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Old 04-08-2014, 09:58 AM  
Reaper16 Reaper16 is offline
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Rasslin is YES! YES! YES!

Last thread has well over 10,000 replies. Its body is breaking down like The Undertaker's. Seeing as we might have crossed the threshold into a new era in the business, here's a fresh new thread.

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Old 04-09-2018, 12:47 AM   #2551
BryanBusby BryanBusby is offline
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Originally Posted by keg in kc View Post
There's a reason both of them have consistently good matches with everybody they work with, and it's not because anybody is carrying them.
I have no idea where the hell you get that idea.

Cena just botched multiple spots and Roman is carried a lot. Cena has been a lot better on the mic with hollywood acting, but at best he's not a hindrance.

Cena's value is promoting the brand, selling merch and fulfilling requests for ill people.
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Old 04-09-2018, 04:30 AM   #2552
Nickhead Nickhead is offline
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i was relying on wiz.net's stream of a replay. i missed a 'shit ton' of matches (all but the last two of five ). but that reigns lezner match was pathetic. and to end the night none the less. i watch the wwe once every six months maybe, and this product is terrible.

but i keep watching, hoping it will get better. like the royals and chiefs
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Old 04-09-2018, 04:31 AM   #2553
The Bad Guy The Bad Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by BryanBusby View Post
I have no idea where the hell you get that idea.

Cena just botched multiple spots and Roman is carried a lot. Cena has been a lot better on the mic with hollywood acting, but at best he's not a hindrance.

Cena's value is promoting the brand, selling merch and fulfilling requests for ill people.
Keg is right. Both those guys are tremendous assets in the ring and produce quality matches time and time again. I don't know what you've watched.
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Old 04-09-2018, 04:31 AM   #2554
Nickhead Nickhead is offline
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Originally Posted by pugsnotdrugs19 View Post
Just recently got through the whole show. Rousey impressed me. Surprised about Lesnar going over.
isn't he rumored to go back to ufc?

it would make sense building his brand before he leaves, again
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Old 04-09-2018, 04:35 AM   #2555
Mecca Mecca is offline
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Reigns getting booed and suck has nothing to do with his ring work. For a larger dude he's pretty good. Reigns is getting booed because people don't like to have the company man shoved down their throats.

I don't even think he's beyond repair as being the top face I do however think this refusal to turn him heel and just shove him down everyone's throat is a horrible approach to getting him over. The Rocks heel turn basically saved his career, it's sad they can't look at their own history.
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Old 04-09-2018, 04:37 AM   #2556
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Nicholas suspended after testing positive for Flintsones Chewable Vitamins

Barely an hour after winning the Raw Tag Team Championships with Braun Strowman, professional wrestler Nicholas has been slapped with a 30-day suspension after a routine urine test revealed traces of performance-enhancing chewable vitamins.

In accordance with WWE’s Wellness Policy (and lesser-known Oldness Policy), Nicholas will be stripped of the title, leaving Strowman as the sole defender of the championships, unless he can find another random child in an audience to fill Nicholas’ tiny shoes.
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Old 04-09-2018, 04:46 AM   #2557
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Originally Posted by Mecca View Post
Reigns getting booed and suck has nothing to do with his ring work. For a larger dude he's pretty good. Reigns is getting booed because people don't like to have the company man shoved down their throats.

I don't even think he's beyond repair as being the top face I do however think this refusal to turn him heel and just shove him down everyone's throat is a horrible approach to getting him over. The Rocks heel turn basically saved his career, it's sad they can't look at their own history.
Rousey sure looked bad last night, eh?
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Old 04-09-2018, 06:01 AM   #2558
mcaj22 mcaj22 is offline
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Reigns would connect with the fans if they let him be more like Reigns outside the ring. If he didnt follow a script so close he would be good. He needs to deviate from a script sometimes like Bryan and Heyman do
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Old 04-09-2018, 06:48 AM   #2559
Chiefs=Champions Chiefs=Champions is offline
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Both Cena and Reigns CAN put on great matches, but for me its more their limited movesets and the fact that none of them look particularly painful. When your finisher is a tackle or a glorified firemans carry, its hard to be super believable and engrossing.
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Old 04-09-2018, 06:52 AM   #2560
BryanBusby BryanBusby is offline
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Originally Posted by The Bad Guy View Post
Keg is right. Both those guys are tremendous assets in the ring and produce quality matches time and time again. I don't know what you've watched.
If you say so

I'll keep that in mind when Cena loudly calls his spots or Roman lays down for his next half hour long nap.

I get the appeal with Cena because he has talent with the mic and can be entertaining and sometimes can have a good match if he's paired with the right person. I wouldn't call that "consistently"

He's had a lot of mediocre to dog shit matches.

Roman Reigns I just don't get. His in ring work sucks, his character sucks, his conditioning sucks and he sucks on a mic.

It's not about just not liking them. I don't like Dean Ambrose either, but he's actually a hell of a worker.

Roman is bad enough that they just 86'd an entire year long coronation because he has X-Pac heat and I think at a certain point, you have to look at circumstances beyond just booking.

Last edited by BryanBusby; 04-09-2018 at 07:03 AM..
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Old 04-09-2018, 08:26 AM   #2561
Jerm Jerm is offline
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That was like they dropped acid before deciding how to book that entire show....

Taker squashing Cena was like WTF...ending Asuka's streak was the wrong move...and Lesnar going over was really surprising.

So stupid to have Reigns get color with those stupid hard way elbows as well...why the hell they decided to use blood in that match is beyond me.

You know what match that would've been better served in...? Gargano/Ciampa...a literal blood feud lol...

Once again NXT was the real MVP...
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Old 04-09-2018, 08:35 AM   #2562
KCrockaholic KCrockaholic is offline
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I thought it was a pretty decent WM for what they were given to work with.
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Old 04-09-2018, 08:37 AM   #2563
KCrockaholic KCrockaholic is offline
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Originally Posted by Chiefs=Good View Post
Both Cena and Reigns CAN put on great matches, but for me its more their limited movesets and the fact that none of them look particularly painful. When your finisher is a tackle or a glorified firemans carry, its hard to be super believable and engrossing.
The FU was a big deal at one time. But the moves leading up to the FU became so played out and predictable that people started to hate it.
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Old 04-09-2018, 08:47 AM   #2564
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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I think it's more by their own design that Cena and Reigns have such limited movesets. Hogan, Rock, and Austin were pretty predictable and had some contrived moves as well.
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Old 04-09-2018, 09:05 AM   #2565
BryanBusby BryanBusby is offline
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At least with Austin and Rock (or at least Austin), they were capable of pulling out a bigger moveset if they needed to but stuck with the pattern because it worked. Cena is debatable, but it's certainly not working for Roman.
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