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Old 01-04-2014, 11:09 AM  
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*The NEW Movies Thread*

Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -

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Old 05-15-2017, 10:48 PM   #2536
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Buehler445 View Post
WTF? They haven't been realistic since like the first one. Granted I didn't see the next few, but I did see the one with the safe .
They haven't, but they're progressively getting worse.

In this one, the Rock is in cuffs at one point and someone says something that pisses him off so he spreads his hands apart and the metal chain just snaps. It was so absurd.
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Old 05-15-2017, 10:49 PM   #2537
Pepe Silvia Pepe Silvia is online now
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What's the best movie to watch if you are gonna jump off a bridge soon?
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Old 05-16-2017, 05:11 AM   #2538
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Originally Posted by PackerinMo View Post
What's the best movie to watch if you are gonna jump off a bridge soon?
Id start here.

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Old 05-16-2017, 08:08 AM   #2539
Frazod Frazod is offline
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Originally Posted by PackerinMo View Post
What's the best movie to watch if you are gonna jump off a bridge soon?
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Old 05-16-2017, 03:04 PM   #2540
Pepe Silvia Pepe Silvia is online now
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
I had no clue that Alicia Witt was in that until recently.
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Old 06-14-2017, 08:42 AM   #2541
Dayze Dayze is online now
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watched "Jason Bourne" last night.
My wife and I are big fans of the series. but my god.....that movie was HORRIBLE.

the camera work got old really fast; entire movie is basically Bourne walking at a fast pace somewhere. Felt like his character said probably a total of 50 words. Tommy Lee Jones was reduced to speaking 3 to 6 word lines it seemed. Plot?....I'm not even sure what the plot was. Hardly even recognized Julia Stiles, but she was only around at the beginning and during the seemingly 30 minute car/motorcycle chase.

This move felt like it was some contractual obligation to do one more Bourne movie, they started shooting, and they just winged it. a "let's get the band back together for another concert/tour" feel to it. Such a disappointment.
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Old 06-21-2017, 10:58 PM   #2542
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I finally saw the Accountant. I can't remember what the consensus was on here, but I thought it was really good.

I don't know much about autism. I can't and absolutely will not comment on the accuracy of the portrayal of the autistic characters.

The accounting was wonky. The conclusions he drew were not verifiable without a mountain of paperwork. And in that timeframe, even with a savant guiding the search, would take some pretty serious computing horsepower to correlate the conclusion and sift through the noise. But that's a minor quibble.

I bought in, and the story was good. Didn't see the twist. Should have, but didn't.

Afleck did well, Bernthal killed it. The symmetry of their emotional responses after the fight was tremendous. Beautiful filmmaking there. Well done from all involved.

Was it perfect? No. Was it a good movie? IMO yes.
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Old 06-22-2017, 12:46 PM   #2543
Dayze Dayze is online now
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yeah, I liked it.
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Old 06-22-2017, 04:53 PM   #2544
RobBlake RobBlake is offline

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47 meters down was legitimately terrifying lmao. Damn! Had an anxiety attack the entire movie. Highly recommend for a summer flick
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Old 06-24-2017, 05:51 PM   #2545
Fairplay Fairplay is offline
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
I know the 1984 Dune was as bad as it gets, KCnative bad the 2000 Dune was decent.

I don't read very many Sci-Fi books but the Dune book was a great read as well.

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Old 06-24-2017, 05:59 PM   #2546
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
The latest Bourne movie - why did I watch it? It's the same goddamn movie over and over and over - just a different woman gets killed to set him off.

At least it was on HBO, so I didn't have to pay anything extra for it, except the two hours of my life I won't get back.
In the movie Bourne is earning his money by street fighting but after he knocks a guy out he just walks away, the movie didn't explain why he was doing it the first time he fought. You would think Bourne would go up to the main guy to get his pay before he goes to his car.
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Old 06-26-2017, 12:20 PM   #2547
Dayze Dayze is online now
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yeah, that last Bourne movie was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

someone asked me "what was it about"? ...and I said "....I'm not even sure" lol

it was really bad. It shouldn't even be mentioned in as part of the Bourne Series. Sort of Like the Van Halen album where Gary Cherone was the singer. Just void it from existence.
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Old 06-26-2017, 12:28 PM   #2548
Rausch Rausch is offline
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I could be wrong (and Dane would likely have better input than I have) but it seems like Hollywood is putting their money in Comix, established properties, or Indy directors with solid cinematographers and low budgets to turn an easy buck.
"He had no teeth, and he was slobbering all over himself. I'm thinking, 'You can have your money back, just get me out of here. Let me go be an accountant." I can't tell you how badly I wanted out of there."
Denver rookie QB John Elway, on Jack Lambert, after Lambert and the Steelers knocked Elway out of his first game as a pro (1983).
Originally Posted by rico
I wish I always ended up at gay bars.
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Old 06-26-2017, 02:29 PM   #2549
underEJ underEJ is offline

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Originally Posted by Rausch View Post
I could be wrong (and Dane would likely have better input than I have) but it seems like Hollywood is putting their money in Comix, established properties, or Indy directors with solid cinematographers and low budgets to turn an easy buck.
There is alot of truth to this. The movie I have been working on for two years was just canceled for many reasons, but mostly because it didn't fit into existing marketing quadrants. This movie was the 2nd best, out of over 30 credits, I have worked on in 22 years and would have been something really fresh out of a super stale "talking animal" animated movie genre. We all loved it dearly and are heartbroken that the studio doesn't see what we do, and consequently no one will see it.
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Old 06-26-2017, 02:32 PM   #2550
unlurking unlurking is offline
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Originally Posted by underEJ View Post
There is alot of truth to this. The movie I have been working on for two years was just canceled for many reasons, but mostly because it didn't fit into existing marketing quadrants. This movie was the 2nd best, out of over 30 credits, I have worked on in 22 years and would have been something really fresh out of a super stale "talking animal" animated movie genre. We all loved it dearly and are heartbroken that the studio doesn't see what we do, and consequently no one will see it.
Deadpool it!

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