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Old 04-26-2012, 08:54 AM  
Buehler445 Buehler445 is offline
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Must Watch Series

All this talk about series, how network TV Sucks, and how hard it is to find quality shows, and some excellent shows that fly under the radar, I need a comprehensive review of all the series I need to see.

For good entertainment, I would be willing to buy DVD sets. But I've recently picked up HBOGO by kiping it from my parents, and recently got Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Here is a listing of shows that I currently own or have seen all the episodes of. If it isn't on the list, just assume I haven't seen it.


Here is a listing of shows that I'm currently watching

Here is a listing of shows on my list to watch (mostly due to this thread)

I work a ****ton, so it is hard for me catch a series while it is on to get it on the DVR, but I recognize the entertainment value and am willing to go after the Must See shows. Accordingly, I'm not necessarily looking for anything that is still running. I'm up for watching stuff that has run its course.

So what say you, Planet? Which shows should I see?

UPDATED for the shows I've seen recently.

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Old 07-26-2023, 02:32 PM   #2371
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Sex life is definitely worth watching
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wilkinson ....proof positive that somebody pissed in the gene pool.
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Old 07-28-2023, 06:41 AM   #2372
BigBeauford BigBeauford is offline
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The Justified reboot has really disappointed me. Wife and I (big fans of the original) couldn't make it through the first episode. The writing is garbage and unfortunately proliferated with a bunch of woke nonsense, and Olyphant was sidelined almost the entire time.
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Old 07-29-2023, 09:33 PM   #2373
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Good Omens season 2 is on Prime.

There is no source material (Pratchett and Gaiman wrote the book for season 1) but the cast is largely intact and I'd watch David Tennant chew gum and read a phone book. Crowley was a part essentially written for him and Ham as Gabriel is fantastic casting.

I don't think the smokeshow who played the witch in season 1 is back but oh well.

I suspect it'll still have that clever sort of British humor.
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Old 07-30-2023, 02:04 AM   #2374
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Originally Posted by lewdog View Post

They make up for a slow start to season 2 in episode 5. After that they bring great writing back. Episode 6 is can't miss, of any series ever.
Wow. Just finished episode 6 and that shit was crazy. What an amazing hour of television.
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Old 07-30-2023, 01:41 PM   #2375
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Season 2 of Good Omens isn't nearly as good, sadly.

4 episodes in and it's just very ordinary. Nowhere near as clever as season 1. The only time I'm really enjoying it is when they go back in time. The 'contemporary' storyline is foooooooorced.

Lets set aside for a moment the lesbian relationship plot arc that they're making the centerpiece of the whole thing and just consider it a regular relationship - they've done NOTHING to make me think either of these people would be happy together. Or if I even CARE if either of them are happy - the 'unrequited' character is annoying as hell and sobby over someone she doesn't even know. The 'rejecting' character is just snarky for snarky's sake. It's a STUPID relationship storyline that just doesn't work on any level.

And now the part that probably annoys me most. They have a wheelchair bound and developmentally disabled angel. Oh for ****'s sake, really? You get to heaven and your incorporeal form is handicapped? And she's bopping around in a freakin' motorized scooter? How's that anything BUT meeting some stupid diversity quota? How am I supposed to suspend disbelief when you do shit like that? And she's a wholly unnecessary character so it's not like it's even paramount to the storyline - she's just in the background looking like a dwarf in a scooter. As an angel.

There's nobody as interesting as the kids or whichfinders from Season 1. The 'mystery' isn't actually going anywhere. Jon Hamm is being played as a fish out of water when he ALWAYS works best as the coolest guy in the room.

This thing is just...ordinary. There's absolutely nothing about it worth watching. It's a hell of a bummer because Pratchett and Gaiman built a heck of a universe for them to operate in.
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Old 07-30-2023, 02:49 PM   #2376
Zebedee DuBois Zebedee DuBois is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
Season 2 of Good Omens isn't nearly as good, sadly.

And now the part that probably annoys me most. They have a wheelchair...
Heh...the wheelchair angel made me chuckle. I realize we have zero information on what heaven is really like. Anyone's take on it is as good as anybody else's.

The thing that is surprising (and amusing) to me is how clueless all the angels and demons are about what is going on. The do not have a freaking clue. One of my personal hopes for heaven would be that we finally understand what all the inexplicable things of life mean, like why innocent and good people suffer. I was hoping we would walk through the pearly gates and go, "Oh, I get it now!"

And John Hamm nails the role of pompous buffoon.

I'm enjoying it.
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Old 07-31-2023, 01:44 PM   #2377
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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I’ve been watching the new Peele version of The Twilight Zone and the latest season of Black Mirror simultaneously.

To be totally honest, I’m enjoying Twilight Zone a bit more.. was cool to see a BM episode with Josh Hartnett and Aaron Paul together though.
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Old 08-12-2023, 06:36 PM   #2378
mlyonsd mlyonsd is offline

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The ******* That Built America series on the History Channel

A conversation with displacedinMN gave me the idea to post this.

For a couple years I've been latched on to 'The ******* That Built America Series' on the History Channel. Sunday nights is when they air new episodes.

They've done several different series, like The Men TBA, The Food TBA, The Machines TBA. There are a bunch more. Currently they are on The Mega-Brands TBA.

