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Old 02-08-2022, 12:57 PM  
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Old 11-07-2023, 04:04 PM   #196
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It just occurred to me how much I'd have enjoyed this bypassing the main quest/characters new playthrough if it had been an option in Fallout 4. Fallout 4 without the baby Shaun hunt and Preston Garvey would have been wonderful.
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Old 11-07-2023, 06:55 PM   #197
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Another thing I should mention - all that random shit that gets added to your inventory is actually pretty cool. I let it build up through a couple of ship mods and hijackings, and when it came time to sell it I cleaned out three vendors in Neon for over 20,000 credits dumping it. In addition to the miscellaneous stuff, food items are added in aid and bulk coffee/tea stuff is added to resources. Some of those things are worth decent coin, especially when you have 20 or 30 of them to sell. I can't imagine why the Trade Authority guy would pay me for "bitten sandwiches," but he does. Maybe the wife didn't pack him a lunch - he is kind of a dick. The biggest headache is making sure you don't accidentally sell stuff that's mixed in with it, like useful medical items and ship parts. I accidentally sold all my ship parts and then got jumped by a bunch of spacers later. That was a bit of a problem.

I just hope I don't wear out the "E" on my keyboard, because I've been mashing the shit out of it.
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Old 11-07-2023, 10:19 PM   #198
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Old 11-09-2023, 12:58 AM   #199
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Supposedly a lot of fixes in this update. Haven't tested yet though..

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Old 11-09-2023, 09:41 AM   #200
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Supposedly a lot of fixes in this update. Haven't tested yet though..

****ing Bethesda. Not ONE of major bugs I've encountered is on the list of shit they've (allegedly) fixed. Hell, the only one listed that I've seen at all is the NPCs occasionally running around in their underwear, which has exactly zero impact on my gameplay. Even their bug fixes are buggy.
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Old 11-09-2023, 12:53 PM   #201
AdolfOliverBush AdolfOliverBush is offline

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Reading through this thread, this game seems exhausting. It sounds like a ridiculous learning curve for something that is supposed to be fun.
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Old 11-09-2023, 02:23 PM   #202
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Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush View Post
Reading through this thread, this game seems exhausting. It sounds like a ridiculous learning curve for something that is supposed to be fun.
It is fun. Sometimes it's barely been just enough fun to make up for the buggy crap, but I am enjoying it.

I played Kingdom Come Deliverance for quite a while. You want to talk about a difficult game - that's it. And it wasn't buggy at all. But whoever designed the combat interface must hate people the way I hate Denver. It was a bitch when I started and stayed a bitch. Even after I maxed out all the skills there was never a time when I couldn't get greased by a bunch of no level peasants with pitchforks and sticks. You always had to sneak around, and you could always get caught no matter how well you did it. And I swear to God I was a better archer when I was a child in real life than the character in this game is with maxed out skills. You never gain godlike fighter/thief/archer abilities, there are no magical powers, and while you can make healing/enhancement potions, you can't use them in combat. You're always just Hal, the bumbling, extremely mortal, medieval blacksmith's boy, only with some training and better weapons. I rage quit that ****er at least a dozen times, but it was such a cool game that I always went back.

That game was a lot more frustrating than this one.
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Old 11-09-2023, 03:25 PM   #203
gh4chiefs gh4chiefs is offline

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Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush View Post
Reading through this thread, this game seems exhausting. It sounds like a ridiculous learning curve for something that is supposed to be fun.
That's EXACTLY how I felt about it. The learning curve/complexity factor >>>> fun factor. I played it for a long time but realized it just wasn't worth it. I moved on to Assassins Creed Mirage and I'm enjoying it MUCH more. For one thing it's not so frickin' complicated just to do basic stuff.
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Old 11-10-2023, 12:22 AM   #204
Wallcrawler Wallcrawler is offline
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
Well, I had a nice rant, but the next day I was right back at it. Was close enough to the end that I was able to power through to the end and get to P2.

