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Old 05-21-2012, 09:43 PM  
Fish Fish is offline
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Science is Cool....

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Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.Fish is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 02-18-2016, 11:41 PM   #2236
Buehler445 Buehler445 is offline
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
Is Dave Lane still around? I haven't been to DC in a while and haven't seen him in the Lounge.
He posted in the national parks thread.
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Old 02-18-2016, 11:42 PM   #2237
Buehler445 Buehler445 is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRedChief View Post
Death of a Star. Hubble telescope.

Is there a hires of that anywhere? That's awesome!
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Old 02-18-2016, 11:44 PM   #2238
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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Originally Posted by Buehler445 View Post
He posted in the national parks thread.


Legitimately just read the last 120-ish posts in that one after posting this.
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Old 02-19-2016, 12:04 AM   #2239
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Dave is around.Here's one of his.

Mahomes is not a game manager. Release the Kraken.
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Old 02-19-2016, 12:09 AM   #2240
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Originally Posted by Buehler445 View Post
Is there a hires of that anywhere? That's awesome!
Same star dying but a different pic
Mahomes is not a game manager. Release the Kraken.
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Old 02-19-2016, 07:39 AM   #2241
GloryDayz GloryDayz is offline
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
Is Dave Lane still around? I haven't been to DC in a while and haven't seen him in the Lounge.
He is. Very active actually.
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Old 02-19-2016, 10:40 PM   #2242
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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Originally Posted by ThaVirus View Post
Is Dave Lane still around? I haven't been to DC in a while and haven't seen him in the Lounge.
I've been around but had to take some time off. Have two columns I write now, had a speech tonight at the Museum at Prairiefire, one last week at the Science Cafe, one next week at the KC Camera club, have a one hour special on my work next week on NPR / KCUR. Have two workshops for students this summer I'm having to prep and a NASA Image I'm working on.

But other than the fact that's not even what I do for a living, I got mad time on my hands
Thanks, Trump for the civics lesson. We are learning so much about RICO, espionage, sedition, impeachment, the 25th Amendment, order of succession, nepotism, separation of powers, 1st Amendment, obstruction of justice, the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, collusion, sanctions, oligarchs, money laundering and so much more.
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Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 02-20-2016, 10:02 AM   #2243
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Originally Posted by Dave Lane View Post
I've been around but had to take some time off. Have two columns I write now, had a speech tonight at the Museum at Prairiefire, one last week at the Science Cafe, one next week at the KC Camera club, have a one hour special on my work next week on NPR / KCUR. Have two workshops for students this summer I'm having to prep and a NASA Image I'm working on.

But other than the fact that's not even what I do for a living, I got mad time on my hands
Dude, when you gonna stop slacking off?
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RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.RINGLEADER has parlayed a career as a truck driver into debt free trailer and jon boat ownership.
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Old 02-20-2016, 10:09 AM   #2244
Fish Fish is offline
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Old 02-29-2016, 08:17 PM   #2245
Fish Fish is offline
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Wow you guys.... watch this in 4K....

Astronomers Just Released A New, 187-Million-Pixel Map of the Milky Way

European Southern Observatory (ESO) has revealed the most comprehensive image of the Milky Way to mark the completion of the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL). The recent achievement of the team gives us the most detailed view of the galaxy and is four times larger than any other image of galaxy. This image was captured by the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment telescope (APEX), located in Chile’s Atacama region on the Chajnantor Plateau, 5,100 meters above the sea level. The new ATLASGAL maps cover an area of sky 140 degrees long and 3 degrees wide.


This survey is the first to capture the Galactic Plane, including most of the regions of star formation in the Milky Way Galaxy that allowed the scientists to visualize gas and dust clouds with temperatures just above absolute zero. Erin Blakemore says “Cooled to just a fraction above absolute zero, the camera detects tiny emissions from bands of dark gas and dust that can't be viewed by the naked eye."

The team used supersensitive instruments, The Large Bolometer Camera (LABOCA). It measures the incoming radiations by recording the tiny rise in temperature it causes on its detectors. ESO says that this instrument can detect emission from the cold dark dust bands concealing the stellar light.