Last week the episode was on sports mega brands. They highlighted sporting goods pioneers Spalding, Wilson, and Rawlings. The replay is tomorrow night at 7pm CT.

Very interesting how the modern baseball, glove, football were created and then evolved.

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Old 08-22-2023, 12:49 PM   #2379
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Anyone watch Untold on Netflix? The two-parter on Manti T'eo was really good.
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Old 08-23-2023, 04:44 PM   #2380
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I finished Invasion S1 on Apple TV

I thought it was well done for the most part. Maybe a little heavy handed, which seems inline with other Apple shows I've watched (not necessarily a bad thing)

It has a mix of storyline vantage points where some were more developed than others but overall I really enjoyed it

Also, Shioli Kutsuna is um, well is um...just wow
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Old 08-23-2023, 07:16 PM   #2381
Buehler445 Buehler445 is offline
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So I watched Love and Death on Max. I was trying to work through everything I wanted to see before I cancelled. I think it's a really good watch, but be it known that I know nothing about the case in real life.

1. Let's get it out of the way early. Elizabeth Olsen is hot as the surface of the sun. I absolutely hate 80s fashion, it covers up everything good about anybody. It isn't flattering, it isn't sexy, it doesn't accentuate any good features, it's just bleh. And they tried to cover up how hot she is, but it shows through. She's ****ing incredible. OK, now that that is out of the way.

2. My journey with Elizabeth Olsen is weird. I thought she was horrific in Age of Ultron. Absolutely blazing hot but bad. After time, I've softened a bit. She does a very nice job in a few places. After her brother dies, and while she's hiding with Hawkeye are really pretty good. I let that color my viewing of the rest of the MCU. I was here for the titties. Then I watched WandaVision. She was ****ing incredible in that (In addition to the titties). I don't understand why that isn't talked about more. I thought it was really ****ing good, and she was downright incredible. Sure the final fight with Kathryn Hahn was not great from a graphics perspective, but the whole thing had weight. "What is grief if not love persevering?" is goddamned compelling. And she was really good. They dopey sitcom stuff was pretty easy, but she executed it with a bit of a horror undertone which is really difficult. She was phenomenal.

Somewhere along the way I watched Old Boy (again for the titties). Don't do that. Look them up on the internet. You don't need to know the context there. I don't remember ****all about her performance because the whole context threw me for a loop that I didn't need.

Which leads me to this. She was really good. The whole thing was a difficult ask, and she was really good. There is a shitload of nuance in there, and executed it. IMO she does not get the credit for being as good of an actress as she is.

3. I'm guessing Plemmons is going to or got roasted for his performance, but I'm guessing it was based on the real guy. I too thought he was really solid. There was a lot of really nuanced stuff in it that led to a solid watch.

4. Probably much like the real story, I have no idea what to think about motive there.

Good stuff. Definitely recommend.

The holdout for cancelling Max was Warrior. Yeah, the show has almost no believability, but **** it, I'm in. The fight scenes are pretty good and the dynamic was at least intriguing. I was really compelled by Young Jun's story early (until he took over the tong).

The last season wasn't as good as the earlier ones, but WTF? I still enjoyed it.

I still laugh hard at "You had that the whole time?" when Young Jun pulls out the gun. God that's funny.
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Old 08-26-2023, 02:09 PM   #2382
ChiliConCarnage ChiliConCarnage is offline
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Originally Posted by KCUnited View Post
I finished Invasion S1 on Apple TV

I thought it was well done for the most part. Maybe a little heavy handed, which seems inline with other Apple shows I've watched (not necessarily a bad thing)

It has a mix of storyline vantage points where some were more developed than others but overall I really enjoyed it

Also, Shioli Kutsuna is um, well is um...just wow
The previews for S2 looked interesting. I thought I'd heard the first season was a dud tho. I'll check it out in the future
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Old 08-28-2023, 07:30 AM   #2383
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Not sure where else to put this but the new (2023) Jim Jefferies Netflix standup is the hardest I've laughed in a bit
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Old 08-28-2023, 07:48 AM   #2384
mikeyis4dcats. mikeyis4dcats. is offline
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I'm a bit behind the times, but started binging Ballers last week on Netflix. Good times!
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Old 08-30-2023, 10:50 AM   #2385
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by Buehler445 View Post
So I watched Love and Death on Max...

3. I'm guessing Plemmons is going to or got roasted for his performance, but I'm guessing it was based on the real guy. I too thought he was really solid. There was a lot of really nuanced stuff in it that led to a solid watch.
A) Elizabeth Olsen references will pretty much pull me from anywhere on this board to weigh on. God almighty.

B) Man, I wish I hadn't have seen this part.

Jesse Plemons pretty much sucks. You had me intrigued but that makes me a little wary.

I guess I need to see that Western he was in with Benedict Cumberbatch but anything else I've seen him in has him just getting wrecked. Dude - what were you thinking taking a role in The Irishman? You can't hang with ANY of those guys. The Key Grip can probably do a better job than you. Just...why?

He keeps getting good gigs with great casts - some SOMEBODY disagrees with me. I just don't see it.

Maybe Chris Jones should hire his agent?
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