The two constant bugs I deal with now involve the inventory blipout when capturing another ship and the time slowing power being ****ed up. There wasn't any grace period where shit worked right; much like Tupalov's torpedoes, they went active the minute the game launched. I've just learned to deal with it. Whenever I take over an enemy ship I go back, grab all the cargo, takeover the new ship, then redock with my old ship, reselect it as my home ship, and put the cargo back in the hold. It's a pain, but it works. Also, if you register a ship in space when you first capture it, the fee is substantially less, which is nice.

I bypassed all the Constellation crap this time around. One weird thing, which is apparently pretty rare, is that this time around when I went to the Lodge I encountered my own character. I recruited him as a follower, so now I'm going through the game with myself. Obviously a lot of content isn't available now. I guess I could have Sarah as a follower/crewmember, but I'm kind of sick of her shit, so I've left her in the Lodge so far. Perhaps I'll make her a follower again to see if the romance thing works (I'm not going to **** myself ), but so far I just have the robot and the extra me. Other me isn't nearly as annoying as the other followers, except he's always reminding me how bad the atmosphere is and that we need our spacesuits, even in New Atlantis. It seems like there's no way to find Andreja, and I haven't been to Akila yet, so I don't know how/if the Rangers quest will work. No sign of whiny Sam or his mouthy brat, or the odious Barrett, which is wonderful. I've mainly been killing pirates, stealing ships and upgrading stuff at my own pace, while tinkering a bit with outposts, which is still clunky and shitty but I'm getting better at it. The game seems to work better without the main story line mucking shit up. So far, anyway (knock on wood). I guess if it starts ****ing up again I'll power through to the next level and do it all over again.

My most recent one, I walked into the lodge and Andreja was with a Cadre of House Varuun and tried to kill me. It didn't work out for her.

Apparently if you chose the serpent trait upon character creation, there's a line you can recite to show her that you too belong to House Varuun and she will no longer be hostile.

Each time you ng+ there's about a 10% chance you'll encounter some crazy shit at the lodge.

I've also encountered a grown up furious Cora Coe who wants to kill me for either letting Sam die in her universe, or killing him.

Whenever these aberrations happen, your only course is the story skip and head to the next run if you want to play the story over.
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
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Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old 11-10-2023, 02:48 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by Wallcrawler View Post

My most recent one, I walked into the lodge and Andreja was with a Cadre of House Varuun and tried to kill me. It didn't work out for her.

Apparently if you chose the serpent trait upon character creation, there's a line you can recite to show her that you too belong to House Varuun and she will no longer be hostile.

Each time you ng+ there's about a 10% chance you'll encounter some crazy shit at the lodge.

I've also encountered a grown up furious Cora Coe who wants to kill me for either letting Sam die in her universe, or killing him.

Whenever these aberrations happen, your only course is the story skip and head to the next run if you want to play the story over.
I can't imagine I'll ever play the main quest again, unless I'm feeling particularly masochistic one day and decide to start the whole thing over. The only advantages are the romance/sex EXP bonus and getting the free ship from Walter's follow-up quest. That's it. And not having to slog through that overwrought ****er or deal with some of the worst followers in Bethesda history far outweigh them. Also, is there an NG+ version where you get to shoot Matteo in the face, because I'd really enjoy that. Thank God that prick never leaves New Atlantis.

Anyway, I'm currently attempting to set up this mess.

How this Vash guy figured all this shit out I can't imagine. He must never sleep, be a super genious and play this shit 24/7. I don't know if I'll make it or not, and the process will likely take days (real days, not game days) to accomplish, assuming I don't get bug ****ed to death, but I'm going to give it the old college try. The end result is mass producing the most expensive resource in the game while rolling in EXP. Wish me luck.
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Old 11-11-2023, 09:50 AM   #206
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
I can't imagine I'll ever play the main quest again, unless I'm feeling particularly masochistic one day and decide to start the whole thing over. The only advantages are the romance/sex EXP bonus and getting the free ship from Walter's follow-up quest. That's it. And not having to slog through that overwrought ****er or deal with some of the worst followers in Bethesda history far outweigh them. Also, is there an NG+ version where you get to shoot Matteo in the face, because I'd really enjoy that. Thank God that prick never leaves New Atlantis.

Anyway, I'm currently attempting to set up this mess.

