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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Broncos news megathread

Discussion: All things Broncos.

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Old 11-02-2015, 02:22 PM   #2491
KCTitus KCTitus is offline
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The run game definitely opened up the Manning passing game...some looping balls he's throwing now. Defense is probably as good as it can be.

When you can play a press coverage and get a good hard pass rush, Green Bay has nothing.

I thought the bootlegs were great...I effing HATE those damn things, Kubiak used to burn the crap out of KC with those damn bootlegs.
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Old 11-02-2015, 02:27 PM   #2492
The Franchise The Franchise is offline
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Broncos have a legitimate shot at the Superbowl this year. Obviously it will come down to whether or not Manning turns to shit during the winter time and doesn't cost them the game. That defense though.....JFC.
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Old 11-02-2015, 02:28 PM   #2493
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by KCTitus View Post
The run game definitely opened up the Manning passing game...some looping balls he's throwing now. Defense is probably as good as it can be.

When you can play a press coverage and get a good hard pass rush, Green Bay has nothing.

I thought the bootlegs were great...I effing HATE those damn things, Kubiak used to burn the crap out of KC with those damn bootlegs.
Watching Manning run a bootleg is both comical and scary. And, Denver needs to find someone else to run back punts, Sanders does not need to do that anymore.
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Old 11-02-2015, 02:29 PM   #2494
BlackOp BlackOp is offline
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Originally Posted by listopencil View Post
Aw, poor baby. I'm sorry that your team's soccer football ownership isn't as good as a guy with Alzheimer's. Maybe next year. You should get some more rest and have a snack. I'll share these with you:

Like I said..please, please, please get your hopes up. Pound that chest, howl at the moon...brag about something you absolutely have nothing to do with...on another team's forum. You're a champion of men....
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Old 11-02-2015, 02:34 PM   #2495
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by Pestilence View Post
Broncos have a legitimate shot at the Superbowl this year. Obviously it will come down to whether or not Manning turns to shit during the winter time and doesn't cost them the game. That defense though.....JFC.
Yeah, we'll see... long season ahead, with lots of tough games. Damn near anything can happen.

I do find things that happen in sports to be funny and interestingly timed every now and then. Manning ties the wins by a QB record with Favre by defeating the Packers.

Next week, Manning can own the career passing yards (if he passes for 285) and most wins by a QB by defeating... The Colts in Indy. So weird.
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Old 11-02-2015, 02:36 PM   #2496
listopencil listopencil is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
Like I said..please, please, please get your hopes up. Pound that chest, howl at the moon...brag about something you absolutely have nothing to do with...on another team's forum. You're a champion of men....
Oh look, it's back to the "I'm an unemotional realist" line of BS while you appear to get yourself all worked up over nothing. With a side of "This is a Chiefs board" thrown in because you have nothing. Weak sauce, incredibly weak sauce. Take another nap.
While you live, shine. Have no grief at all. Life exists only for a short while and time demands its toll.

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Old 11-02-2015, 03:14 PM   #2497
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by listopencil View Post
Oh look, it's back to the "I'm an unemotional realist" line of BS while you appear to get yourself all worked up over nothing. With a side of "This is a Chiefs board" thrown in because you have nothing. Weak sauce, incredibly weak sauce. Take another nap.
Maybe his delivery is "incredibly weak sauce" as you put it, but he will always have the "This is a Chiefs board" take. You know why? Because It is...

Bottom line is there's a reason why you and your kind live here, and it goes far beyond the enjoyment of having football discussions with rival fans. But that's getting into a whole other subject, which in of itself, is much more than "incredibly weak sauce," because it says worlds about you...
Hey Andy Reid / Matt Nagy...Patrick Mahomes is NOT Alex Smith

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Old 11-02-2015, 03:53 PM   #2498
New World Order New World Order is offline
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Elway has done a fantastic job. There is no doubt about that.
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Old 11-02-2015, 03:54 PM   #2499
New World Order New World Order is offline
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Originally Posted by TEX View Post
Maybe his delivery is "incredibly weak sauce" as you put it, but he will always have the "This is a Chiefs board" take. You know why? Because It is...

Bottom line is there's a reason why you and your kind live here, and it goes far beyond the enjoyment of having football discussions with rival fans. But that's getting into a whole other subject, which in of itself, is much more than "incredibly weak sauce," because it says worlds about you...

Because this board is the shit. Other teams' fans come here because they know they have nothing.
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Old 11-02-2015, 03:55 PM   #2500
MagicHef MagicHef is offline
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
31-13 Packers in a rout
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Id be surprised by anything other than a two score final
Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
Pretty much.

This will be the game that people go "well, maybe that defense isn't as good as it appeared while it was beating up on the handicapped kids".
Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
Rodgers is going to drop trou on that secondary
I'm excited for ThaVirus to come back to this thread.
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Old 11-02-2015, 04:16 PM   #2501
ClevelandBronco ClevelandBronco is offline
I'm with the banned.
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Old 11-02-2015, 04:55 PM   #2502
BlackOp BlackOp is offline
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Originally Posted by listopencil View Post
Oh look, it's back to the "I'm an unemotional realist" line of BS while you appear to get yourself all worked up over nothing. With a side of "This is a Chiefs board" thrown in because you have nothing. Weak sauce, incredibly weak sauce. Take another nap.
"Weak Sauce" is just some generic meme you repeat as you have no original thoughts. The irony is you use it in an attempt to discredit another's intelligence....do parrots know they're parrots?

Look, I understand you're defensive...deep down you know the fraudulent Donkos have never won a legitimate SB. So pin all those repressed "alpha-boy" fantasies on this 2015 team..please. The let down couldn't happen to a better groups of fans...and their scumbag owner.
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Old 11-02-2015, 04:59 PM   #2503
New World Order New World Order is offline
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Blackop answers right back. You can't stop this guy
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Old 11-02-2015, 07:07 PM   #2504
vailpass vailpass is offline
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Originally Posted by New World Order View Post
Blackop answers right back. You can't stop this guy
You're better than that...
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Old 11-02-2015, 08:14 PM   #2505
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by MagicHef View Post
I'm excited for ThaVirus to come back to this thread.

I was wrong.

I think everyone was thoroughly shocked at the outcome, though, no?
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