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View Poll Results: What Lever You Flippin??
Yes 16 14.16%
No 16 14.16%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote Yes 59 52.21%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote No 22 19.47%
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Old 03-28-2024, 08:28 AM  
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Stadium Watch 2024 -Jackson County Residents: How Are You Voting?

Vote in this poll if you actually live in Jackson county.

We've all shared our opinions in the other thread. But who gives a shit what somebody in Platte County or Johnson County or Phoenix or NYC thinks. We're all just noise.
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Old 06-19-2024, 01:30 PM   #2011
loochy loochy is offline
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Originally Posted by GloryDayz View Post
It's all good, it'll be a fun trip to make occasionally.

Hey Loochy, I'm hoooome!
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Old 06-19-2024, 01:33 PM   #2012
vonBobo vonBobo is offline

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Originally Posted by tk13 View Post
His biggest issue is he's not a powerless idiot on a message board like the rest of us. He's the most powerful elected official in the county. He has influence here even though he doesn't act like it. Where he's going to to run into an issue is if Kansas politicians take a different approach and say "Clark we want to work with you to address your weaknesses and come up with a plan that works for everyone" instead of "Bring me a plan I like and then I'll support it." He's definitely left the door wide open here.
And you know this how?
Maybe frank would have worked through the details if the big questions were solved?
Everyone is so quick to blame Frank but no one has a motive to pin on him, it's mostly just hate for the guy driving a narrative to also reflect poorly on him.

Is it possible neither team nor either league wants the TSC combined contracts anymore so the teams forced a shit show onto the voters so they get what they want?

Alternatively, what is Frank's motivation for being the one to lose the teams? There is zero reason for him to do this other than he knows the teams are full of shit.
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Old 06-19-2024, 01:38 PM   #2013
|Zach| |Zach| is offline
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Originally Posted by Hoover View Post
Teams are not going to spend millions of dollars on detailed stadium plans until they know whether not the revenue is there. Royals wanted to build a cowtown stadium. There was a conception plan on how it would look. What else do you need? This vote was about whether the Royals should build downtown or not. The last minute shit from the Chiefs was like "oh wait, what are you guys doing with the money." It was never about them, but it sure determined a course for the future.
The team was only assed enough to provide a couple of drawings for the truckloads of money we were going to dump at their feet and Hoover is like "what more could you possibly of wanted"

This is the community we live and work in but have free reign to do whatever the hell you want anywhere and by the way take our money. I see you made a couple little drawings so obviously I do not have anymore follow up questions!
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Old 06-19-2024, 02:12 PM   #2014
ChiefsFanatic ChiefsFanatic is offline
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Originally Posted by Pablo View Post
He’s yet to do anything positive for Kansas City but is beloved by a huge chunk of residents

I don't know anyone outside of CDot that likes him.
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Old 06-19-2024, 02:15 PM   #2015
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Originally Posted by Kiimo View Post
Oh really? I didn't know that.

If it does end up at Legends imagine being a student at KU and you can drive 28 minutes down I-70 to go to the Chiefs game on Sunday and then just drive back. It would be incredible. I bet they'll have shuttles so people don't drink and drive. I'm jealous of young people just thinking about it. That bus would be LIT
You think a college kid will be able to afford tickets? Unless their mommy or daddy is wealthy, the pricing for tickets to a new billion dollar plus stadium in the NFL are going to be well out of a college students budget.

If we build a new stadium, by the time it hosts its first regular season NFL game, nosebleed seats will probably be about $300 face value.
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Old 06-19-2024, 02:21 PM   #2016
stevieray stevieray is offline
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They're named after Roe Bartle.

They go across the State Line, they could possibly change the name if Kansas is going to be their permanent home.

Lot of tradition in KC, but I don't know how much sway that has, if at all, with younger fans.

It all boils down to what will make them the most money.

That said:

If they build it, they will come.
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Old 06-19-2024, 02:22 PM   #2017
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Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic View Post
You think a college kid will be able to afford tickets? Unless their mommy or daddy is wealthy, the pricing for tickets to a new billion dollar plus stadium in the NFL are going to be well out of a college students budget.

If we build a new stadium, by the time it hosts its first regular season NFL game, nosebleed seats will probably be about $300 face value.
They can't afford those tickets now so does it matter?
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Old 06-19-2024, 02:23 PM   #2018
tk13 tk13 is offline
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Originally Posted by vonBobo View Post
And you know this how?
Maybe frank would have worked through the details if the big questions were solved?
Everyone is so quick to blame Frank but no one has a motive to pin on him, it's mostly just hate for the guy driving a narrative to also reflect poorly on him.

Is it possible neither team nor either league wants the TSC combined contracts anymore so the teams forced a shit show onto the voters so they get what they want?

Alternatively, what is Frank's motivation for being the one to lose the teams? There is zero reason for him to do this other than he knows the teams are full of shit.
None of us really know, all we can do is make educated guesses based on people's words and actions.

