocked a ton off my list in the past couple years and The Thing was just another.

Next I'll be diving into those 80s Arnie action classics. Commando is first up.
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Old 07-15-2017, 02:40 PM   #2575
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by mikeyis4dcats. View Post
The original and the John carpenter version are 2 of my favorite movies

Shit, I assumed Carpenter's version was the original. That movie is ****ing ancient by now. 35 ****ing years old.. Time flies.
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Old 07-15-2017, 02:45 PM   #2576
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
I'm not interested in John Carpenter so much as I am watching all of these old school classics that I missed growing up.

I've knocked a ton off my list in the past couple years and The Thing was just another.

Next I'll be diving into those 80s Arnie action classics. Commando is first up.
I've been meaning to do that with some purported comedy classics I missed out on the first time around.

I've had

Lost in America
The In-Laws
The Heartbreak Kid
Defending Your Life
Midnight Run

in the queue seemingly forever.

Still haven't found the time to sit through any of them. Though I seem to remember seeing most or all of Midnight Run at some point in college.
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Old 07-15-2017, 07:06 PM   #2577
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Rented 'Life' last night and thoroughly enjoyed it, one of the best sci-fi creature features I've ever seen

That ending was perfect, didnt see it coming
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Old 07-16-2017, 05:55 PM   #2578
Frazod Frazod is offline
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This looks like it could be pretty awesome. Gary Oldman is one of my favorite actors.

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Old 07-16-2017, 06:14 PM   #2579
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
This looks like it could be pretty awesome. Gary Oldman is one of my favorite actors.

Glad to see The Waitress made it out of Baby Driver's clutches all right.

But on a more serious note, why is this needed? And why is it coming so soon on the heels of that Brian Cox disaster?

This wasn't even a MONTH ago

This is worse than the era of copycat volcano and asteroid movies back in the 1990s.

Is this all just fallout from the popularity of The Queen and whatever that 'Our King Stutters on the Radio' movie was called.
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Old 07-16-2017, 06:14 PM   #2580
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
This looks like it could be pretty awesome. Gary Oldman is one of my favorite actors.

Wow, helluva a clip. It's on my list for sure.
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