How this Vash guy figured all this shit out I can't imagine. He must never sleep, be a super genious and play this shit 24/7. I don't know if I'll make it or not, and the process will likely take days (real days, not game days) to accomplish, assuming I don't get bug ****ed to death, but I'm going to give it the old college try. The end result is mass producing the most expensive resource in the game while rolling in EXP. Wish me luck.
Im gonna try this stuff later, when I have my 10th starborn armor and maxed phased time, and I have a ng+ that will allow another quest run.

That will be the one I need all the money for ship parts and things on.

It's a shame there isn't more than 10 ship slots. Perhaps the mods will expand that when they release for console.
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
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Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old 11-11-2023, 02:37 PM   #207
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Originally Posted by Wallcrawler View Post
Im gonna try this stuff later, when I have my 10th starborn armor and maxed phased time, and I have a ng+ that will allow another quest run.

That will be the one I need all the money for ship parts and things on.

It's a shame there isn't more than 10 ship slots. Perhaps the mods will expand that when they release for console.
If/When Bethesda ever releases the modding tools....
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Old 11-13-2023, 12:39 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by Imon Yourside View Post
If/When Bethesda ever releases the modding tools....
2024 sometime before consoles are supported, so it's gonna be a while for me.
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old 11-13-2023, 06:03 PM   #209
Frazod Frazod is offline
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Well, I'm still dragging my feet on the EXP thing, mainly because I strongly suspect it will end up not working right and bugging the **** out of the game, but I have been tinkering around with glitch building on the ships. That opens up a whole new level of design and is just cool as hell. By using glitches you can double up stuff in one spot, giving you extra room and also creating connection points that wouldn't otherwise be there. I just completed a build where I was able to double up six full size C Class engines into three spots, with it being just a single level taller, so the structural pieces work perfectly with them. Was also able to double cargo storage into landing gear and structural pieces, and also use structural pieces to hide my shield, shield jammer, reactor, fuel tank, grav drive and several weapons (I couldn't hide them all because I just ran out of room, but all the remaining external ones are on the bottom). The result is a ship that is compact and sleek, with nothing showing on the top but a docker, but is max shielded, fully armed and has a shit ton of cargo capacity. I did have to sacrifice a couple of habs, so there is no extra berthing space now and I guess my two human crew members are sleeping on the floor in the science lab or workshop, but **** 'em. Also, you really can't stack stuff into hab modules, because the extra stuff shows up when you're in the interior of the ship and is really wonky. But other than that, this stuff is awesome. It really makes the design aspect almost limitless.
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Old 11-20-2023, 07:30 AM   #210
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Anybody else still playing this brokedick turd?

After much procrastination, I finally decided to go all in with that crazy endgame outpost setup. Spent hours shuttling resources around setting shit up, building the outposts to the specs in the video, which was about as fun as a tax audit. Once I started adding the cargo links I noticed my load times starting to go up, and the minute I started activating them the game crashed. It didn't glitch; it crashed. Or as Michael Palin might say, it burned down, fell over and sank into the swamp. That, combined with the general misery or setting everything up, resulted in an instantaneous punt, so now I'm on to NG+3. From now on, outposts will just be outposts - nothing more than resource generators that I will never again try to link to anything. Hell, the ****ing cargo transfer containers don't even work right for me. Perhaps you need a superfast processor to make the game function correctly to do that crap, or know all the codes you can enter to fix it. Who knows? All I know is it ain't for me.

At least this last round wasn't nearly as buggy as the previous ones (other than the outposts). I never had to manually switch my cargo from captured ship to home ship, and none of the locations bugged out. I guess that's a step in the right direction. I also started playing stealth, which breathed a bit of new life into the combat play.

And I have the shipbuilding thing mastered at this point. Still far and away the best aspect of the game, and frankly the only reason I'm still playing it. This is my latest creation, based initially on the Crimson Fleet Wight, which is pretty much as good as it gets. Nice combination of various ship part types, high mobility, brutal weaponry, 12K cargo capacity, and every external attachment hidden. Gone with the wind now that I restarted, but I'll build another one just like it.

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