The groundwork was laid for that months ago before this was ever a hot button issue. I do think McDowell's done good reporting on this, he's not been afraid to criticize both teams but still lay out what's he's hearing according to his sources from both the teams and government officials. That's why I posted this thread from an article he did a while ago.


From the beginning the Chiefs went to the county to try and get the tax extended and according to the team, the county was not responsive. And by all accounts, it seems that a lot of people both in government and with the teams have thought that Frank believes the current lease was not a good lease. So we're not even sure if he was truly in favor of extending the 3/8th tax with no changes at all.

Frank has become the face of that for sure, but to be fair he's also not expressed too many opinions other than what the teams are doing is bad. He has every right to do that, but my point was still that putting all the onus on the teams will open the door for other groups who want to be more proactive to come in and say "Here's another option, let's work together" and negotiate something different. Given Sherman's wife's comments on Facebook and the comments other people have made, including McDowell on that podcast, he's not entirely sure the Chiefs want to work with Frank White again, it seems to open the door for another group to come in with a more proactive strategy to try and work with the teams to negotiate a plan. You're seeing it now. Kansas is saying "We want the teams" and Frank White still can't even say "No we want them to stay here."
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Old 06-19-2024, 05:25 PM   #2019
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Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic View Post
You think a college kid will be able to afford tickets? Unless their mommy or daddy is wealthy, the pricing for tickets to a new billion dollar plus stadium in the NFL are going to be well out of a college students budget.

If we build a new stadium, by the time it hosts its first regular season NFL game, nosebleed seats will probably be about $300 face value.

If I was a college sophomore I'd take the shuttle to the parking lot and tailgate then shuttle back.
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Old 06-19-2024, 11:24 PM   #2020
GeorgeZimZam GeorgeZimZam is offline
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Firm envisions Royals stadium a place where 'Homeruns can be hit out of one state and into another'

Kansas City-based firm MANICA released conceptual renderings

Firm releases conceptual renderings for Royals stadium near state line

archived 20 Jun 2024 05:20:15 UTC
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Old 06-19-2024, 11:45 PM   #2021
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Oof. That sure ain’t the crossroads.

Is this Marnie’s dream location??
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Old 06-20-2024, 12:36 AM   #2022
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Originally Posted by GeorgeZimZam View Post

Firm envisions Royals stadium a place where 'Homeruns can be hit out of one state and into another'

Kansas City-based firm MANICA released conceptual renderings

Firm releases conceptual renderings for Royals stadium near state line

archived 20 Jun 2024 05:20:15 UTC
Ironically that site in those renderings are owned by the same family that owns the KC Star building.
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Old 06-20-2024, 05:15 AM   #2023
vonBobo vonBobo is offline

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Originally Posted by tk13 View Post
None of us really know, all we can do is make educated guesses based on people's words and actions.

The groundwork was laid for that months ago before this was ever a hot button issue. I do think McDowell's done good reporting on this, he's not been afraid to criticize both teams but still lay out what's he's hearing according to his sources from both the teams and government officials. That's why I posted this thread from an article he did a while ago.


From the beginning the Chiefs went to the county to try and get the tax extended and according to the team, the county was not responsive. And by all accounts, it seems that a lot of people both in government and with the teams have thought that Frank believes the current lease was not a good lease. So we're not even sure if he was truly in favor of extending the 3/8th tax with no changes at all.

Frank has become the face of that for sure, but to be fair he's also not expressed too many opinions other than what the teams are doing is bad. He has every right to do that, but my point was still that putting all the onus on the teams will open the door for other groups who want to be more proactive to come in and say "Here's another option, let's work together" and negotiate something different. Given Sherman's wife's comments on Facebook and the comments other people have made, including McDowell on that podcast, he's not entirely sure the Chiefs want to work with Frank White again, it seems to open the door for another group to come in with a more proactive strategy to try and work with the teams to negotiate a plan. You're seeing it now. Kansas is saying "We want the teams" and Frank White still can't even say "No we want them to stay here."
I still don't see a reasonable motive from Frank, just "nah, I don't like it", and then nothing? Like he is sending back cold soup at a diner? Seems outlandishly petty for such a big deal. There is more to the story.

And you lightly skipped over what Frank has said. The agreement is missing major details like total cost, where the money is coming from, default rules, etc. So Frank can either endorse a plan without major details and potentially be known as the guy that screwed the city into a bad contract that was even worse than P&L in magnitudes, or he can be the guy that lost the teams. If the teams are unwilling to divulge this info, I'm unsure what Frank can really do.
Meanwhile the teams don't have to work with the city on these details because there is going to be a city that won't care about the details and probably give the teams a lot more money.
The teams hold all the power here, either play by their requirements or else.

Last edited by vonBobo; 06-20-2024 at 06:03 AM..
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Old 06-20-2024, 06:00 AM   #2024
Rainbarrel Rainbarrel is offline
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Kansas politicians got their re-election campaigning in. Now it's Missouri's turn to churn up votes before November. Then we will be brought to gather with the dome across the Missouri River
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Old 06-20-2024, 06:10 AM   #2025
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Thats a great site imo
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