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Old 08-31-2015, 10:39 AM  
Gonzo Gonzo is offline
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All Things Video Games/Game Reviews Part II

Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.

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Old 02-25-2022, 12:35 PM   #2326
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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You're playing too cautious then. That boss is designed to punish you unless you get up close to it.
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Old 02-25-2022, 12:37 PM   #2327
htismaqe htismaqe is offline
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Originally Posted by Superturtle View Post
You're playing too cautious then. That boss is designed to punish you unless you get up close to it.
I tried several approaches. I'm just not quick enough to keep from getting hit.

I made it to MR158 on Monster Hunter World before I finally got to a point where I just wasn't quick enough to take on high powered bosses.

I can't do games with iframes and shit like that.
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Old 02-25-2022, 12:39 PM   #2328
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Gotcha. You could always just turtle then
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Old 02-25-2022, 02:48 PM   #2329
htismaqe htismaqe is offline
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Funny shit...

I follow GI on Facebook and they posted about the "open letter" From, talking about framerate and other performance issues people are having.

The first comment on their post is "I'm not having any performance problems. The only problem I'm having is DYING FROM EVERYTHING"

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Old 02-25-2022, 03:01 PM   #2330
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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This game is easier than a normal FromSoft. For one you can actually restock your heals after clearing a mob.
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Old 02-25-2022, 03:24 PM   #2331
The Franchise The Franchise is offline
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You can upgrade your character and buy new gear with an all-purpose currency called Runes, which every enemy drops upon defeat. If you die, you get one chance to recover your runes; if you fail, they’re gone forever. This is as frustrating as it sounds, but it also provides a killer incentive to play carefully and consistently. However, the game is relatively stingy with Runes, even when enemy difficulty starts ramping up. Once you get past the initial areas, even scouring a whole level is usually not enough for a single level-up, which is doubly frustrating if you die and lose your Runes somewhere along the way. This design necessitates a lot of tedious grinding at reliable Rune spots.
Yeah that’s going to be a no from me, dawg.
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Old 02-25-2022, 03:28 PM   #2332
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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That's literally every SoulsBorne game ever.
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Old 02-25-2022, 03:30 PM   #2333
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And no, it's actually quite easy to grind up early game. 2 spots where you can force enemies to hit each other and do the work for you.
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Old 02-25-2022, 07:11 PM   #2334
Stryker Stryker is offline
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Just curious, I have been a PC gamer for a VERY long time. I do NOT understand the love for RPG's. So MUCH ****ing time and devotion for a seemingly endless conclusion if there is even one at all. See Everquest. That is just way too much devotion for me.
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Old 02-25-2022, 07:47 PM   #2335
tredadda tredadda is online now
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Originally Posted by htismaqe View Post
I couldn't beat the first boss in Dark Souls III. So leveling up, getting better gears, etc. wasn't even really an option yet. It was that hard for me.
For me it was Demon’s Souls. I sucked so much at that game that I have abandoned playing any Dark Souls game.
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Old 02-25-2022, 08:02 PM   #2336
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Woof. First legit boss of Elden Ring does not **** around. Beat him 2nd try but I was kitted out to the max and still had a pretty rough go of it. If you don't go exploring and just follow the path the game sets for you your asshole is going to be ripped to shreds.
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Old 02-25-2022, 08:05 PM   #2337
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There's a cracked version out, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Playing on PC using an XBox wireless controller. The controller buttons wouldn't work. The sticks both worked for motion and camera, but nothing else. After fighting with that, I found online that the game is really weird with input devices. I had to unplug my keyboard and mouse both, launch Steam in Big Picture mode, use the controller to navigate and launch the game. Only then would the controller function properly.

After I finally got into the game, the very first bad guy I ran into was the Tree Sentinel. Big guy on a horse. Couldn't run away from him because he's on a ****ing horse and I'm not. Tried hiding from him in a little building, and he destroyed the building and killed me anyway. LOL. I did manage to sneak around him a couple times, but then ran into another group of creatures that waxed me in 3 shots. After about the 12th instadeath I gave up.

Oh and just for kicks, I tried to attack this guy at the very beginning who was just trying to give me some advice. Bad idea. He was right beside the spawn point. Of course, he turned violent and killed me effortlessly. Then I kept spawning again right beside him, so he immediately started attacking me at every respawn, making things even worse.

I might give it another try, but it was a pretty rough first impression. Really wish there were a way to adjust the difficulty...
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Old 02-25-2022, 08:12 PM   #2338
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Mother ****ER there's an item to make the fight easier. No wonder that shit was so hard for a first boss
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Old 02-25-2022, 08:50 PM   #2339
Chief Pagan Chief Pagan is offline
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Originally Posted by The Franchise View Post
I get that Dark Souls is supposed to be hard but damn….create a mode that is a little more forgiving and you’d have more people buying your game.
You know, I wish games would have an old farts mode. You could do it as a six month or one year delay or something, fine, so the whippersnappers can still gloat about finishing a real game while it matters.

But there's got to be a lot of guys who are retired who have time (no kids at home) and money and would still like to play FPS and RPG.

But not online against anyone else and the difficulty needs to have knobs to reduce it to a level appropriate for someone who needs reading glasses and doesn't climb stairs very quickly anymore.

Edit: And I may have time but I'm not interested in having to grind the shit out of everything. Been there, done that.
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Old 02-25-2022, 08:50 PM   #2340
htismaqe htismaqe is offline
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Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
Just curious, I have been a PC gamer for a VERY long time. I do NOT understand the love for RPG's. So MUCH ****ing time and devotion for a seemingly endless conclusion if there is even one at all. See Everquest. That is just way too much devotion for me.
MMORPG's are structured way different than single-player RPG's.
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