Leonardo Testi from ATLASGAL, and the team memberof the European Project Scientist for the ALMA project explained “ATLASGAL has allowed us to have a new and transformational look at the dense interstellar medium of the Milky Way. The new release of the full survey opens up the possibility to mine this stunning dataset for new discoveries. Many teams of scientists are already using the ATLASGAL data to plan for detailed ALMA follow-up."

This ATLASGAL’s break-through will allow the researchers to determine how our galaxy acts and what it's composed of. A more detailed analysis will expose more about our galactic past and where our Solar System might go in the future.
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Old 02-29-2016, 10:16 PM   #2246
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
I haven't put nearly the time into this I ought to, but by cursory observation our problem to now hasn't been identifying phenomena. It's been isolating the phenomena from ambient noise and verify it is what we think it is.

Think taking a concert recording and trying to isolate a single voice in the crowd. Well now we've identified and isolated a voice and it appears that it is saying what we expected it to say. Now we apply these methods to the whole back catalog of concert recordings.
Thanks, Trump for the civics lesson. We are learning so much about RICO, espionage, sedition, impeachment, the 25th Amendment, order of succession, nepotism, separation of powers, 1st Amendment, obstruction of justice, the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, collusion, sanctions, oligarchs, money laundering and so much more.
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Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 02-29-2016, 10:27 PM   #2247
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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I hate mother****ers in the Southern Hemisphere they have sooooooo many more items to shoot. I couldn't even recognize one object in the video.

I thought I took a pretty good image of my farm.
Thanks, Trump for the civics lesson. We are learning so much about RICO, espionage, sedition, impeachment, the 25th Amendment, order of succession, nepotism, separation of powers, 1st Amendment, obstruction of justice, the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, collusion, sanctions, oligarchs, money laundering and so much more.
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Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.Dave Lane is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 02-29-2016, 10:36 PM   #2248
GloryDayz GloryDayz is offline
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It's beautiful. God does some pretty darn good work...

Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Wow you guys.... watch this in 4K....

Astronomers Just Released A New, 187-Million-Pixel Map of the Milky Way

European Southern Observatory (ESO) has revealed the most comprehensive image of the Milky Way to mark the completion of the APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL). The recent achievement of the team gives us the most detailed view of the galaxy and is four times larger than any other image of galaxy. This image was captured by the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment telescope (APEX), located in Chile’s Atacama region on the Chajnantor Plateau, 5,100 meters above the sea level. The new ATLASGAL maps cover an area of sky 140 degrees long and 3 degrees wide.


This survey is the first to capture the Galactic Plane, including most of the regions of star formation in the Milky Way Galaxy that allowed the scientists to visualize gas and dust clouds with temperatures just above absolute zero. Erin Blakemore says “Cooled to just a fraction above absolute zero, the camera detects tiny emissions from bands of dark gas and dust that can't be viewed by the naked eye."

The team used supersensitive instruments, The Large Bolometer Camera (LABOCA). It measures the incoming radiations by recording the tiny rise in temperature it causes on its detectors. ESO says that this instrument can detect emission from the cold dark dust bands concealing the stellar light.

Leonardo Testi from ATLASGAL, and the team memberof the European Project Scientist for the ALMA project explained “ATLASGAL has allowed us to have a new and transformational look at the dense interstellar medium of the Milky Way. The new release of the full survey opens up the possibility to mine this stunning dataset for new discoveries. Many teams of scientists are already using the ATLASGAL data to plan for detailed ALMA follow-up."

This ATLASGAL’s break-through will allow the researchers to determine how our galaxy acts and what it's composed of. A more detailed analysis will expose more about our galactic past and where our Solar System might go in the future.
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Old 03-01-2016, 01:25 PM   #2249
Holladay Holladay is offline
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Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.Holladay Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.
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Old 03-01-2016, 03:49 PM   #2250
Pitt Gorilla Pitt Gorilla is offline
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Poor man's representation of a magnetic field:

That is awesome.

Your son is a bench warmer because of your weak genetics not because of the coach

Norlin Mommsen is disgusting.
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